  • charredbysin

    Same story here. I expected I was going to like it, but I only made it through three episodes before I just couldn't force myself to watch anymore.

    • spaceghoti

      Skip ahead to the Tenth Doctor. David Tennant really stole our hearts, or at least those of my fiancee and I.

      • charredbysin

        This has been my struggle, other than not being connected enough to want to attempt doing this, I would hope that skipping ahead would spoil the story the writers are telling.

        Babylon 5 was a difficult first season to get through, but there was so much foreshadowing and introductions to major storylines and characters that it would be incredibly foolish to skip an entire season and hope to truly appreciate the depth of the show.

        • spaceghoti (edited 9 years ago)

          Most of the story arcs in Doctor Who, especially in the first series, are self-contained within the series. There's no overarching story where each series advances the meta storyline. If you skip the Ninth Doctor (with whom I was not overly impressed as he reminded me too much of Colin Baker in his portrayal) you'll miss some of the Bad Wolf references but it won't ruin the show.

          Tennant himself takes a few episodes before he really settles into character, but in my opinion it's worth the wait. I'm just sad he left the show as early as he did. He really brought life to the character that I haven't seen matched by any since Tom Baker.