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  • 8 years ago
    Achievement gabe2068

    Rock Star

    Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations gabe2068 on this achievement!

    +2210 XP
  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    Theres a lot of sects of satanism that involve self dedication to satan and stuff like that which involves using your blood.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    I feel like it would of been more realistic and more mature than the happy ever after.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068
  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    Oh sure, I'm surprised you asked this because most people seem to think its rude to ask for some reason. I don't feel un comfortable talking about it at all. I'm 14, so in retrospect telling myself that would probably not be to useful but the point remains, if I could go back in time to more like 7 or 8 years. Wall of text incoming. It started in 6th grade. I live in Texas and I was raised southern Baptist. Dancing and singing and thrashing around crazily type Baptist. One day in my Social Studies class we were studying religions, namely Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. The teacher was asking what religion we all were seeing as I live in Houston so the place is quite diverse. We get to me and I say Christian of course, and she asks what I believe. I honestly didn't have an answer for this. I did not have any beliefs of my own. I had no idea why I was a Christian. That's when I started to question my beliefs. I was one of those kids who was exposed to the internet at a super early age, I got my first ipod when I was 8 or so. I found some stuff on Atheism and Richard Dawkins and the like. I found this youtube channel called cultofdusty or something like that. It was this really hardcore atheist that is really hateful and rude. I was really super impressionable so I basically turned into him. I was mad at the world. I was mad that I was raised without any considering for my own beliefs. To this day I don't think that hate was un called for but I took it to an extreme. I started telling everyone I was an atheist and that god didn't exist. I discovered the Atheist kingdom or some shit like that, forget what its called. It was a forum to argue with Christians. I did this during a huge portion of my 6th grade summer. I then started looking up magic and stuff like that. I don't really know why but that's what I decided to do. I started looking up spells and stuff to do and I did them. I was never super into it or anything but I was telling everyone I was wiccan now and that I believe in magic which, lets be honest, sounds crazy to non wiccan people. I started doing a lot of spells and my parents never managed to find out about anything like this that I know of. This went on until the Christmas of 7th grade I think. I then made an attempt to come back to the church, I never did but I started to go to church and classes and such. I never really go into it again, southern baptism is really fucking annoying. It sounds harsh but if you've ever been to a southern Baptist church you would know how weird of a mix of boring and off the walls crazy these services are. After this phase that lasted for a couple of weeks I became a Hellenistic polytheist. Which is the worship of the old greek gods. I did actually get into this religion pretty deep. I tought myself greek and started doing tons of rituals. I told this to a select few people I know who wouldn't tell many people because I really did not want to be that kid who believes in myths. Then came the Satanism. I read the satanic bible which I really thought was intelligent. I still think it has a few good points but it is mostly fueled by the anger of a dead guy. I started reading a lot of stuff and I actually started becoming a theistic Satanist. I prayed to satan and a lot of stuff like that. I eventually got scared off by the dedication of your soul to satan which usually required cutting yourself and shit. I was really not into that. I then became agnostic throughout most of my 8th grade ye...

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    Whats a quad?

  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    I don't remember what season I left but it was right around the heroin thing and it was a good idea at first and they executed it very well but it really started getting repetitive. She sells some weed, gets in some trouble, someone tries to fix it.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    I'm 14 so I am positive this won't be the most amazing thing I ever see but growing up in Houston, I had never really seen the stars. I mean obviously you can always see a few but never many. I would compare it to seeing a couple of grains of sand strewn across black paper. One day my dad and my mom drove out to some remote part of the outskirts of Houston. Very little light pollution. I was in awe at how many stars there actually was. How vast the universe is. It reminded me of how little of a portion of this whole process I am. I mean nothing to the universe. I stared in awe wondering if there was more intelligent life out there, would one of them be doing something similar to me right now? Looking up at the stars and wondering about the universe? I rode home in the back of the truck, even though it is illegal, staring upwards. It was a surreal experience that I experienced alone, which I am thankful for.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    Don't be so quick to label yourself. I went from Christian to atheist to wiccan to Satanist to Agnostic and now I am converting to Catholicism

  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    I hate shaky cam with a deep seeded passion. Its just like a really quiet scene and then, LOUD NOISE violent shaking and blurred figures

  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    Don't understand the amount of butthurt from Mozilla. I don't see why people think that Firefox automatically setting itself to default is okay in the first place.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    I think that heights are very romantic, they have a certain peace to them.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    People are against it for some reason that I don't understand but I think that people should only be able to have 1 kid. For twins and triplets they would be able to keep all of them for obvious reasons.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    I've run windows 8 since release and 8.1 since release and I spend almost no time in those menus? I just don't understand how it is that big of a hassle. You literally click one button and you are on the desktop and don't have to worry about it at all.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    Wake up, wait until my blurry vision goes away, check the news, piss, and snapzu for the rest of the day(highschool student).

  • 9 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    I don't feel like I am scared but more nervous than anything. I am a catholic so I believe we go to purgatory which is seriously not going to be a fun place.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up gabe2068

    Level 8

    gabe2068 is now level 8 with 31,095 XP.

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    • Tribe Creation The maximum amount of tribes you can create has been raised by 2 to a total of 7.
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment gabe2068
  • 9 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    They have a manual installer. You can just run it and it will install windows 10. If you do this at the start it will take like 15 or 20 min to load, no one told me that and I got really frustrated lol.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    Why do you say 'tolerable'? That implies that you wouldn't be able to use it without that? I've never understood that because windows 8 is not the worst windows to come out and it isn't hard to use at all. I'm glad stuff has been changing around in it and not stayed exactly the same as it had been for 10 years, that would be boring.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    I've been using windows 10 for about 5 or 6 hours and I love it. Better than any of the windows, except xp in my opinion. It is really intuitive and the browser is actually usable, and looks really nice. Cortana is actually useful too!

  • 9 years ago
    Comment gabe2068

    Come back to life after getting shocked with a defibrillator. They fix irregular heart beats they don't bring people back to life.