  • Stoic (edited 8 years ago)

    Voat is pretty much a copy of the Reddit stylesheet that feels a bit more fluent and modern. The community, like Snapzu, at least was a lot more friendly compared to Reddit and a lot more diverse (in a somewhat bad way) than Snapzu.

    It had less karmawhoring, askvoat was [serious] by default and you weren't 'late to a thread.' During the days of the fattening it was chaotic, but until the AMAgeddon most of the unwanted crowd went back to Reddit. I really hope and actually expect Voat will get some of the same friendly folk Snapzu is getting. The reason why Voat didn't get friendly folk during the fattening was because of the reason why they were leaving (perceived censorship) - which is different this time. A different type of people are upset and are wanting to leave, so it's too early to say that it seems Snapzu is getting all the friendly folk until we see what people will come to Voat after it gets its servers running.

    • meh

      The fattening? Is that what they called it? I wasn't online for that exodus

      • GiantWalrus

        I was hoping for FatPeopleGate. It's like the one instance where that suffix is actually clever.