  • Stoic

    I did not vote on the poll. Don't want to skew the results of the people of Reddit.

    We probably skewed the results pretty badly because of this post. I didn't vote for the same reason either, but I want to know what the results were before @baron778 linked to it here.

    • Aditya

      I think it may also have something to do with how voat has been down for the last few days and snapzu's been working fine.

    • massani

      When he first linked it, I voted. It looks like we were sitting at 91 votes with 33% from what I remember. So I'm assuming the number of votes for Snapzu was probably in the 80s just prior to him linking.

    • get9

      I voted on that shortly after it was posted. It's fluctuated between 30~50%. 50% is towards the high end, and I believe it may be skewed because it was linked, here. Either way, it was doing well, just not as well.

    • ColonBowel

      I saw the results of the poll before it was posted here on Snapzu. Snapzu was still in first place, although not by as much.