
AdelleChattre 50

“I believe in optimism and lots of white paint.” — Summer Glau

50 99.5% 12,844 3,402 181,102 92
Appaloosa 50

"Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." - Mark Twain

50 99.5% 3,759 4,175 105,358 77
drunkenninja 50

Technology, Futurism and Science enthusiast from Vancouver, B.C

50 99.4% 6,463 9,475 275,548 86
Gozzin 50

If you're adblocking you're missing out on some of the most annoying things the internet has to offer!

50 99.5% 1,806 10,127 36,676 67
50 99.5% 5,604 2,942 66,324 91
50 99.5% 6,199 569 100,457 74
48 99.4% 3,167 1,323 54,136 69
48 99.4% 2,952 1,386 112,978 85
46 99.4% 2,808 709 46,280 63
Maternitus 46

Under the radar alchemyst.

46 99.3% 1,201 1,386 41,444 63
mtnrg 44

Sorcerer and Scientist Supreme of Marvel, COO of WWE, King which sits the Seastone Chair of Game of Thrones

44 98.5% 2,864 177 39,751 71
44 99.4% 1,329 2,011 21,542 67
42 99.1% 1,765 544 36,389 60
39 99.3% 1,502 183 27,457 55
36 98.4% 1,066 282 25,304 52
35 97.7% 828 714 7,280 49
32 97.1% 752 263 6,720 43
31 97.9% 182 68 7,610 37
30 86.0% 127 237 1,425 38
29 92.9% 338 638 2,143 37
Bastou 28

Father, polyglot, movie and history buff, computer scientist; in that order

28 87.6% 131 541 3,580 39
28 89.3% 301 657 3,185 46
26 85.8% 185 455 1,468 44
23 83.6% 27 611 1,107 27
22 84.8% 130 240 1,521 39
LacquerCritic 21

Slowly figuring out how to website

21 83.8% 93 281 1,532 33
20 81.0% 50 197 789 33
15 75.8% 4 150 937 18
15 75.0% 8 191 565 18
13 84.3% 6 6 293 10