Conversation 39 comments by 18 users
  • cunt

    Women who wear leggings as trousers

    Women who wear flat shoes

    Women who wear both

    It;s not sexy, its not cool

    • Xeno

      Since heels are so practical and comfortable.

    • Kalysta

      Some of us can't walk in high heels you know.

      • Xeno

        Some of us also like practical attire and you know like... the ability to run if some weirdo tries to do weirdo weird things or if the apocalypse happens. Who wants to be caught in the apocalypse wearing heels?

    • Advanthera (edited 9 years ago)

      I find that to deem something unpopular because it isn't sexy is demeaning to women. Also to imply that women should wear shoes that can cause numerous health problems to feet, legs and backs* (not too mention can be uncomfortable and hard to walk in) because it's sexy sounds to me like you are saying our looks are more important than our health or comfort.

      You are allowed your opinion and, in fact, to an extent, I agree with you, leggings as trousers can sometimes be a bad choice. When I see people wearing them in professional situations I can't help but wonder why. However due to the poorly worded nature of your comment, and the implications it makes, I have down voted you. I thought you should know.


      edit: fixed a word

      • Cobbydaler

        The policy on Snapzu is that downvotes are not used to disagree with a poster's position, but as a moderation tool.

        • Advanthera

          The comment was sexist. I left the comment explaining why, giving them the benefit of the dobut in case they didn't realize the implications. Also giving the user the opportunity to address the unfortunate phrasing, at which point I would have more than happily removed the downvote. However, as the comment stands, I stand by my down vote. Discrimination is more than a simple disagreement.

    • sushmonster

      How about just women? We should all be eliminated, or at the very least stripped of basic human rights so we can join the ranks of house pets.

      • cunt

        I'd prefer the latter then at least I could still get "house pet" every once in a while

    • imnotgoats

      Aren't flat shoes just 'shoes'?

      I don't think everyone's goal is necessarily 'sexy' or 'cool'.

      • freespirit

        I think you meant "flats" rather than flat shoes in general. They look great but they do tend to stink. Also, I wear leggings as pants but only to the gym (if they are workout leggings) or if my shirt covers my bum.

      • cunt

        I don't like feet, if the women wore socks with them so you couldn't smell them half way to bombay it wouldn't be so much of a problem.

        • imnotgoats

          How's that related to the flatness of the shoe, though? You don't usually see people wearing socks with heals.

          • Xeno

            Right... heels themselves can be open, allowing themselves to have the "same problem" /u/cunt is describing.

        • Xeno

          What are you talking about? Men and women both where open-toed shoes...

    • picklefingers

      I've honestly never understood the point of heels.They are just a weird concept to me. Its hard for women to wear them and they just look odd. Are other guys into them?

    • bodaciouskeanu

      Had to wear heels for three days at a huge conference in chicago doing photography, so on my feet for like 12 hours each day. Lost feeling in three of toes on my left foot. I like flat shoes.

    • PeopleShelf

      I am totally okay with women who wear leggings as trousers. I am seriously okay with it.

      • Xeno

        Lol, are you also part of the yoga pants brigade?

    • MustardTiger

      I disagree. Women can do what they feel comfortable with.

    • dhpinkdh

      While you are entitled to an opinion, I can't help but feel like your opinion is solely based on looks. I highly doubt you have worn any of the clothing you are advocating against, and therefore do not understand how comfortable they are. I don't care about how sexy or cool I look when I'm dressing for comfort.

    • rosellem (edited 9 years ago)

      Sorry, but leggings as pants, or trousers across the pond, is the greatest thing to happen to this world. Comfortable for women, and great to look at for men.

      • cunt

        Not when most of them wear ones which don't fit and their bellies are hanging out over the waist or they have holes where their legs have rubbed together

        • spaceghoti

          Are you trying to look like a troll?

          • namlem

            His username is "cunt." He's obviously a troll.

            • spaceghoti

              Some trolls at least pretend they're not trolling. He's not very good at it.

          • cunt

            Wow, you describe what you see on a regular basis on a discussion site, on a thread for you know discussing stuff and suddenly you're a troll! What is the world coming to!

            • spaceghoti

              Incredibly offensive statements like yours tend to create the impression of trolling, yes.

            • cunt
              @spaceghoti -

              Or you know, take it for what it was, my answer to the title of a snap. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean they're "trolling".

            • spaceghoti
              @cunt -

              Hence my question. I don't accuse you of trolling because I disagree with you. I question whether or not you're trolling because of the offensive way you phrased your statement.

            • cunt
              @spaceghoti -

              It was descriptive and anonymous and not offensive

            • spaceghoti
              @cunt -

              It was a blatant attack against people with body styles that don't conform to a specific standard. It was disgusting and your eagerness to express it is what brings up the question of your trolling.

            • cunt
              @spaceghoti -

              The fact that the snap title is: "What is something that is way more popular than it should be?" - a title which implies its going to be full of things people don't like should have made it pretty obvious.


    • Qukatt

      You walk up windmill brae while drunk on cocktails in high heels and get back to me on your opinion on flat shoes.

      Fuck high heels.

      • cunt

        To be honest with you, last time I walked up windmill brae I had a pair of Doc Martens on after playing the pinball game of Moshulu, Liquid then Drum

        • Qukatt

          Did you go to the reunion on Sunday?

          Ewww liquid.

          • cunt

            No unfortunately I had to work, did you? How was it? /t/aberdeen - its not pretty, just like the city

            • Qukatt

              Nah I wasn't in the area that weekend. Gutted though

    • InfernoFire

      Flat shoes are good for people who have flat feet which is why i wear them. I care about my health more then being sexy.