  • bodaciouskeanu

    This isn't true for everyone (so no, holy rampant generalizations batman! haha) but for some people it's important for their self-esteem to be able to take pictures of themselves that they like. Personally, at a heavier weight body image and self-esteem is a fragile thing and until I got comfortable with taking selfies occasionally it was a lot harder to hold onto positive thinking. There are plenty of narcissists and duck faces out there in the mix too, but it's not all bad at the end of the day.

    • Sephtis

      I personally think it's unhealthy to care too much about what others think about me so I mostly shun things like selfies and mark them as pointless.

      But I guess to some it is useful.

      • bodaciouskeanu

        Yes logically it's ideal to not care what other people think but that's not how social anxiety and eating disorders tend to work. I just try to take the approach of let people do their own thing unless it harms others ✌