Yup, too many plot lines meaning I gave less of a crap about everyone.... and Vaughn and Reilly had no chemistry whatsoever, bored me to tears every time they were on screen together....
Yeah... Star Citizen really is sitting at that point of being impossible to live up to it's hype. Plus, you know, it's a space game... those are notorious for failing horribly :/ cough Elite: Dangerous cough
Considering that I have more hours in E:D than in any other game ever, that I'm chief of the Elite: Dangerous tribe and I'm now with a project to visit every single inhabited system on the game... I'd wouldn't go so far as say it failled horribly. It certainly matched my expectations, of course, this being the internets, there's always a lot of people with diffenrent opinions, and that's ok.
My expectations for the game were: Flying around buying low and selling high, shooting NPCs for fun and profit. Basically, what I had in the original game with cutting edge graphics. I got what I payd for (I'm Premium Beta backer) plus some. As soon as I have a few more screenshots of my great journey, I'll publish it here. The visuals alone are worth the hundred quid I paid for it.
For me, I believed what they said about "being able to play any way you wanted". In my case, space combat... because it had great feeling flying, physics that made sense, and great weapons/power management. What I actually got was instancing that is inconsistent and frustrating, a whole load of weapons that are pretty terrible to use, only 4 ships that are viable for PvP, countless hitbox quirks... and then a PowerPlay system that would logically encourage PvP conflicts, but instead actively disincentivize it.
Then an expansion that was supposed to be optional that they want me to pay another $60 for... that also isn't actually a finished product.
I don't know, man. I picked up the game like 3 days before Wings went live. After two weeks of PowerPlay, I never found the desire to start the game anymore...and their practice with the expansion pretty much confirmed my feelings.
EDIT: Sure you can fight the NPCs but... eh, a Viper taking out Anacondas isn't the most exciting situation. They've buffed the AI more than once, but at the end of the day, it's not a human, nor does it fly like one.
I'm not deeply invested in Fallout, like that guy who sent more than 2000 beer caps to Bethesda, but I wish fans of the series good luck and many, many hours of bug-free fun.
It won't happen. The Game will be riddled with bugs. But we will love it all the same and play it like no other game that year and the year after that because..well..It's a Bethesda game.
Man. I still remember. 14 years old, hyped for months prior. Ticket presell, I skipped school and waited the entire day from 7 in the morning just to get the ticket to what was sure to be my new favorite movie. I didn't sleep at all the day before. I left the cinema almost in tears. That was harsh.
Young 'uns nowadays can't fathom how ridiculously overhyped this thing was before release... They called it "IT" and said it was so revolutionary it would force cities to adapt and be completely redesigned. They didn't reveal exactly what it was until it came out.
Whoever came up with the Segway failed to apprehend how important it was to the device's success that you don't look like a moron riding it. Not to mention that it was sold as WAY safer and foolproof than it really is (which you can easily verify by watching Segway crash videos on Youtube.)
From "IT" to Paul Blart: Mall Cop... It's difficult to overstate the utter failure of the Segway.
eek! that landed so flat I felt embarrassed for the guy. before it was released there was issues of Time magazine gushing about "what is IT?" and getting all frothy. Gets released and poof. Nobody wanted one.
I did a 30 day trial with Hulu to see what the fuss was about.
This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it. It had 3 current TV series, 6 older TV series and 11,900 bollywood and korean drama shows.
Canceled it the first week. Didn't make it through the full 30 days.
Seriously, what's up with them? If they actually had all of the content that they own available they could be a good service. As it is, I had to torrent a entire season of a show because they only had the first three episodes and the 25 one. I don't know who there thought that was a good idea, but I absolutely never use hulu anymore.
It has the potential to be so good, too. they just decided to arbitrarily not make 70% of their content available at any given time. Shame. Netflix it is.
i'm looking forward to the possibility of Corbyn getting lead of labour. Not that it matters to me in the heart of SNP heartlands but I just want to see the New Labour MPs explode in a shower of bile confetti
It seems likely, though it must be really hard to help and not push too far into the hands of the tory spin by interference and "thinking they own the place"
It's not like England hasn't pretended she owns Scotland for really rather too long. If the SNP don't pitch in, it will be back to feudal times for us plebs down south. Actually, we would probably be better off under the Romans...
It was pretty much an unfinished game when it was released. Even though they fixed all the massive issues in later patches, I was so disappointed that I did not bother getting the expansion. It was simply not worth the money.
I heartily disagree. The expansion is legit one of the best game experiences I have ever had. Let me tally up the hours I've put in since reaper dropped:
That's 1,493 hours of pure looting joy. If you want to pin it on someone, blame Jay Wilson. He got kicked to the curb, and D3 has had more post-release support than Terraria.
Edit for clarification: Talking about the expansion being worth the money. I started playing D3 maybe a few months before the AH was axed, so I never really had a bad time with vanilla.
Second edit: If there's one thing D3 does that disappoints me, it's the constant nerfing of Jade Docs.
Edit the third: I'm sorry, I downvoted you and I don't know why. I'm in the middle of tapering down off my current meds and it makes me snippy, I'm sorry. Let me take away that downvote.
The expansion changed the game entirely, it's so much better. I bought into vanilla played for a month and then quit because of the whole auction house thing. I had something like 12 hours max on vanilla but now I have over 500 hours on RoS. Next patch is bringing in a better version of the horadric cube, able to extract the passives from legendaries and apply up to three of them to you (a weapon, jewelry, and armor slot). Super stoked for it.
I'm in the minority to have liked aren't I? Though the plot holes are massive, and there's the scene with the biologist/stupid award winner and the alien, the movie was enjoyable, and I liked what it brought to the mythos table. I want that universe to be explored further, and it gave us nice glimpses into that.
Fair enough. I enjoyed my time with the game, but the very lackluster global events kinda killed the long-term play for me. Plus I was stuck playing solo almost all the time :P
Though I've had the urge to pick the game back up.
You mostly hit one of my points. The only reason I had people to play with was because I kept in touch with guildies from Guild Wars 1. The social quality and being able to find new people to play with just wasn't there.
I dunno, I really enjoyed it like rather a lot (though I missed having henchmen) the PvP was really decent. then I got to the whole karka attack thing, which was great fun if only because i was very lucky and didn't crash out or have issues. And then after that I took a break like i do when i just played solid for a whole week and when i felt like coming back suddenly nothing was how i remembered it and i simply couldn't play it anymore.
I really want to go back and give it another go but I fear it's moved on far too much I'd have to start again and relearn it all and the jewel/gold economy will be super crazy by now. Much like neverwinter online; if you take a break with these games you can never really catch up again.
You're right though, i miss exploiting the 5hp monk stuff to solo bosses, I miss the birthday critters, I miss paying some guy too much money to run me through to the next hub cause i was too lazy to bother or just having too much trouble or kept getting distracted, I miss the focus being on skill and not levels. I don't fucking miss Gwen at all. I miss my Dervish. Big time.
mm, the Microsoft band is kinda funky. but meh i don't even wear a watch so none of it's any use to me until they can put it on a necklace. (it's a panic attack thing, i can't have anything tight around my wrists)
I actually really like my Smart Watch. I plan on upgrading when the Huawei Watch comes out (It's beautiful!). Till then I'm getting a ton of use out of my Sony SmartWatch 3.
rolls on the floor
How can you destroy an entire fanbase's dreams in less than 2 hours? wipes a tear on my cheek
Most beautiful trainwreck ever.
Michael Bay's Transformers movie. Some of the action sequences looked like they might have been spectacular if only they hadn't been shaking the camera too much to see anything!
Path of Exile is pretty garbage compared to what everyone extolls. Wildstar on release (Although it's incredible now, and I can't wait for the f2p shift). Both the Xbox One and the PS4. There's no reason to use either with a high end gaming rig, the two consoles are fucking terrible. Even the exclusives are garbage and barely run at 30 fps.
I've never seen my wife more disappointed in anything than Destiny.
Edit: I should probably mention so I don't just sound like a cantankerous masterracer, we have a PS4, XB1, 360, wii, wii u, vita, 3ds xl, nn3ds xl, psp go, psp 3000.
i really enjoy path of exile but i play it as extreme casual and just so i can smash heaps of baddies at once (and to be honest Marvel heroes 2015 is SO MUCH MORE AWESOME!! for that kind of casual power trip
Also I find not listening to other people hyping helps a lot xD
Warframe's my other casual poison. love me the occasional space pirate/ninja slash up
Came here to mention Wildstar. It was supposed to be the next HARDCORE MMO. It was advertised to hell and back at PAX Prime (and probably other events as well, I just went to PAX). It was an alright game that had a lot of bugs/problems at launch that had me quitting after the first month.
I'm looking forward to hopping back on when it goes F2P. Hoping to see the issues that I had with it prior fixed/improved.
Batman: Arkham Knight. Still not purchasable on Steam because Warner Brothers/Rocksteady won't fix the damn PC release. Almost pre-ordered it too, because Rocksteady had always put out absolutely amazing products. Biggest disappointment of the past year easy.
I've had no issues with it but I got the game through a graphics card deal, and it was absolutely amazing. I really enjoyed the game and might play it again to 100% it.
Onlive- which was the only youtube ad for me for a while.
Watch dogs. Which I'm ok being over hyped because I saw one video went "ooh it's out?" then bought sleeping dogs accidentally instead(this was like in 2012). Did not regret.
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The second series of True Detective. I copped a bit of brain damage making my way through that.
Still haven't watched the first one. Is it that good?
The first series was brilliant.
[This comment was removed]
I was still on the fence about watching season 2 considering how much I loved season one. Thanks for discouraging me of the notion!
I haven't seen either season yet. I'll be sure to keep this in mind as well.
Yup, too many plot lines meaning I gave less of a crap about everyone.... and Vaughn and Reilly had no chemistry whatsoever, bored me to tears every time they were on screen together....
Duke Nukem Forever, Daikatana and several other games. I'm seriously afraid for Star Citizen, so much that I'm glad I didn't back it.
Yeah... Star Citizen really is sitting at that point of being impossible to live up to it's hype. Plus, you know, it's a space game... those are notorious for failing horribly :/ cough Elite: Dangerous cough
Considering that I have more hours in E:D than in any other game ever, that I'm chief of the Elite: Dangerous tribe and I'm now with a project to visit every single inhabited system on the game... I'd wouldn't go so far as say it failled horribly. It certainly matched my expectations, of course, this being the internets, there's always a lot of people with diffenrent opinions, and that's ok.
My expectations for the game were: Flying around buying low and selling high, shooting NPCs for fun and profit. Basically, what I had in the original game with cutting edge graphics. I got what I payd for (I'm Premium Beta backer) plus some. As soon as I have a few more screenshots of my great journey, I'll publish it here. The visuals alone are worth the hundred quid I paid for it.
For me, I believed what they said about "being able to play any way you wanted". In my case, space combat... because it had great feeling flying, physics that made sense, and great weapons/power management. What I actually got was instancing that is inconsistent and frustrating, a whole load of weapons that are pretty terrible to use, only 4 ships that are viable for PvP, countless hitbox quirks... and then a PowerPlay system that would logically encourage PvP conflicts, but instead actively disincentivize it.
Then an expansion that was supposed to be optional that they want me to pay another $60 for... that also isn't actually a finished product.
I don't know, man. I picked up the game like 3 days before Wings went live. After two weeks of PowerPlay, I never found the desire to start the game anymore...and their practice with the expansion pretty much confirmed my feelings.
EDIT: Sure you can fight the NPCs but... eh, a Viper taking out Anacondas isn't the most exciting situation. They've buffed the AI more than once, but at the end of the day, it's not a human, nor does it fly like one.
But Fallout 4 is going to be fantastic and bug-free at release right? Right?
Hahahaha, a beth game with no bugs
I'm not deeply invested in Fallout, like that guy who sent more than 2000 beer caps to Bethesda, but I wish fans of the series good luck and many, many hours of bug-free fun.
It won't happen. The Game will be riddled with bugs. But we will love it all the same and play it like no other game that year and the year after that because..well..It's a Bethesda game.
Star Wars prequels?
Man. I still remember. 14 years old, hyped for months prior. Ticket presell, I skipped school and waited the entire day from 7 in the morning just to get the ticket to what was sure to be my new favorite movie. I didn't sleep at all the day before. I left the cinema almost in tears. That was harsh.
God, that's bloody tragic. When you're that age months feel like years as well.
Yep. It's funny how something so trivial now was back then a real tragedy. Priorities change when you grow up :P
Yeah, but the kid feelings are still there. That would have been major at the time.
God, Phantom Menace was so terrible.
It was! Avatar was nothing to write home about either. Lucky for me, a friend let me borrow her disk..The plot was so painfully obvious.
...because you'd already seen it in Pocahontas, right? :P
Young 'uns nowadays can't fathom how ridiculously overhyped this thing was before release... They called it "IT" and said it was so revolutionary it would force cities to adapt and be completely redesigned. They didn't reveal exactly what it was until it came out.
Whoever came up with the Segway failed to apprehend how important it was to the device's success that you don't look like a moron riding it. Not to mention that it was sold as WAY safer and foolproof than it really is (which you can easily verify by watching Segway crash videos on Youtube.)
From "IT" to Paul Blart: Mall Cop... It's difficult to overstate the utter failure of the Segway.
eek! that landed so flat I felt embarrassed for the guy. before it was released there was issues of Time magazine gushing about "what is IT?" and getting all frothy. Gets released and poof. Nobody wanted one.
it was going to change the world :(
it has - there's now tourists tours everywhere using it. >.<
[This comment was removed]
New coke.
Ha ha, I read you user name as a reply to the question
Except that that's never a disappointment :P
Could also apply.
The Ouya gaming system was the most recent example I can think of.
/me sighs, looks at Ouya and controllers covered in dust, hits upvote
The UK General Election. Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition I mean Tories to get in. Bastards.
i'm looking forward to the possibility of Corbyn getting lead of labour. Not that it matters to me in the heart of SNP heartlands but I just want to see the New Labour MPs explode in a shower of bile confetti
That's fine, just so long as the SNP keep sticking their oar in where necessary to help us lot south of the border.
It seems likely, though it must be really hard to help and not push too far into the hands of the tory spin by interference and "thinking they own the place"
It's not like England hasn't pretended she owns Scotland for really rather too long. If the SNP don't pitch in, it will be back to feudal times for us plebs down south. Actually, we would probably be better off under the Romans...
You could do us a favour and move up to one of the No strongholds and help swing us when the time comes xD
Can't. Got to stay here and keep our little red island alive and kicking. :)
Good luck though! Maybe we can take your county with us xD
Relevant user name here.....no you wouldn't :)
Heh! I live in an ex-Roman city :)
Diablo 3.
It was pretty much an unfinished game when it was released. Even though they fixed all the massive issues in later patches, I was so disappointed that I did not bother getting the expansion. It was simply not worth the money.
I heartily disagree. The expansion is legit one of the best game experiences I have ever had. Let me tally up the hours I've put in since reaper dropped:
Barb: 99 hours Sader: 30 hours Demon Hunter: 284 hours Monk: 79 Hours Wizard: 189 hours Witch Doctor: 812 hours
That's 1,493 hours of pure looting joy. If you want to pin it on someone, blame Jay Wilson. He got kicked to the curb, and D3 has had more post-release support than Terraria.
Edit for clarification: Talking about the expansion being worth the money. I started playing D3 maybe a few months before the AH was axed, so I never really had a bad time with vanilla.
Second edit: If there's one thing D3 does that disappoints me, it's the constant nerfing of Jade Docs.
Edit the third: I'm sorry, I downvoted you and I don't know why. I'm in the middle of tapering down off my current meds and it makes me snippy, I'm sorry. Let me take away that downvote.
The expansion changed the game entirely, it's so much better. I bought into vanilla played for a month and then quit because of the whole auction house thing. I had something like 12 hours max on vanilla but now I have over 500 hours on RoS. Next patch is bringing in a better version of the horadric cube, able to extract the passives from legendaries and apply up to three of them to you (a weapon, jewelry, and armor slot). Super stoked for it.
Prometheus, I really wanted that movie to be good :(
I'm in the minority to have liked aren't I? Though the plot holes are massive, and there's the scene with the biologist/stupid award winner and the alien, the movie was enjoyable, and I liked what it brought to the mythos table. I want that universe to be explored further, and it gave us nice glimpses into that.
Guild Wars 2.
As a big Guild Wars fan and former addict... it just didn't have the same qualities.
I never played the first one. Did the change away from playing characters that were two classes really hurt the feel that much or is there more to it?
There's much more. It really just didn't have the same addictive qualities that Guild Wars had. I could ramble for awhile but... you know. lol
Fair enough. I enjoyed my time with the game, but the very lackluster global events kinda killed the long-term play for me. Plus I was stuck playing solo almost all the time :P
Though I've had the urge to pick the game back up.
You mostly hit one of my points. The only reason I had people to play with was because I kept in touch with guildies from Guild Wars 1. The social quality and being able to find new people to play with just wasn't there.
I dunno, I really enjoyed it like rather a lot (though I missed having henchmen) the PvP was really decent. then I got to the whole karka attack thing, which was great fun if only because i was very lucky and didn't crash out or have issues. And then after that I took a break like i do when i just played solid for a whole week and when i felt like coming back suddenly nothing was how i remembered it and i simply couldn't play it anymore.
I really want to go back and give it another go but I fear it's moved on far too much I'd have to start again and relearn it all and the jewel/gold economy will be super crazy by now. Much like neverwinter online; if you take a break with these games you can never really catch up again.
You're right though, i miss exploiting the 5hp monk stuff to solo bosses, I miss the birthday critters, I miss paying some guy too much money to run me through to the next hub cause i was too lazy to bother or just having too much trouble or kept getting distracted, I miss the focus being on skill and not levels. I don't fucking miss Gwen at all. I miss my Dervish. Big time.
George W. Bush
Smart watches and almost every recent IPhone and Apple Product - It's not new but we'll make it look as if we invented it
To be fair, that's sort of always been their thing. Introducing the brand new iPad! Ignore the thing that Microsoft came out with a few years ago.
mm, the Microsoft band is kinda funky. but meh i don't even wear a watch so none of it's any use to me until they can put it on a necklace. (it's a panic attack thing, i can't have anything tight around my wrists)
I actually really like my Smart Watch. I plan on upgrading when the Huawei Watch comes out (It's beautiful!). Till then I'm getting a ton of use out of my Sony SmartWatch 3.
Avatar the Last Airbender the Movie! Enough said.
rolls on the floor
How can you destroy an entire fanbase's dreams in less than 2 hours?
wipes a tear on my cheek
Most beautiful trainwreck ever.
Michael Bay's Transformers movie. Some of the action sequences looked like they might have been spectacular if only they hadn't been shaking the camera too much to see anything!
...Michael bay violated my childhood. And then he finished the job with TMNT.
it could have been 60% better without the humans too.
I fucking loved my zune.
Obama 2012
Gotta agree with you on that!
Path of Exile is pretty garbage compared to what everyone extolls. Wildstar on release (Although it's incredible now, and I can't wait for the f2p shift). Both the Xbox One and the PS4. There's no reason to use either with a high end gaming rig, the two consoles are fucking terrible. Even the exclusives are garbage and barely run at 30 fps.
I've never seen my wife more disappointed in anything than Destiny.
Edit: I should probably mention so I don't just sound like a cantankerous masterracer, we have a PS4, XB1, 360, wii, wii u, vita, 3ds xl, nn3ds xl, psp go, psp 3000.
i really enjoy path of exile but i play it as extreme casual and just so i can smash heaps of baddies at once (and to be honest Marvel heroes 2015 is SO MUCH MORE AWESOME!! for that kind of casual power trip
Also I find not listening to other people hyping helps a lot xD
Warframe's my other casual poison. love me the occasional space pirate/ninja slash up
Came here to mention Wildstar. It was supposed to be the next HARDCORE MMO. It was advertised to hell and back at PAX Prime (and probably other events as well, I just went to PAX). It was an alright game that had a lot of bugs/problems at launch that had me quitting after the first month.
I'm looking forward to hopping back on when it goes F2P. Hoping to see the issues that I had with it prior fixed/improved.
Batman: Arkham Knight.
Still not purchasable on Steam because Warner Brothers/Rocksteady won't fix the damn PC release. Almost pre-ordered it too, because Rocksteady had always put out absolutely amazing products. Biggest disappointment of the past year easy.
I've had no issues with it but I got the game through a graphics card deal, and it was absolutely amazing. I really enjoyed the game and might play it again to 100% it.
QR codes?
Onlive- which was the only youtube ad for me for a while.
Watch dogs. Which I'm ok being over hyped because I saw one video went "ooh it's out?" then bought sleeping dogs accidentally instead(this was like in 2012). Did not regret.