  • PushPull

    Getting a body piercing. A good piercer takes their time getting things lined up so that the 'pinch' is just a half second or so. Of course, this also has to do with a person's pain tolerance, but the worst part is over very quickly.

    And the adrenaline rush is kinda nice!

    • GeniusIComeAnon

      Doesn't it kind of very on location? I would think certain piercings would hurt for a bit after. Like, my friend got a tongue piercing and had difficulty eating for a couple days, but an ear piercing doesn't really hurt after.

    • meowmixxed

      Totally. I'd say tattoos, also. Obviously more endured pain than a piercing, but pretty do-able.

      • BlankWindow

        I fell asleep while getting my large back tattoo and drooled all over the place. The people in the shop were completely baffled.