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  • 8 years ago
    Level Up PushPull

    Level 12

    PushPull is now level 12 with 92,095 XP.

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  • 8 years ago
    Achievement PushPull

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 100/100 comments! Congratulations PushPull on this achievement!

    +9560 XP
  • 8 years ago
    Comment PushPull

    Screw religious preferences, I would hope that they call themselves human. But then, maybe that's the problem....

    Otherwise, as sad as it is, this proposal is actually a step in the right direction.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment PushPull

    As someone who used to drink a gallon (or more) a day, I can confirm. You WILL pee like every 10~20 minutes. But it also got rid of my lower back pain, my headaches, and my indigestion. Not to mention that I totally slammed a liter and a half, just to see if I could.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment PushPull

    Spending a couple hours scouring through the bins of the record store.

    The joy of having to wait out a flooded carburator. (Bonus; having a bunch of your classmates in high-school help to push start your car after you forgot to turn off your lights.)

    Being asked (or yelled at) to get off the phone because your parents were expecting a call from someone. (Bonus; Busy signals)

    Paper Routes. Not these car routes that they have today, but honest to goodness ride-your-bike-at-5am-in-whatever-weather-is-happening-right-now paper routes.

    Depending on where you're from, flood irrigation for your yard/property. This was a huge deal in the summer time for us. That meant playtime.

    I'm sure that I'm missing several.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment PushPull

    That people still absolutely refuse to actually use their brains to think, or are so damn attached to their ideals, feelings, and desires that they act like a freakin' three year old when they don't get their way.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment PushPull

    Most obvious/visible ones...

    1) The 'x' shaped scar on my neck was two separate instances three months apart involving an M4 and some hot spent brass. Pro-tip: spent brass right out of the weapon is hot enough to cause a blister/burn. Yes, I lived through that twice, in the same exact spot on my neck.

    2) Chisel through the fat edge of my left hand. All the way through. Fortunately (or not, not exactly sure) the chisel was razor sharp.

    3) Right foot, smallish round scar from a piece of hot welding slag melting through the top of my non-leather hiking boot.

    4) Left forearm, nice long series of reddish discolorations from a hiking fall in which said forearm met some rather non-smooth rocks at the same moment the back of my right thigh met a prickly pear cactus. Pretty sure that some of those thorns are still nestled in there.

    5) Right forearm, 4" raised scar, cut from something or another, I really don't remember.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment PushPull

    Stopped to help a driver who had pulled over with a flat tire.

    But there's more to the story.

    I was coming home from work last night (12:30am) and I was passed like I was standing still. It was a 45mph zone, I was going 55, and this guy blew right by me. No biggie, happens a lot in our rural area. A couple miles later, I come around a bend in the road to encounter a wall of dust that was so bad that I had to slam on the brakes hard enough to activate the anitlock. I couldn't see a foot in front of my hood, so I was VERY concerned about a car or animal being in my path. I creep through the dust, pull over and begin assessing what happened. I see tire tracks in the dirt on the shoulder, very obviously the guy lost control and turned sideways. But no car. Just a wall of dust and tracks in the dirt. So I start beating the thick mesquite brush on the side of road, just to be sure that he didn't flip and go out of sight. No luck, so I get back in my truck and continue home.

    Four miles later, there's the car sitting on the side of the road, the interior light on, and the front driver's tire and fender just shredded. Engine is still ticking, hood is still warm, so I'm a bit concerned. I called our local Sheriff's office, and request a deputy to at least do a report based on what I had seen. While I'm on the phone, a guy walks up to my truck ( I had seen him walking toward me on the road) and starts asking if I can give him a ride to an area 20 miles away. I pause my conversation with the SO operator, and start talking to him to be sure that he's OK. He leans in , and it's obvious that he's blitzed out of his mind. He's not hurt at all, just drunk and really setting off a bad vibe for me. I decline to 'just give him a ride' or to let him call someone on my phone, and go back to talking to the SO operator. Once she gives me an ETA of 10 minutes for the deputy, I hang up, tell the guy to stick around, and that someone will be by shortly to take care of things.

    Had it just been a simple case of stupidity and bad driving, I may have indulged the phone call, but this guy was shitty drunk. Sorry dude, you done fucked up. Now you get to live with your choices.

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