
What is something that is way more popular than it should be?

I keep seeing Beats by Dre headphones and I just don't get why so many people buy them. I keep hearing that they are generic $20 headphones in a nice $180 package.

9 years ago by gottlieb with 194 comments

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Conversation 12 comments by 5 users
  • charredbysin

    Doctor Who

    • Xeno

      Doctor Who is a hard sell, but it's now one of my favorite shows. The first season is hard to get through because of the crappy effects and goofiness, but it definitely grows on you... and the effects and stuff become better. I had to force myself to continue watching out of boredom, and I don't regret it at all.

      • spaceghoti

        Whenever I have a friend who isn't sure whether or not they want to start watching Doctor Who I give them a copy of Blink. Most of the time they're hooked right away.

      • charredbysin

        Aside from the crappy effects and the thin plot lines, it was the quality of the acting and the dialogue that was my biggest turn off.

        The early seasons of Stargate SG-1 have pretty terrible special effects, but it immediately gave you depth of story and emotional connections to the characters that made you want to keep watching. The same cannot be said of Doctor Who. I just don't buy 'it's an acquired taste' reasons for watching a show.

        • Xeno

          I found the characters and dialogue to be the redeeming aspect of Doctor Who in the first few episodes... it's why I kept watching; I thought the plots were interesting. The crappy effects were hard for me to swallow.

    • Arbitras

      I'll admit it. I used to like doctor who, right as it was getting semi-popular. But then, as it's popularity increased, I became disinterested, simply because the fans of doctor who. We watched senior year in English, (it was british literature, so british TV counts, too, right?) and it felt really weird and overly dramatic, and I wondered how I could even watch it.

      • charredbysin

        Interesting perspective. What was it that initially attracted you to the show?

    • anonycon

      I tried watching Dr. Who on netflix, and I was hoping it would be a fun watch. I watched two episodes with with the Ninth Doctor, and it just wasn't fun at all. Very disappointed, and haven't watched any more.

      • charredbysin

        Same story here. I expected I was going to like it, but I only made it through three episodes before I just couldn't force myself to watch anymore.

        • spaceghoti

          Skip ahead to the Tenth Doctor. David Tennant really stole our hearts, or at least those of my fiancee and I.

          • charredbysin

            This has been my struggle, other than not being connected enough to want to attempt doing this, I would hope that skipping ahead would spoil the story the writers are telling.

            Babylon 5 was a difficult first season to get through, but there was so much foreshadowing and introductions to major storylines and characters that it would be incredibly foolish to skip an entire season and hope to truly appreciate the depth of the show.

            • spaceghoti (edited 9 years ago)

              Most of the story arcs in Doctor Who, especially in the first series, are self-contained within the series. There's no overarching story where each series advances the meta storyline. If you skip the Ninth Doctor (with whom I was not overly impressed as he reminded me too much of Colin Baker in his portrayal) you'll miss some of the Bad Wolf references but it won't ruin the show.

              Tennant himself takes a few episodes before he really settles into character, but in my opinion it's worth the wait. I'm just sad he left the show as early as he did. He really brought life to the character that I haven't seen matched by any since Tom Baker.

Conversation 19 comments by 12 users
  • Sladix

    Selfie sticks, oh god, selfie sticks...

    • Sephtis

      Selfies in general...


      Rampant Narcissism.

      • skully

        OK, so there are lots of bad selfies. We can all agree to roll our eyes at the 15 year old girl who takes 20 a day.

        But for the rest of us? There's something special about a selfie, especially a group selfie. When you go on vacation or to some event you can show off a photo, and everyone who is involved in the photo is also in the photo. Think about how unique that is. Normally there is one person who has to be apart, to be separate from everyone else, for a photo to get taken. But a selfie removes that limitation, and lets everyone be part of the moment that will be preserved and remembered forever.

      • redalastor

        That's why I love the French name for it, egoportrait.

        • Sephtis

          Haha, that's amusing. I assume that's a direct translation?

          • redalastor (edited 9 years ago)

            It's not a translation, it's the French word for it.

            The translation is selfie. :-P

            Edit: Dictionnary page : http://www.granddictionnaire.com/ficheOqlf.aspx?Id_Fiche=26527058

            "Autoportrait photographique fait à bout de bras, la plupart du temps avec un téléphone intelligent, un appareil photo numérique ou une tablette, généralement dans le but de le publier sur un réseau social. "

            Translation :

            Photo selfportrait done at arm length, most of the time with a smartphone, a digital camera, or a tablet. Usually for the purpose of publishing on a social network.

            • Sephtis

              That is actually hilarious lol.

              Gj French language :D

      • Psychotropic

        I tried to do a selfie once. I got too embarrassed and took it down immediately. I really don't know how they do it.

      • oystein

        Duckfaces. Oh God.

      • bodaciouskeanu

        This isn't true for everyone (so no, holy rampant generalizations batman! haha) but for some people it's important for their self-esteem to be able to take pictures of themselves that they like. Personally, at a heavier weight body image and self-esteem is a fragile thing and until I got comfortable with taking selfies occasionally it was a lot harder to hold onto positive thinking. There are plenty of narcissists and duck faces out there in the mix too, but it's not all bad at the end of the day.

        • Sephtis

          I personally think it's unhealthy to care too much about what others think about me so I mostly shun things like selfies and mark them as pointless.

          But I guess to some it is useful.

          • bodaciouskeanu

            Yes logically it's ideal to not care what other people think but that's not how social anxiety and eating disorders tend to work. I just try to take the approach of let people do their own thing unless it harms others ✌

    • OnlySlightly

      I used to have this same sentiment until my gf got one. She always hated pictures of herself and hid from the camera every chamce she got. After looking at the photographs from a vacation it appeared like she wasn't there. After getting the selfie stick she loved taking pictures of herself. She was able to present herself in the best light possible. And us and all of our friends were able to be in the picture together instead of leaving one out to take the picture.

      • Sladix

        Once cameras had timer ^^ But well, it's cool if it helped your gf with her image/self esteem :)

        • indycorps

          A timer is not really helpful if you don't have a platform to put the camera on.

          • DirtyCommie

            Then you have to get creative and improvise.

    • sushmonster

      I don't own one but here's a defense for it: traveling alone makes selfie sticks seem quite desirable! Saves the trouble of bothering nearby people and you can have pics with the places you visited. I'm considering purchasing one honestly haha.

      • Sladix

        I like bothering people while I travel, it's part of the travel's charm for me I guess :p

    • anonycon

      My son started talking about taking selfies, with his tablet, and I told him he is not allowed to, because it is a sign of selfishness.

Conversation 13 comments by 6 users
  • TheDreamingMonk

    This comment has been removed

Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • xef6

    Justin Bieber.

    • Raycu

      Last time I checked Justin Bieber wasn't popular anymore.

      • redalastor

        He's very, very popular to hate.

        Which annoys me because without the haters, I'd never hear of the guy.

    • BucksinSixxx

      Maybe in 2010, but not 2015.

      • xef6

        Oh, I can finally come out of the cave then ;)

    • MrY

      yea like everyone else said, the hype died down a lot

Conversation 7 comments by 5 users
  • Odin

    Minions. They're overmarketed. I can't go a day without seeing a minion post on Facebook.

    • bodaciouskeanu

      I see your Minions and raise you a, why is there still frozen merchandise everywhere?

      • Qukatt

        Because there's a new frozen movie coming out and there was a short being shown with the cinderella one. They are trying keep the hype up for frozen 2

        • Teska

          But I looked it up and Frozen 2 won't be out until like 2017. (I have two girls ... the oldest HAD TO know when another was coming.)

          • Qukatt

            That's why they are trying to maintain interest

      • Odin

        Frozen at least had a pretty cool song :p

        • Matime

          Let it go man, nothing's wrong with the minions! In all seriousness though, my mom LOVES these things and I have no idea why. I got here a minion birthday card and she was ecstatic about it. We went to see the minion movie a couple days ago for her birthday. I think they make good supporting characters but I don't think that they should be their own main characters, especially if you cant tell the choochers apart.

Conversation 39 comments by 18 users
  • cunt

    Women who wear leggings as trousers

    Women who wear flat shoes

    Women who wear both

    It;s not sexy, its not cool

    • Xeno

      Since heels are so practical and comfortable.

    • Kalysta

      Some of us can't walk in high heels you know.

      • Xeno

        Some of us also like practical attire and you know like... the ability to run if some weirdo tries to do weirdo weird things or if the apocalypse happens. Who wants to be caught in the apocalypse wearing heels?

    • Advanthera (edited 9 years ago)

      I find that to deem something unpopular because it isn't sexy is demeaning to women. Also to imply that women should wear shoes that can cause numerous health problems to feet, legs and backs* (not too mention can be uncomfortable and hard to walk in) because it's sexy sounds to me like you are saying our looks are more important than our health or comfort.

      You are allowed your opinion and, in fact, to an extent, I agree with you, leggings as trousers can sometimes be a bad choice. When I see people wearing them in professional situations I can't help but wonder why. However due to the poorly worded nature of your comment, and the implications it makes, I have down voted you. I thought you should know.


      edit: fixed a word

      • Cobbydaler

        The policy on Snapzu is that downvotes are not used to disagree with a poster's position, but as a moderation tool.

        • Advanthera

          The comment was sexist. I left the comment explaining why, giving them the benefit of the dobut in case they didn't realize the implications. Also giving the user the opportunity to address the unfortunate phrasing, at which point I would have more than happily removed the downvote. However, as the comment stands, I stand by my down vote. Discrimination is more than a simple disagreement.

    • sushmonster

      How about just women? We should all be eliminated, or at the very least stripped of basic human rights so we can join the ranks of house pets.

      • cunt

        I'd prefer the latter then at least I could still get "house pet" every once in a while

    • imnotgoats

      Aren't flat shoes just 'shoes'?

      I don't think everyone's goal is necessarily 'sexy' or 'cool'.

      • freespirit

        I think you meant "flats" rather than flat shoes in general. They look great but they do tend to stink. Also, I wear leggings as pants but only to the gym (if they are workout leggings) or if my shirt covers my bum.

      • cunt

        I don't like feet, if the women wore socks with them so you couldn't smell them half way to bombay it wouldn't be so much of a problem.

        • imnotgoats

          How's that related to the flatness of the shoe, though? You don't usually see people wearing socks with heals.

          • Xeno

            Right... heels themselves can be open, allowing themselves to have the "same problem" /u/cunt is describing.

        • Xeno

          What are you talking about? Men and women both where open-toed shoes...

    • picklefingers

      I've honestly never understood the point of heels.They are just a weird concept to me. Its hard for women to wear them and they just look odd. Are other guys into them?

    • bodaciouskeanu

      Had to wear heels for three days at a huge conference in chicago doing photography, so on my feet for like 12 hours each day. Lost feeling in three of toes on my left foot. I like flat shoes.

    • PeopleShelf

      I am totally okay with women who wear leggings as trousers. I am seriously okay with it.

      • Xeno

        Lol, are you also part of the yoga pants brigade?

    • MustardTiger

      I disagree. Women can do what they feel comfortable with.

    • dhpinkdh

      While you are entitled to an opinion, I can't help but feel like your opinion is solely based on looks. I highly doubt you have worn any of the clothing you are advocating against, and therefore do not understand how comfortable they are. I don't care about how sexy or cool I look when I'm dressing for comfort.

    • rosellem (edited 9 years ago)

      Sorry, but leggings as pants, or trousers across the pond, is the greatest thing to happen to this world. Comfortable for women, and great to look at for men.

      • cunt

        Not when most of them wear ones which don't fit and their bellies are hanging out over the waist or they have holes where their legs have rubbed together

        • spaceghoti

          Are you trying to look like a troll?

          • namlem

            His username is "cunt." He's obviously a troll.

            • spaceghoti

              Some trolls at least pretend they're not trolling. He's not very good at it.

          • cunt

            Wow, you describe what you see on a regular basis on a discussion site, on a thread for you know discussing stuff and suddenly you're a troll! What is the world coming to!

            • spaceghoti

              Incredibly offensive statements like yours tend to create the impression of trolling, yes.

            • cunt
              @spaceghoti -

              Or you know, take it for what it was, my answer to the title of a snap. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean they're "trolling".

            • spaceghoti
              @cunt -

              Hence my question. I don't accuse you of trolling because I disagree with you. I question whether or not you're trolling because of the offensive way you phrased your statement.

            • cunt
              @spaceghoti -

              It was descriptive and anonymous and not offensive

            • spaceghoti
              @cunt -

              It was a blatant attack against people with body styles that don't conform to a specific standard. It was disgusting and your eagerness to express it is what brings up the question of your trolling.

            • cunt
              @spaceghoti -

              The fact that the snap title is: "What is something that is way more popular than it should be?" - a title which implies its going to be full of things people don't like should have made it pretty obvious.


    • Qukatt

      You walk up windmill brae while drunk on cocktails in high heels and get back to me on your opinion on flat shoes.

      Fuck high heels.

      • cunt

        To be honest with you, last time I walked up windmill brae I had a pair of Doc Martens on after playing the pinball game of Moshulu, Liquid then Drum

        • Qukatt

          Did you go to the reunion on Sunday?

          Ewww liquid.

          • cunt

            No unfortunately I had to work, did you? How was it? /t/aberdeen - its not pretty, just like the city

            • Qukatt

              Nah I wasn't in the area that weekend. Gutted though

    • InfernoFire

      Flat shoes are good for people who have flat feet which is why i wear them. I care about my health more then being sexy.

  • 90boss

    Fucking Voat.

    • sushmonster

      People do that? cyberphilia?

    • imnotgoats

      Sounds uncomfortable.

    • Yindoom

      To be honest I agree with this so much. I was originally going to transition to voat, but after seeing the amount of Circlejerking, solely about how good Voat is, both on reddit and voat itself, I thought fuck that

    • MrY

      ohhh the burn

    • idlethreat

      haha. shots fired!

  • gabe2068

    Modern hip hop music. Now I am not talking about all modern hip hop music but come on guys, you know what I'm talking about. The songs that all talk about sex and money and drugs and nothing deeper than that. Modern hip hop has become one huge dick waving contest.

    • SevenTales

      Modern pop music as well, sadly.

      • Raycu

        I don't know, pop in the past hasn't been classy anyways. Just look at Michael Jackson's Billy Jean. A song about how he isn't the father in a sexual relationship.

        • Pockets69

          maybe he isn't we will never know xD

          But yeah we can't say pop was classy or something before, apart from a few genius, that would do great songs, it is and was mostly crap.

      • freespirit

        I think there's good and bad music in every genre from every year. We just feel our generation has more bad than good because we rarely continue to play previous generations' shitty music.

      • imnotgoats

        I agree on the whole, of course, but I think there are some exceptions. For instance, Sia is massive at the moment, and I would say she's charming and an excellent songwriter.

    • 90boss

      This. 99% of today's hip-hop is complete horseshit compared to what it was in late 90s and early 2000s.

    • BucksinSixxx

      Uhhh, hip hop has been a party genre since it's conception. Ice Ice Baby, Baby Got Back, Jump, are all void of lyrical content. Sex and drugs? Listen to Gin & Juice, It Was A Good Day, Hits from the Bong, Bitches Ain't Shit. FFS, an album considered to be one of the greatest is literally a drug reference "The Chronic"

      Is there a /t/lewronggeneration yet?

    • Hydrax

      Sad to see this though. I listened to lots of hip-hop as a kid, it's downfall has been painful to watch. Now it's not so much about the music and more about the money it can make. Originally, you needed to make good music to make money. But many record companies realized that they could make much more money by producing something catchy and make various other companies pay millions of dollars to be allowed to use songs in ads or be played in their stores.

    • imnotgoats

      I actually had a massive issue trying to find hip hop I liked. I love words more than anything, and really liked the form when I was younger but in pre-internet days, is was tough to find the music that wasn't about fronting or money, etc.. Gangsta was really big back then, but didn't really talk to me. I had several Jurassic 5 albums growing up, which is really good, but often pretty light (though tight) lyrically.

      Then, later I discovered Saul Williams and things changed. I went on to discover Sage Francis, Brother Ali, Doomtree (incl Dessa and Sims' solo stuff) and plenty of other poetic and engaging artists. It was a 'dig a little deeper' scenario for me, but at the time I didn't know where to start.

      It's weird when I see hip hop fans talking about their favourite Kanye or Lil' Wayne song, I just can't access it. Even Jay Z does nothing for me. It's not me being 'hipstery' or anything, I just need the lyrics to move me a little.

    • Sladix

      AYMIN LOVE WITH THE COCO :commit suicide:

    • capoti

      You might like Kendrick Lamar. His lyrics are solid.

    • darkbum

      It's not just the themes that are disappointing- I can chill out to Biggie rapping about how he shoots people 24/7- but the lyricism and technique in a lot of hiphop/pop is just awful.

      • Pockets69

        I think hip hop became is suffering from too much contamination from other genres like rnb and a bit of pop, i don't the style has changed so much all over the years, but again we are talking about hip hop, but there are still some underground and less known hip hop made that has the vibe and feeling from the early days, the problem is radio stations don't play it anymore.

      • imnotgoats

        It is really shocking how bad some rappers' flows are. Hope this works as a temporary pick-me-up. :)

    • NotBobBarker

      Yeah, I was hoping that OutKast would become the new ideal rather than Jay Z. Unfortunately crass consumerism is an easier sell than genre transcendence.

    • Chinky

      Any reason to post Chris Rock standup...


    • frohawk

      You just haven't heard the lyrical beauty of Fetty Wap's My Way. It's haunting melody will stay with you long after the song has ended.

  • rotaryphone


    • Hydrax

      I can see where you're coming from but I'm not sure I agree. Maybe it is right now but not so much the past few years.

    • wolfeater

      So edgy.

  • Raycu

    That's exactly why. If you look at the cost of marketing Beats by Dre, it shows a lot of dedication shown into putting the word out. After that happened, it could sell, because it was popular. It's like diamonds, and rolexes. Over priced because it worked for it some way or another. Although with diamonds, it's more the fact that certain companies have a monopoly.

    • SevenTales

      With diamonds, it's a monopoly.
      With Rolex, it's actually high quality mixed with reputation. Sadly, the same cannot be said of Beats.
      If you're willing to spend upward of 200 dollars for headphones, my personal recommendation is the Audio Technica ATH-M50X,which is to me, the best bang for your buck in the 200 to 400 dollars category by far.

  • Kalysta

    Twilight. Between the terrible writing, teenage angst, and absolute passivity of the protagonist, I can't believe people actually enjoyed reading those books. And the thought that girls today want a guy who ignores them while constantly threatening them with bodily harm truly sickens me.

    • theoddowl

      Oh God... I stayed up all night in 7th grade reading the first book while my best friend read the sequel. I'm honestly ashamed by how much I liked it then. But on the other hand, we used to have so much fun staying up at night and talking about the mythology behind the books, theorizing about the nature behind the vampires, werewolves, and shapeshifters. Sometimes I still think about it. The romance was terrible but the world had potential behind it.

    • Psychotropic

      Yes, but the attention span of teenage girls is so short, they've all but forgotten about Twilight. (Fortunately of course). I'd say Hunger Games or something now.

      • Raycu

        People forgot about the Hunger Games months ago.

      • Teska

        I'd forgotten until I' parked next to this Honda Rav4 with "Twilight Mom", "I drive like a Cullen", "Team Edward", and other such stickers on the back. There had to be like 10 of them. Surely they could've been removed, but it seems for some, Twilight will live on forever. Like a Cullen. sparkle

  • Raycu

    I feel like this thread has kind of devolved into a circle jerk of either Reddit, or something modern.

    • Boop

      I'm getting the feeling that while some tribes/posts will focus on discussion, others will focus on witty responses and circle jerking. I don't think it is a big deal though, that's just the nature of some communities.

      • spaceghoti

        I quite enjoy witty responses. They're quite entertaining in moderation, as long as they're not all you ever offer.

        • imnotgoats

          Yeah. 'Witty' is part of conversation. I think where it becomes bland when you're faced with a majority of attempts at being the 'clever' comment. Without the context of reasonable conversation, it's just a joke contest.

        • Boop

          Agreed! When on topic, they can lead to a discussion within a discussion.

          • spaceghoti

            Indeed. Sometimes I'll make a witty comment as a satirical observation on the topic (like how Snapzu is boring because who wants to learn things from civil conversation?) Trying to one-up everyone on snark is juvenile, but appropriately timed satire can make a point better than a straightforward argument.

  • Highplains

    Frozen. I mean, what kind of ocular narcotics are they pumping into the kids through that movie?

    On a (somewhat tangential) side note, I'd say that most of the popular (and usually slightly more expensive) consumer goods get away with continually giving less for more largely due to the pervasive science of marketing. Imagine that you have a field of psychology that for the past 150 years has put all of its efforts into streamlining the emotional manipulation to buy what you otherwise did not need or even necessarily want. Try living in a developing country for a year and then come back to an American grocery store. If you're anything like me, you'll spend an hour tortuously trying to decide what salad dressing to buy and ultimately be miserable with whatever you ended up choosing. The effect fades over time, but it's initially a powerful and unsettling contrast.

    • Qukatt

      I watched frozen and then tangled then brave. Tangeled was cooler Tha frozen and Brave blew them both away. How was Brave not far more popular than it was?!

      Frozen is fine though, I have boys who don't care about it after watching it the first time and I have had plenty sales in the Elsa and Anna hair hats division of my crochet patterns xD I always like an ip that gets me some beer (read: Rum) money. Minions too, I don't get the crazy popularity. I mean they are funny and stuff but waaaaaaaaay over used.

    • Gozzin

      Try living in a developing country for a year and then come back to an American grocery store

      This would make a really good Snapzu AMA. Would you do it?

  • ClarkKent

    In every generation there is going to be something that is way more popular than what it should be, look around your house, your office and yourself. You are caring about something that is more than likely way more popular than it should be.

    I love seeing people be passionate about something. Whether it be a popular movie because everyone else loves it or a popular book.

  • Lyzern

    Social networks rather than discussion forums.


    • Psychotropic

      Don't worry, you're not the only one with that bias :)

  • imnotgoats

    The Avengers franchise. I know this will probably be unpopular, but I just didn't find anything interesting about the films I have seen. I mean, they're not bad movies or anything, but aside from being a relatively faithful adaptation of the world in the comics, I don't see the appeal.

    • Xeno

      I agree, I've only seen the first one and it was nothing special.

      Actually to take it further, I think superhero movies in general are overrated. Don't get me wrong, I really liked some of the Batman movies, but the hype associated with these movies is awful and unwarranted. I'm also a big fan of X-Men.... but this cranking out of superhero movies needs to stop.

      • Gozzin

        I think superhero movies in general are overrated.

        I agree. A friend saw one and he was discussing them destroying NYC. I was baffled as to why he'd want to watch a movie that shows a bunch of comic book characters wrecking NYC.

        His response:"Well I wanted to see how they did it."

        Me, I don't care. I find that sort of thing about as interesting as watching paint dry. He's ever so excited about the up and coming Dead Pool I think it's called. But yeah,they crank a new one out every year and people just love them.

  • antaka

    Modern pop music and apple products.

  • Psychotropic

    I'm not a fan of Vine. I don't get it, it's just teenagers doing stupid shit in under 6 seconds.

    • Qukatt

      There's some crazy funny Japanese vines though. I might be alone but its very monty python style a lot of them :D

    • Psychotropic

      Also, while I'm still here, patterned leggings or tights. Blech.

  • DrunkOldMan

    Most movies made or (God forbid) re-made in the last maybe 5-10 years, very, very few being half watchable. (Course I'm an "old" fart!)

    • BucksinSixxx

      IMO we've had a lot of good film made, but the sequels and superhero movies are so played out. How many more times do I have to see something Avengers/Fantastic Four advertised while I'm trying to watch TV?

      • Qukatt

        Why are you still watching advert ridden tv? There's so many legal ways to get advert free viewing now!

        • BucksinSixxx

          Sports. Luckily Sling TV is cheap so I don't half to pay an arm and a leg for cable.

          • Qukatt

            Yeah over here sports packages are separate from normal TV but also free TV has sports too. I forgot about that cause I dont watch that sort of thing and tour de France is on freeview

  • MrBlik

    Beats are overpriced but I can definitely see why people buy them. Not just because it's a trendy item but because it looks far nicer than other headphones on the market, but that's just a personal opinion.

    • TheDreamingMonk (edited 9 years ago)

      This comment has been removed

  • Nerdeiro

    Redbull. Well, energy drinks in general. People, it's just sugar water with caffeine. Nothing else.

    All the other things they put there are either innocuous or non-essential (such as taurine, an organic acid produced by your pancreas). The only ingredient there of some consequence is caffeine, that you can get from a cup of coffee that costs a tenth what a can of Redbull goes for.

    And the coffee doesn't come with a diabetes inducing 28 grams of sugar per can.

    • hirschsprung

      Whenever I drink Red Bull, or other energy drinks, it's for the flavour. I absolutely love it, and I wish I could get it outside the realm of energy drinks.

      • dh0271

        I like Monsters but for me coffee barely cuts it for me caffeine wise, the taste is good too! I did try the zero calorie/ zero sugar Monster and I probably would have fully enjoyed it if the flavor wasn't different.

      • freespirit

        I agree. I'm aware that I could easily take a caffeine pill or down a cup of black coffee but I much prefer the taste of an energy drink. Plus I get sugar-free Red Bull.

  • Xeno

    1. Nutella

    2. White shoes. Hate it when people get white shoes and then freak out to no end about getting them dirty by you accidentally stepping on them or whatever. If you're a little beetch don't buy white shoes.

    3. Windows (I know, can of worms). I'm partial to Macs for reasons of convenience, but if anything I think people should be using Linux.

    • PeopleShelf

      I am okay with number 2 and 3. But number 1...come on...it's nutella and it's fucking delicious! So much so that I even buy the generic brands. Now I am going to make myself a nutella sandwich.

      • Xeno

        It tastes good, I just think it is overrated. Especially after eating it for awhile....

        • PeopleShelf

          I think that just like bottled water, nutella and all of it's deliciousness will stay.

      • Highplains

        Nutella and peanut butter sandwiches really are wonderful. But don't pack that sandwich to go. I think the combo chemically reacts to cure into something vaguely resembling rubber cement.

  • ToixStory

    I generally don't really care about most stuff that is "popular" because who am I to judge, but if there was one thing that is actively harmful for being popular, it'd be Fifty Shades of Grey. Completely inaccurate and harmful views of BDSM, outright sexist views of women (written by a woman, no less) and their relationships with men, and overall preaching harmful views of sex and relationships. It's a problem because Fifty Shades is easily the most-read BDSM book ever, making it dangerous for it to preach unhealthy habits to such a massive audience, to the point it could very well lead to abused women believing their partner is doing it out of love or that they should just take it rather than attempt to get out of an abusive relationship.

  • LoboPreto

    League of Legends. I don't understand why it's so big. The gameplay to me seems incredibly boring and the community is just straight up toxic.

    • racerxonclar

      Partially what /u/Dernhelm said, partially the classic internet mob mentality. What ever game is the most popular of it's genre, gets a chunk of players purely because "everyone else is playing it". It's the thing that kept WoW on top for so many years.

    • Dernhelm

      I think that many people have invested in the game 100s if not 1000s of dollars and are to ingrained to leave. They play more out of necessity then out of want to play. Just one opinion