- 9 years ago Sticky: READ FIRST - Welcome to /t/unixporn! (Rules & FAQ)
- 9 years ago Sticky: [MOD] As my first act as a Snapzu mod, I'm declaring that hardware posts are allowed again.
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-2 +1
Think Of The Possibilities!
+5 +3
Dark themed KDE Desktop
Nothing too exciting here.
[Discussion] What would you want to see out of a Snapzu UnixPorn?
+9 +4
CWM on arch linux
+9 +6
Desktop Debian Sid
DE: Gnome 3.16.2 GTK Theme: Paper Icons: Flattr Shell Theme: Paper
+13 +10
[i3-gaps] Work in progress!
I'm getting more and more hooked on i3, and the general ricing process. Can't stop thinking of new stuff to add to my configs...