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7 years agoText Post spaceghoti
Thank you all
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7 years agoText Post spaceghoti
Thank you all
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7 years agoAnalysis spaceghoti
White evangelicals voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump, exit polls show
Exit polls show white evangelical voters voted in high numbers for Donald Trump, 81-16 percent, according to exit poll results. That’s the most they have voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 2004, when they overwhelmingly chose President George W. Bush by a margin of 78-21 percent. Their support for Trump will likely be seen as part of the reason the GOP candidate performed unexpectedly well in Tuesday’s election, according to Five Thirty Eight.
7 years agoCurrent Event spaceghoti
Battling ISIS with a bulletproof BMW
Peshmerga fighter Ako Abdulrahman saved 70 people from ISIS snipers in Kirkuk by driving them to safety in his bulletproof BMW.
7 years agoCurrent Event spaceghoti
The Political Twitter Bots Will Rage This Election Day
All this bot activity could be changing your perception of the election. And that’s the point. This is a propaganda war. It’s being fought with hyperpartisan Facebook posts, Macedonia-run political news websites and, yes, fake Twitter bots. And today, the bots fight their most important battle yet.
7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
After angering both candidates, here's what could happen to FBI director James Comey post-election
In the span of just 10 days, FBI Director James B. Comey managed to irk his current boss, upset two potential future ones, enrage congressional overseers in both political parties and spark a national debate about the bureau’s politicization.
7 years ago
I'd believe Wikileaks was operating with the intention to serve the public except for a few niggling matters:
1. They had this information months before but carefully timed the releases in such a way to do maximum damage not to a specific candidate (whom they could have damaged before the nomination was settled) but to a specific party.
2. They did not visibly work toward exposing corruption in both major parties. They just shrugged and said because no one had tried hacking the RNC it wasn't their problem.
3. What they did release was overhyped but ultimately very weak tea. The most common comparison was with sausage: you don't want to watch it being made, but that doesn't make it bad.
4. Assange admitted to having information on Trump but claimed he didn't release it because nothing was worse than what Trump was saying to the media. He didn't even give us the opportunity to decide that for ourselves.
All of that strongly suggests to me they weren't operating on high-minded ideals, they were looking to influence the general election.
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7 years ago
Agreed. I've seen polls suggesting it has less than 30% support. I voted for it, but I don't expect to cast the deciding vote.
7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
Obama's Plan to Destroy America Has Failed Miserably
Barack Obama will be president for only two more months, and any judgment of his presidency will have to account for all he failed to accomplish. Consider this partial list of things Obama was supposed to do but never did:
7 years agoAchievement spaceghoti
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Have 10/10 snaps reach the maximum grid size on the front page grid view! Congratulations spaceghoti on this achievement!
+35025 XP -
7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
California’s ballot initiative to control drug prices has the pharma industry terrified
One of the election season’s most fiercely fought campaigns is over a California ballot initiative that promises to control drug prices, but would affect only a fraction of the state. Yet it’s making the drug industry very nervous.
7 years agoComment spaceghoti
My condolences to the Brits who have to put up with this hack.
Posted in: The closing of the liberal mind
7 years ago
Probably the same reason they also downvoted my other submission at the same time. I'm going to chalk it up to sour grapes.
7 years agoCurrent Event spaceghoti
The North Carolina GOP just bragged about how few black people were able to vote early
The party sent a press release to reporters on Sunday trumpeting the fact that fewer black voters cast early ballots this year than they did in 2012. "African American Early Voting is down 8.5% from this time in 2012," the release read. "As a share of Early Voters, African Americans are down 6.0%." The statement also cheered the rise in white voters as compared to 2012. "The once dynamic Obama Coalition [is] crumbling and tired," said Robing Hayes, the North Carolin...
7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
Inside Donald Trump’s Last Stand: An Anxious Nominee Seeks Assurance
*Submitter's Note: view this site in Privacy/Incognito mode.* In the final days of the presidential campaign, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is a jarring split screen: the choreographed show of calm and confidence orchestrated by his staff, and the neediness and vulnerability of a once-boastful candidate now uncertain of victory.
7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
Donald Trump’s success reveals a frightening weakness in American democracy
Trump found a flaw in our political system, and we have no way to fix it.
7 years agoReview spaceghoti
Fact-checking the ‘final arguments’ of Trump and Clinton
Here's a guide to 29 of the fishy claims being made by Trump and Clinton as they barnstorm the country for votes in the campaign's waning days
7 years agoRelated Link spaceghoti
A New Type of Atomic Bond Has Been Discovered
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7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
There Is No Ghost In The Brain
As long as the nature of consciousness will remain a mystery, we will be in the grip of anxiety. And that is because we are, all of us, haunted by that uniquely human question: what awaits us after death? Although the vast majority of Americans believe in some sort of afterlife, such beliefs are starkly at odds with what neuroscientists know, which is that consciousness is created by the brain and dies with the brain.
7 years agoRelated Link spaceghoti
What 33,000 pages of leaked emails teach us about Hillary Clinton
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7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
Why Russia is backing Donald Trump
In phone calls, meetings and cables, America’s European allies have expressed alarm to one another about Donald Trump’s public statements denying Moscow’s role in cyberattacks designed to interfere with the U.S. election. They fear the Republican nominee for president has emboldened the Kremlin in its unprecedented cybercampaign to disrupt elections in multiple countries in hopes of weakening Western alliances, according to intelligence, law enforcement and other government officials in th...
7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
Why Putin fears a Hillary Clinton White House
How the Democratic nominee plans to use America’s energy boom to weaken Russia.
7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
Chatter grows that Ryan could step down
Four House Republicans, including a senior lawmaker close to leadership, told The Hill they expect Ryan to step down after Tuesday’s election, arguing that he faces a daunting path to the 218 votes he needs to win a full two-year term leading the House GOP. Aides to the Wisconsin Republican insist he isn’t going anywhere and say he’s completely focused right now on protecting the GOP’s historic majority in the lower chamber.
7 years agoExpression spaceghoti
The Perfect Presidential Stump Speech
We asked former Republican speechwriter Barton Swaim and Democratic speechwriter Jeffrey Nussbaum to write a totally pandering bipartisan stump speech for an imaginary presidential candidate — one who espouses only positions that a majority of voters agree with. Here’s the speech they wrote, including notes to explain their phrasing, behind-the-scenes tips on appealing to voters and the data they used to decide which positions to take.
7 years agoCurrent Event spaceghoti
No, you can’t text your vote. But these fake ads tell Clinton supporters to do just that.
First things first: There is no such thing as voting by text message. Period. If you want to cast a ballot, you can vote at your polling station or vote absentee. That’s it. But ads circulated on Twitter recently would have you believe otherwise.