  • Endymion

    Nickelback!....Ah jk. But seriously McDonald's. I mean moderation is key, and I'm not saying it's good to eat there. But sometimes you need to grab a quick lunch/snack or whatever, and you won't die because you have to eat there!

    • smackababy

      I think that's what McDonalds ideally is - cheap food where you know exactly what you're getting, so that you can very easily get a safe meal when you can't or don't want to spend a lot of time navigating local food options. Sure, it's not healthy, and definitely not something that should be a daily habit, but I'll confess I've grabbed a burger or two when driving through long dead stretches of Upstate New York.

    • BucksinSixxx

      Yeah I don't know of anywhere else that has soft serve so cheap, $0.49!

    • bymywhiskers

      Seriously, their deli-of-the-day is fantastic. In the UK it's just £2 for a really decent sandwich packed with bacon and chicken (or whatever is on offer that day) and it you can actually see it get made fresh. People react funny when I say I eat there for lunch, but not much else beats that as far as I'm aware.

    • meowmixxed

      Nothing like a post-bar mcchicken.