
All things considered Snapzu is doing well on this "favourite reddit alternative" poll!

I ran across this poll that lets people vote on their favorite reddit alternative so I figured I'll share it as I noticed last month Voat was hogging all the attention. Now it seems Voat and Snapzu are almost neck and next. Really great to see this place get the credit it deserves. Go SNAPZU!

Ah yes, the link to the poll.

8 years ago by baron778 with 67 comments

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Conversation 11 comments by 10 users
  • bogdan

    Probably the fact that it hasn't collapsed under its own weight speaks volumes.

    I did not vote on the poll. Don't want to skew the results of the people of Reddit.

    • Stoic

      I did not vote on the poll. Don't want to skew the results of the people of Reddit.

      We probably skewed the results pretty badly because of this post. I didn't vote for the same reason either, but I want to know what the results were before @baron778 linked to it here.

      • Aditya

        I think it may also have something to do with how voat has been down for the last few days and snapzu's been working fine.

      • massani

        When he first linked it, I voted. It looks like we were sitting at 91 votes with 33% from what I remember. So I'm assuming the number of votes for Snapzu was probably in the 80s just prior to him linking.

      • get9

        I voted on that shortly after it was posted. It's fluctuated between 30~50%. 50% is towards the high end, and I believe it may be skewed because it was linked, here. Either way, it was doing well, just not as well.

      • ColonBowel

        I saw the results of the poll before it was posted here on Snapzu. Snapzu was still in first place, although not by as much.

    • Jello

      Seconded, Snapzu is the only alternative that I have been able to consistently use over the past couple of days. This is a good thing though because Snapzu seems like the front-runner anyways. Lets just hope it can continue to hold up the way it has.

    • jrmy

      I think the invite system has played some role into allowing them to artificially regulate the demand.

      Do you by chance know if they have provided any info about the implementation? Platforms, db, cache, systems, etc.

      • bogdan

        I wish I did. From what I can see the server is Apache PHP Mysql, pretty standard. Don't know if it's running off a framework or anything of the sort.

        • ToixStory

          I'm pretty ignorant on the whole thing, but will snapzu allowing users to upload photos and such directly have an effect on uptime? I always assumed reddit's use of imgur was to keep its servers free.

    • nyx

      Thanks for not voting. I started this poll and I've been "monitoring" it from the beginning but suddenly the amount of votes spiked and I was wondering if it had been posted anywhere else. Anyway, it was simply to satisfy my curiosity and possibly help out users who wanted to get into a new website so it's pretty harmless.

  • Axiomatic

    Snapzu is now in the lead, which it very much deserves. I like that the Reddit community is filtering out into multiple different communities though. It seems that Snapzu is getting all of the friendly folk.

    • Heiroglyph

      Oh, just wait until you get to know us. /s

      Honestly, this is the only functional one I've tried. How is anyone trying the others?

      I've never seen voat, it has been offline since I started looking. Several others were up, but not really working or has such small communities that it wasn't worth the trouble.

      Snapzu seems full enough with enough capacity to even be an option.

      • Stoic (edited 8 years ago)

        Voat is pretty much a copy of the Reddit stylesheet that feels a bit more fluent and modern. The community, like Snapzu, at least was a lot more friendly compared to Reddit and a lot more diverse (in a somewhat bad way) than Snapzu.

        It had less karmawhoring, askvoat was [serious] by default and you weren't 'late to a thread.' During the days of the fattening it was chaotic, but until the AMAgeddon most of the unwanted crowd went back to Reddit. I really hope and actually expect Voat will get some of the same friendly folk Snapzu is getting. The reason why Voat didn't get friendly folk during the fattening was because of the reason why they were leaving (perceived censorship) - which is different this time. A different type of people are upset and are wanting to leave, so it's too early to say that it seems Snapzu is getting all the friendly folk until we see what people will come to Voat after it gets its servers running.

        • meh

          The fattening? Is that what they called it? I wasn't online for that exodus

          • GiantWalrus

            I was hoping for FatPeopleGate. It's like the one instance where that suffix is actually clever.

      • a1ex

        Aether would be amazing if more people would get on board. It's still in development, though, so it's basically a really slick-looking P2P bulletin board. I still plan on using it regardless of how much of the reddit community it inherits; I love the way it works.

      • SuperCyan

        I've been playing around with Hubski and really like it. It's a lot less content focused and there's a lot of text posts. I've had some great discussions with people over there, and everyone seems pretty civil. Honestly, I've had better conversation there in the past day than I had in 4 years on Reddit. However, I'm not promoting it or anything, I just like it. Realistically, I'll probably just split my time between here and there, and hopefully I'll stop going on Reddit.

    • AnusBlender

      I like how all the nice people are coming here. I tried Voat a couple weeks ago, but it seemed like it was full the kinds of users who were already making me want to leave Reddit.

    • ssladam

      Honestly, I liked the diversion that voat is / was causing. My complaint about reddit for the past few years (pre-Pao) was that the userbase was becoming more reactionary, immature, and caustic. Voat seemed like it was doing a fantastic job absorbing that crowd.

      • SuperCyan

        Yeah, everyone was just getting a lot more up in arms over everything there. It's like a lot of people couldn't fathom disliking something without getting angry over it. I think it's due to an influx of younger users on there. A lot of middle and high school kids are getting on there, and a lot of them have a lot of pent up hate.

    • Katherine

      Yeah! I imagine the invite system that's currently in place will cut down on the "trolls," too, since it's tougher to make "throwaway" accounts.

    • BanHammer

      Honestly, I think it's only in the lead because of OP posted the link and this got front page so mostly everyone voted for Snapzu.

    • Inconceivable

      I think it's the exclusivity that is helping us out. Impatient people won't wait for invites.

    • ProtoJazz

      Possibly becuse several of the review posts say snapzu doesn't permit the posting of controversial content and is being worded as "aimed at soccer mom's, and similar to pintrest"

      Idk, honestly if I can find a place that just has entertaining content to kill some time, without then wondering if I'm racist for laughing at that joke, or having to read a huge ammount of rage posts I'm just not interested in, I'm happy.

  • [Deleted Profile]

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  • TheGuyThatsMeh

    Not surprising considering the high quality of the site, let's make this a website worthy of being called home everybody.

    • woodchipper

      Hopefully some talented developers come over and get a nice app going to complement the website.

  • FRIK

    Yay! Now let's open a bottle of champagne and cool ranch Doritos and celebrate!

    • [Deleted Profile]

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  • skeeva (edited 8 years ago)

    go go go

  • fanficmistress

    I haven't had a chance to check Voat out yet as the severs have been down since the beginning. But compared to the others on the list this is definitely my favorite.

    • Katherine (edited 8 years ago)

      I managed to take a look at it a few weeks ago, and honestly? I think Snapzu is way better-looking.

      I also kind of like the functionality, what with avatars(?) and all – it recalls old-school forums and the like. My one complaint might be the messaging system, which is ordinary but a little clunkier than Reddit's.

      • utesred

        I also really like the interface of Snapzu. It feels really refreshing, compared to what I am used to.

  • MrRogers

    So glad to have found my way in!

  • kvn

    It's got a nice friendly UI, and the servers are faring off much better than voat. What's not to love about the site?

  • vulpixwithdix

    I think the site invite process is probably helping quite a bit with that. I'm sure it keeps the server from being overloaded.

  • frozencloud

    So far I've checked out a few alternatives,(Snapzu, Aether, Voat) but honestly the uptime coupled with an awesome community makes this site my pick for best reddit alternative.

  • Aphrodite

    Snapzu is great. I haven't even been on Reddit in the last two days, haha.

  • ClarkKent

    I am also happy that SnapZu is getting the more friendly folk! I hope it stays that way!

  • Bossman

    Interesting poll. Glad Snapzu is getting more attention. I'm enjoying my time here so far.

  • DesiDrifter395

    I'm loving this place so far. I still go on reddit occasionally, but I'm only subscribed to some subreddits like r/medicalschool, r/justrolledintotheshop, and some regional subs that just don't have the same presence here (yet). I've transferred most of my allegiance and time to snapzu, but sometimes i'll just go back to check in on r/all to see if the mods have grown a backbone yet.

  • massani

    It's because we're all so nice :)

  • Mileschoo

    I really wanted to check out Voat once it cleared up, but I absolutely love Snapzu. The community here is great and the website is so darn pretty. I really wish there was some sort of mobile version though.

  • Grassgrows

    Heh now Snapzu is first due to this post :D

  • casuallynoted

    I'm really glad. Honestly I've already had a ton more fun on this site than I've had on reddit. I think it's probably because of the smaller community.

    • DastardlyVandal

      Smaller communities tend to help with the direction of a website a lot more than having a larger userbase. Once the userbase gets big, you end up playing with the bottom of the barrel types. When you have a smaller community that tends to take the time to write out and explain thoughts more clearly than a handful of punchlines, you end up setting the bar a lot higher for them to get involved. Once upon a time, Reddit would crucify you for making a simple typo, or for posting things without giving a well thought out process and possibly even a source or two. That ended up changing once the site grew larger and the community diversified. Where Reddit was once overall pretty liberal, it ended up leaning in a more libertarian direction, once what was just a small minority ended up getting more members and became less afraid to share idea that would disagree strongly from the old school Reddit.

      The site has changed a lot over the 4-5ish years I've used it, and it progressively was losing everything that I had liked about it from before. Now I'm finding what I liked in Reddit, community wise, here at Snapzu. Just maybe.. At an earlier point in it's life cycle, anyways. :)

      • snapchopsuey

        Totally agree. This place feels a bit like reddit pre-2010 in the way you describe. I remember what kept me from participating in the first place there, it was feeling intimidated by the whip-smart caliber of many of the commenters (my hesitation exacerbated by anxiety and low self-esteem as well). Head-game aside, it's been a long, long time since the average commenters over there set a standard that requires effort to meet. This place has that standard, and it's refreshing.

      • casuallynoted

        I absolutely agree. I noticed how big Reddit was getting just months after I joined around 3 years ago. I think most sites remain a ton better when they have small communities. (Google+ is an amazing example, I loved it during the early beta tests, and the second more people started getting on, I found it so much less enjoyable to use.)

  • zaywolfe

    Good, this is much better than that wannabe reddit voat. At least Snapzu is trying to do its own thing.

  • Pantera

    I think, and this is just my voice, that it's similar but not the same as where as voat is the same in appearance you expect to get the same. I still haven't been here long enough to be established but the fact that I made more than 3 comments so far should say something.

  • TonyP

    50% now after you shared the poll with us

  • NotSteve

    I've been using voat for a few months now as an alternative to reddit but I think i'm going to switch to snapzu completely. It's close enough to reddit but it's not a full clone like voat