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All extreme weather events past and present from around the world.
Tribe: Science
Everything about tech, if its not tech, its not for here. Simple!
Come hang out with nature lovers like your self! We welcome all types of posts!
We make the world we live in and shape our own environment.
An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.
Tribe dedicated to man's best friend
Planet Earth
ar•chæ•ol•o•gy (ärˌkē-ŏlˈə-jē) noun 1. the scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples...
A place to discuss climate change and its impact on our world
Welcome to the official tribe for the Snapzu Blog Enhancement Suite! This is a place for striving...
Today's forecast: Awesome
All about trees.
No individual rules set for this tribe at this time. Please follow the standard Snapzu rules and...
This tribe is dedicated to reclaiming long forgotten tribes or tribes that have an inactive...
Global Warming
A home for strategy and simulation gaming opinions, guides, and news. Also welcome is any modding...
Ear worms, those songs that you can't get out of your head.
Useful Advices for College Students
Leonardo DiCaprio could win the Best Actor Oscar and be so elated on stage that he announces...