SuperCyan's feed

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan


    When I was about 10 or so, I got hit with a bad depression. Nothing really traumatic or anything happened, but I realized that I wasn't really happy with life anymore. I started seeing the bad side in everything. My grades dropped fast. I found myself alone a lot more. I stopped caring about things. I got to a point where I was either sad, or angry at myself for being sad. I remember having a suicide plan in like 4th grade, down to the date.

    Since then, things have gotten a bit better. I didn't get better, but I learned to cope with always feeling empty. My hatred and anger turned into apathy. My huge swings down have started to kinda get smaller. I think what I have now is considered more bipolar disorder than major depression (I'll have little hits of mania, where I'm almost kinda glad to be alive), but I've kinda managed. It's destroyed a lot for me, but I've stopped caring.

    I wish I could go back to those days were I was actually happy. Sure, I didn't have any real friends, and I got messed with a lot, but I remembered just being a lot more upbeat. It was the time before the sadness and bruising took over, and I could actually see the world in a positive light, rather than however I see it now.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    Oh man, I can't stand cases.

    When I don't have my phone in a case, it's barely an item in my pocket. When I put in in the 100" rubber coffin that they recommend (and is usually "free") at the store, it takes up my entire pocket. It looks ugly, and makes it a pain to use, because it has trouble fitting in my palms.

    If they made a phone that wouldn't be destroyed when it hits the ground, except for some minor damage that a light case could deflect, I would be ecstatic.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    I personally recommend an Ubuntu variant like Kubuntu or Mint

    Man, I wish we could recommend regular Ubuntu, but the unity launcher just kinda kills it at this point. I've tried to use it, but I just could never come to like it.

    Mint is definitely a good distro, though.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    The inability to see how one might be at fault for conflicts they end up in.

    There seems to be a large group of people that simply cannot fathom how their actions may have resulted in someone being upset at them, or a general feeling of negativity towards them by their peers. They feel that it's the other person's fault for being "too sensitive" or "actually in the wrong," and that they have no contribution to how an acquaintanceship may have gone south. In their eyes, they can do no wrong and the cause of everyone's problems is themselves.

    They're commonly seen complaining on Facebook about how the world is filled with assholes, and that everyone just needs to lean how to deal with him or her. They're the person that claims that someone else needs to "learn to take a joke," or "stop being oversensitive," because they're upset over what he or she said. They're the ones that makes a whole room say, "Thank God," when they finally head home, because they're so tired of dealing with such a lack of empathy, that they cannot see how they may have ever done things wrong.

    A combination of a lack of empathy and a sense of self-righteousness is the defining characteristic of a narcissist - and a lot of people I have met in my life.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan


    My first desktop was prebuilt, and while it did what it was supposed to do, I feel like I could have gotten better hardware for the same price. The second time around, I selected my parts on my own, had them shipped to my house, and built my computer myself. I was really happy with the easiness of the assembly, as well as the performance at a slightly cheaper price.

    There are cases where a prebuilt can actually be cheaper than building yourself (Windows licensing discounts, volume discounts, etc), but I like being able to select high quality components that fit my needs, rather than relying on a hope that the company knows what they are doing. I've heard of them skimping out in a couple places that make upgrading harder down the line, which I don't like. Also, I know exactly what's in my computer, because I chose it. It gives me that feeling of "I made this. This is mine," which is really rewarding.

    Unfortunately, you can't custom build laptops. If I could, I would.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    I always wanted to blog, until I realized everyone else has one.

    I would love to run a gaming site, where I give games reviews that go beyond "It's CoD, 10/10," but there's so many blogs that I would just get lost in the noise.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    When my family would go on trips, they loved going to all of the tourist traps. Gatlinburg was the worst.

    To me, a good vacation would be going to a National Park and camping in the woods, and then maybe driving through the mountains to find cool places to stop off and hike through. I'm really into photography, and it's hard to take good shots when every person is trying to take the same picture from the same spot at the same time. I always end up going to less populated areas and grabbing a few pictures. That way, I'm getting a less popular shot, there's less people in my way, and I don't have to worry about blocking any paths.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    Honestly, I wish this place would grow more.

    I came over during the Reddit refugee crisis, not to escape "muh censorship," but to no longer have to deal with all of the infighting. Reddit keeps getting more and more political, as different subs hate each other, because they like other subs. You can't even get through a gaming discussion without two "factions" trying to fight over inane details of things that have nothing to do with the topic of the thread. It's always people complaining about the SJWs, or the reactionaries, or /r/the_donald, or /r/shitredditsays. It never stops.

    Even though I can't stand Reddit anymore, I still spend more time there than here. The one thing the site still has going for it is the discussion. Even though it likes to get political and angry, there's the occasional thread where everything is kinda okay. The discussions here are a lot nicer, but they're so few and far in between, that it's boring. An empty room is better than a belligerent party, but it's lonely.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    I'm a Twitch streamer (really small, but still one), and this is a good sign for the community.

    It's really hard to find growth on Twitch, especially starting out. With the way that each game page ranks its streams, streaming a popular game means viewers have to scroll and scroll to find a small streamer. More viewers means a higher page rank, which means people are more likely to find your stream. Low views means ending up at the bottom of the page. The odds are already stacked against us, and making us pay to bring the field slightly closer to being level is just wrong.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    Hard work pays off.

    I grew up watching people work hard, while I did nothing. Now, they're starting to get the payoff while I have nothing.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    The need to change designs every 6 months to a year.

    I hate it when random things get moved on a website for no reason. Youtube was the worst offender for a while. Every now and then, a bunch of stuff got moved around and changed, so you'd have to re-figure out how to do everything again. Also, some sites love to take buttons and shove them in menus, so you get to a page and think you're going insane, because you can't find the button you clicked on 1000 times.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    I usually can't be bothered to figure out how to get around most of those banners. If there's no obvious "x" button, I just leave the page.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    The Walking Dead.

    I've been surrounded by people that love the show. Multiple friends have read the comics all of the way through, and are up to date on the latest episode. One of them used to wear one of those "Ricktatorship" shirts around all of the time.

    I binged the first whole season and watched the first episode of season 2, and never picked it back up. I've seen parts of episodes while with other people, and they never really succeeded in pulling me back in. The first season was great, but I guess I just didn't really connect with the people well enough to continue watching.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    I heard people praise it up and down for years, so I finally watched it.

    I really tried, but I just didn't like it. There were some good parts, but part of the way through season 2, I just gave up.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    Get on Ninite, select the programs I need installed, then let it do its thing. As they get installed, I like to set up the programs, so that they are to my liking (auto sign-in, etc). Then, I log into my Firefox account and have it load my plugins. Then, I start downloading Steam games and do whatever, because it takes a while.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    Microsoft used to offer unlimited OneDrive storage, but a person decided to upload 75TB of stuff to the cloud. Now, there's a limit.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    Looks like it's going to be an interesting movie. I really hope it's pretty accurate to the actual events.

  • 8 years ago
    Expression SuperCyan

    "You can have this, if you want." - Parker Super 21

    After the misplacement of my Pilot Metropolitan, I was given a Parker Super 21 as a replacement (or, hopefully, a stand in until my Metro comes home).

  • 8 years ago
    Text Post SuperCyan

    What is up with GTA:O?

    1 comments in posted into

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SuperCyan

    I know it's hard to help, but cigarettes.

    I was talking to someone at work, that I thought had quit smoking, but he said he started back up. When I asked him how much he spent per week on cigarettes, he said around $50. To me, that's insane. I struggle justifying spending $10 a month on something, but this kid was spending a good portion of his paycheck on cigarettes.

    Smoking's expensive.