  • rosellem (edited 9 years ago)

    Sorry, but leggings as pants, or trousers across the pond, is the greatest thing to happen to this world. Comfortable for women, and great to look at for men.

    • cunt

      Not when most of them wear ones which don't fit and their bellies are hanging out over the waist or they have holes where their legs have rubbed together

      • spaceghoti

        Are you trying to look like a troll?

        • namlem

          His username is "cunt." He's obviously a troll.

          • spaceghoti

            Some trolls at least pretend they're not trolling. He's not very good at it.

        • cunt

          Wow, you describe what you see on a regular basis on a discussion site, on a thread for you know discussing stuff and suddenly you're a troll! What is the world coming to!

          • spaceghoti

            Incredibly offensive statements like yours tend to create the impression of trolling, yes.

          • cunt
            @spaceghoti -

            Or you know, take it for what it was, my answer to the title of a snap. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean they're "trolling".

          • spaceghoti
            @cunt -

            Hence my question. I don't accuse you of trolling because I disagree with you. I question whether or not you're trolling because of the offensive way you phrased your statement.

          • cunt
            @spaceghoti -

            It was descriptive and anonymous and not offensive

          • spaceghoti
            @cunt -

            It was a blatant attack against people with body styles that don't conform to a specific standard. It was disgusting and your eagerness to express it is what brings up the question of your trolling.

          • cunt
            @spaceghoti -

            The fact that the snap title is: "What is something that is way more popular than it should be?" - a title which implies its going to be full of things people don't like should have made it pretty obvious.
