
What is not as bad as most people say it is?

9 years ago by ubthejudge with 40 comments

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Conversation 9 comments by 7 users
  • oystein

    Filling a cavity without anaesthesia. You walk in, you feel some pain, you're done. With anaesthesia (for your lower jaw) you're numb for a few hours and in my case, it never kicked in until after I was done anyway.

    • eikonoklastes

      The worst thing is the nurse holding the drainage tube right next to my teeth, the air it draws makes them hurt from the cold, while the actual drilling/filling is just weird vibrations. To be fair though, I never had a cavity that went into the core where the nerves are. I'm sure my Doc would insist on anesthesia if that were the case.

      The guy that did my wisdom teeth though... that man's a butcher. Fucker was so frugal with the anesthesia he had to give me two more doses during the operation while I was gargling my own blood.

    • canuck

      Are you sure you're referring to anaesthesia? Or maybe local anaesthetic applied either as gel with a Q-tip or for the more powerful version via a syringe.

      • oystein

        Local anaesthetic, yes, for some reason I've always had it via syringe. I'm a Norwegian so I'm not 100% fluent in English, unfortunately.

    • TempusThales

      Lies. Last cavity I had filled the dentist didn't anaesthetize my mouth properly and I felt most of it.

    • GeniusIComeAnon

      Mt grandma always does dental stuff without anesthesia. People are always fascinated, but it's very normal for her.

      • oystein

        Yep. I managed to impress a girl (not on purpose) once by saying I didn't take anaesthetics.

    • smackababy

      Man I tried that once, the dentist had started drilling before the anesthesia had kicked in. I learned that I'm a total baby when it comes to mouth pain.

      Actually, it wasn't even the pain so much as the heat from the drill, it made me uncomfortably conscious that someone was grinding away bits of my teeth.

    • frohawk

      Are you fucking with me? That shit is painful!

      The anesthetic didn't work for me so she just went about scraping the nerve off until it was clean enough to fill; I was squirming in my seat with pain.

  • spaceghoti

    Socialism. The US has spent so long equating Soviet-style Communism with Socialism that we've completely lost the track on what it is and how it applies to our daily lives. I'm sure you've seen some of the more egregious examples of this.

    • jmcs

      Were do people think Medicare comes from?

  • canuck

    Honestly, root canals. They are just really long and uncomfortable, but it's virtually pain free (at least it was for me)

    • idlethreat

      Good point. After hearing so much shit about it over the years, I let me wisdom teeth get impacted. The pain was awful. Just started a new job and lived through 90 days of hell waiting for the dental insurance to kick in. Waking up with shards in your teeth in your mouth is perhaps the most unfun thing in the universe.

      They ended up taking 5 teeth. four wisdom and one that shattered while trying to remove one of the four (yep. it was that impacted). Stumbled out of the chair, drooling blood and thrilled there was no more pain. The procedure didn't hurt at all. Completely worth it.

      • GeniusIComeAnon

        You make me feel a lot better about getting my wisdom teeth removed; the thought always made me nervous. Now if only I could afford it.

        • Pumpernickel

          Call your local dental school. You may be able to afford them.

  • papervoid

    Spam. I actually think it's quite tasty when pan fried.

    • davidrools

      love it. pan fried on rice w/ an egg makes a great breakfast. cubed and browned makes an amazing macaroni topping. spamusubui? yes please.

      the "low sodium" version doesn't agree with my stomach, though.

    • Gozzin

      I find the bacon flavored Spam acceptable.

      • smackababy

        I really like the chorizo spam. Also, diced spam pan fried and then scrambled with a couple of eggs is the perfect way to start a hung over morning.

      • frohawk

        Cutting those into thin strips and frying them up is really nice.

  • BucksinSixxx

    Snow. I love going out in it, watching it fall. Driving can be a pain, but it helps to have AWD.

    • meowmixxed

      Yessss. My city plows well and I live in an apartment so it's mostly fun for me.

    • TempusThales

      It's when you live with it 8 months of the year it becomes a pain.

    • jetpacmonkey

      It's the shoveling that really makes snow a pain, in my opinion. Also having to walk in it if you're in a city. So much disgusting slush...

  • Endymion

    Nickelback!....Ah jk. But seriously McDonald's. I mean moderation is key, and I'm not saying it's good to eat there. But sometimes you need to grab a quick lunch/snack or whatever, and you won't die because you have to eat there!

    • smackababy

      I think that's what McDonalds ideally is - cheap food where you know exactly what you're getting, so that you can very easily get a safe meal when you can't or don't want to spend a lot of time navigating local food options. Sure, it's not healthy, and definitely not something that should be a daily habit, but I'll confess I've grabbed a burger or two when driving through long dead stretches of Upstate New York.

    • BucksinSixxx

      Yeah I don't know of anywhere else that has soft serve so cheap, $0.49!

    • bymywhiskers

      Seriously, their deli-of-the-day is fantastic. In the UK it's just £2 for a really decent sandwich packed with bacon and chicken (or whatever is on offer that day) and it you can actually see it get made fresh. People react funny when I say I eat there for lunch, but not much else beats that as far as I'm aware.

    • meowmixxed

      Nothing like a post-bar mcchicken.

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  • PushPull

    Getting a body piercing. A good piercer takes their time getting things lined up so that the 'pinch' is just a half second or so. Of course, this also has to do with a person's pain tolerance, but the worst part is over very quickly.

    And the adrenaline rush is kinda nice!

    • GeniusIComeAnon

      Doesn't it kind of very on location? I would think certain piercings would hurt for a bit after. Like, my friend got a tongue piercing and had difficulty eating for a couple days, but an ear piercing doesn't really hurt after.

    • meowmixxed

      Totally. I'd say tattoos, also. Obviously more endured pain than a piercing, but pretty do-able.

      • BlankWindow

        I fell asleep while getting my large back tattoo and drooled all over the place. The people in the shop were completely baffled.

  • Rhumanity

    Being single. You get the whole bed to yourself. You don't have to account for your whereabouts or answer to anyone else. You can buy all the foods you like to eat and don't have to compromise with your partner. You can make spur of the moment decisions and take trips with friends just for the hell of it without having to tell anyone that you're going anywhere or with who. You can flirt with whoever you want to and come home free as a bird. You only have to clean up after yourself and you don't have to consider anyone else in your decision making processes. You can hang out on Snapzu all night and not be interrupted by people who want your attention or time. Being single is awesome :D I could go on and on but I have a marathon of my favorite show in my near future ;)