eikonoklastes's feed

  • 8 years ago
    Video/Audio eikonoklastes

    Sam Hyde's 2070 Paradigm Shift

  • 8 years ago
    Comment eikonoklastes

    Well, the weapons used in the recent shooting were all obtained legally. I'd say it's more about better enforcement of the existing rules - but even then those are extremes you just can't account for, regardless of how much or little you enforce. People with the intent will always be able to get weapons illegally or make something destructive at home. You can obtain guns and then snap later, bypassed everything. If it's not guns then it's a canister of chlorine or a supersoaker with acid or a makeshift flamethrower, that stuff has all been done. People will find ways.

  • 8 years ago
    Video/Audio eikonoklastes

    Panic - The Gala (Revive Release)

  • 8 years ago
    Video/Audio eikonoklastes

    Anita Ward - Ring My Bell

    From the album "Songs of Love" (1979)

  • 8 years ago
    Video/Audio eikonoklastes

    iblank2apples - Speed Horse Joy Ride

  • 8 years ago
    Comment eikonoklastes

    Oh yeah, that's it. That style's completely awesome.

    Regarding my inactivity, times are currently not so good for me and I had to change things up a bit to keep my mind occupied. Not sure how active I'll be for now, but I'll be present at any rate.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment eikonoklastes

    It really is. We should be thankful that so many skilled individuals willingly risk their lives to help others in need. Just think about going to Africa and helping with containing Ebola. Fuck that. If anyone wants to help them out, please consider a donation. There are not many other NGOs as deserving.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment eikonoklastes

    The colors work so well with the longer hair, but then again I'm a sucker for white coats. Celly and Rares are two of my favourites, too. The only thing I dislike are the hooves, weirds me out somehow, the Mane 6 style hooves are the best.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment eikonoklastes

    Singling out pupils is such a shitty thing to do. Shame and fear are no healthy motivations for anyone.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment eikonoklastes

    Worst teacher I ever had was an english teacher (living in Germany, for reference). I had to live through seventh to ninth grade with the hellish woman. She always had her eye on me, I don't even know how or why she singled me out. Others could talk and laugh and dick around but the moment I did something other than just sit around and work she would be on my ass. Others would just get verbal warnings, I had to copy whole pages from the english book in handwriting as a punishment. When handing in homework and other assignments I'd always get the harshest grading, losing points for errors others would get away with. I was bullied by the other kids in my class and she would always argue that I probably did something to provoke them. It was never the others, always me. Talking to my parents and other teachers did nothing, who knows what lies she told them about me. Before her I always got grades A and B in english, during her reign I dropped to a D. When she was gone I bounced back to straight A. What kind of sick and twisted individual goes into teaching to torture little children like that? Fucking psychopath.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment eikonoklastes

    Tidal, Solar and Wind might become replacements for oil and natural gas power plants, but there are many other things we use oil for. Not mentioning nuclear power plants and the development of fusion reactors. Tesla currently spearheads development of electric cars, but ships and airplanes still rely on oil and those are basically backbones of global trade and travel. I mentioned plastics, there are many different products for special uses, so there won't probably be replacements for all of them. Whole industrial branches might collapse. Other derivatives of crude oil are lubricants for machines and oils for cosmetics, can't replace those quickly and in the needed quantities I assume.

    I'd rather say both, water and oil, are legitimate concerns. Both have a big enough impact to threaten whole countries. It's interesting to see what's happening in California at the moment and I think it will set an example, although good or bad remains to be seen. We already had an example for what happens when a country faces the inability to supply industry and military with oil, it was a precursor to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, a piece in a plan to secure oil resources in southeast asia. Once countries see their existence threatened they'll go the length, the question is how far they have to be pushed first. I hope to watch from the sidelines and not from somewhere right in the middle.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment eikonoklastes

    I'd like to see the oil run out. If I'm lucky I'll live for fourty to fifty more years, so there might be a chance. It'll bring a lot of changes and I'm very interested in seeing it play out. For example, there's plant-based plastics, which products will become the new standards? Will they be able to satisfy the demand? And some people say the war in Afghanistan was motivated by oil, will there be conflicts, especially open ones, over resources? What will oil-centric countries do when their money machine stalls?