CrookedTale's feed

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    I know they have been slowly trying to promote their product as "specialty" doughnuts and charging more for it. But to go from Krispy Kreme fried doughnuts to Krispy Kreme "foodie specialty designer doughnuts" is a huge risk at this point. It is so early, imo, after purchase. Plus dropping older promotions that people were aware of at the last second will drive some people away. Now in the case of their ITLAPD promotion they could have adjusted the giveaway and still had the larger crowds. ITLAPD crowds crowds keep them busy all day because families love it. So maybe promote 1 free doughnut for every pirate or child and then sell the special.pirate themed doughnuts in 12 and 6 packs at a decent price. I think most people would be ok with that. There are many different ways they could have handled this rather than pulling the promotion all together. Now another company can jump in if they want the crowd, Long John Silvers went from free fish to free deep fried Twinkies and I noticed Chic Fil A is running a free "Gold" chicken nuggets both new developments in this market that could work out for them.

    Edit spelling.

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  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    Ummm... yeah definetly no doughnuts for me .. too mich surgar and oil... so yeah

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    I know!!! Us Pirates are not taking this lying down! I have been attacking them through twitter for the last couple of days. They told me I should download thier app???? Like that's fun. I did go today, full dress of course, to the local Krispy Kreme and it was empty. No more pirates.

  • 7 years ago
    Current Event CrookedTale

    Krispy Kreme Cancels Talk Like A Pirate Day 2017 Free Doughnut Day

    Don’t expect to get a free doughnut from Krispy Kreme on Talk Like a Pirate Day this year.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    Yes. Last week was not to bad for them. They still had some rolling power outages but nothing to severe.

    Posted in: Florida Rescue

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    Actually got a hold of them late this morning. They are alive and there power is back. By the time Irma got to their area it was only a cat 1 (only /s) they have a few limbs down but are unsure about damage in the town and surrounding area because they are staying inside. It was a miracle (for me at least) that Irma slowed down as much as it did.

    Posted in: Florida Rescue

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    The Clinton name is damaged enough that any thoughts of a presidency is out. That was a problem when Hillary ran in the last election but the DNC ignored it. Unless there is some major rebranding of the Clinton name.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    Thank You!

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    I local emergency services will be thin during and directly after the hurricane passes. But it is there best chance if something goes wrong. My in-laws have the emergency numbers now and the city knows they are down there so hopefully they can check on them.

    Posted in: Florida Rescue

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    I decided not to go. The local government (city) does not want anyone coming in. I called down and they will check on them but.... there will be very few emergency services available so I do not see the city having the time to check on every fool who decided to stay. They are now right in the path and it should be a cat 3 in there area when it gets there, unless there is a miracle. Today they said they have enough supplies but I question that. All we can do know is wait. I have a bag ready to go but, I am in the path (it will be a storm by the time it hits here) along with the whole route I would take down there to get to them.

    Posted in: Florida Rescue

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    So as of yesterday they are still going to ride it out and they is no way I will be able to get down there. So we will see what happens.

    Posted in: Florida Rescue

  • 7 years ago
    Video/Audio CrookedTale

    The HEAVY "Short change hero" (2009)

    And what matters ain't the 'Who's baddest', but the Ones who stop you fallin' from your ladder, 'cause

  • 7 years ago
    Text Post CrookedTale

    Florida Rescue

    8 comments in posted into

  • 7 years ago
    Video/Audio CrookedTale

    Bonnie Tyler - It's A Heartache (VIDEO) (Best Quality!)

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    I fully expect to wake up one morning and read "Mueller Enlists the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the Trump - Russia Investigation." His team just keeps getting bigger, but I suppose that just means he is digging deeper.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    For some maybe family is important. I ended up telling most of mine off and disowning them. Me son, wife, mum and a few of the stranger ones like me is all I talk to now. They others make my blood boil and that is one thing I do not need right now. If your family is good to you and yours then keep em, if they try to scuttle ya throw them over the side.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    No coments on this? Wow, I would be thinking that this be an easy answer either way. Oh course in my own mind I have to say family before society, but I think I am fooling myself a bit. Society has not always treated me well, for many years, alas decades, I did not fit. In my mind family was always closest. But then I died, or almost again, and family seemed strange. I have been a castaway of sorts with family. The black sheep, or flag, so to say. I have known this to be true for some time. The one who leads the family, so he calls himself, reveled in my leaving. Blood on itself is just blood, water is just water. What does family fear in me? The fact that it has been twice now that death has come. Is it my insistence that the rulers of this family are not in the right? I am not a good man or a just man. My failures are my own and I hold them true to my heart. Perhaps in this day and age society is more accepting. It has changed so much. Well this is not an easy answer at all. Perhaps it is a trick question you posted? A trap perhaps?

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  • 7 years ago
    Text Post CrookedTale

    For your...

    1 comments in posted into

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    Rum! lots of knowing in rum. Tis the death of me and I misses it. Man, known to man, the ever lasting reboot of this world. The only thing for certain be that as long as there is water, there be pirates. Strong and true, we die, we live, we are weak and strong, but always there in some sort. If ye be thinking that man is but in it's youth, than I have to say that it may be true, but what is beyond is for adventurers to find, if you want to know you must explore. No use waiting for others to discern what is real and what is not, that is for your mind alone. Belch.

    Posted in: Known to man.

  • 7 years ago
    Video/Audio CrookedTale

    Van Morrison - Into The Mystic

    When that foghorn blows, I will be coming home.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    Had a few problems last week and I feel like I have only been sleeping. The cut they made at the femoral started to look weird and complicated. I still have to work on my "Aggravation" in life. It will be a long road to change.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    11 out of 10. Would by buy lumber.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    It is supposed to be cna, certified nurses assistant. A nurses helper, they take care of taking vitals and wipe buts. I have yet to have a colonoscopy!

  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    So the reason I put this whole mess on Snapzu is because I like new experiences. I know it may seem weird but this is all interesting as heck. Plus I lived through it so I have no idea how it will affect me yet. There are some things that I had no idea the body could do. Like the signs of a heart attack and how long a heart attack can last ( by the way it's weeks). I didn't know that my right artery/ventricle was 100% blocked. But my heart has been rerouting blood through it by building new pathways (veins???). So this has been going on awhile. I also learned that on paper, for years, I have been in perfect health other than a back injury. I always get tested for everything, blood, diabetes, cholesterol, etc, Twice a year and have had no problems whatsoever. But suprise! Here's a major heart attack for you bitch! I will have to work on getting better tests!

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  • 7 years ago
    Comment CrookedTale

    Hey! I got out of the hospital!!! They can't keep a good, or bad, pirate down. But I am concerned about being out of the hospital. I think it has more to do with the doctors/hospitals recovery numbers than my ability to kick the reapers ass. I caught a ccna and a nurse talking about the cardio doctor and the "problem" with him being so late when he was called in to fix me and pressure foe the hospital to.get better tirn aroind times. But I am not going to complain because hospital beds suck and I couldn't sleep much. I also learned that nospotal beds, the new ones, adjust the firmness and softness automaticly to a persons weight and position. So it is always moving underneath you. So I would get in a comfortable position then 2 min later the bed woild adjust itself and I would be uncomfortable again. The things you learn!

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