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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement nauthas

    Rock Star

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    I'm cautious about spectacle animes being mixed with live action. Always comes across as cheesy or forced to me. There's some shows I'd love in tv form (monster- if that'll ever happen even though it apparently will) but attack on titan isn't one of those.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    Lelouch. He displays the exact traits a character needs for the watcher to be conflicted about him. He shows empathy, and most of his screw ups were unforeseeable or genuine mistakes, but he does some pretty awful things before using "holier then thou" ideology to allow it to happen. He's deceitful yet clever, he clearly wants to better the world, and he understands the stakes. At the same time he betrays, kills or manipulates anyone and everyone in his way.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    It's conflicting. On the one hand a lot of my friends reactions were "Well, they knew what they were getting into, they surely knew the risks and consequences" and in some ways I do agree with that. I feel for these people, but they knew they were breaking the law, but decided to anyways. Surely you've got to reap what you sow. I feel for the user who could be stoned to death (I'm not going to question there authenticity) but it still seems weird to me the idea of backing up people whom's cheated or cheating. Either way we should take this as the lesson, to know that the internet isn't sacred, and to take precautions.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    "The world still isn't ending. You'll know when it does"

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    I've been to Boston and it's a wonderful place. I loved walking through the place, and they do really good Kebabs! Honestly, in my delves into America, I'd put a lot of these places high on the list. This guy is a nut. On the point of progressivism, while I don't view myself as one, a whole lot of my friends are Progressives, and as much as the media makes them look insane from time to time, most are very friendly. This is all anecdotal of course. They question my views respectfully and I have truly changed my heart because of them. Like anything, a few bad apples destroy them all in the minds of some, I'm just not glad I'm part of that some.

    Note- I'm very much against the more radicalized progressives but so am I against any radicals.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    I'm of too minds on this. On the one hand, it's good to learn this sought of thing, on the other, I think we are starting to push these ideas a bit early on kids. On the one hand we say "Kids are growing up too fast and not getting time to be kids" while on the other hand we teach them all these things about identity and sex and gender when they are at the age where they still probably just want to run around in a playground. We dump these ideas, which cause conflict upon modern (sexist) people to children and expect them to understand it?

    I suppose it will depend on how it's handled. I think it will probably confuse children, but if it is written good enough and handled tastefully (I'm sure it will) then I'll have to have a deeper look once it's out and reevaluate my position.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    Well as I see it, if you've got something to add to the discussion then put it in my comment, my issue is more that when I come to a section even if there is a comment, if it's from the author it still makes me hesitant. The issue is I'm better at replying to people then I am at commenting on the post itself. Don't worry! It's not you tears up it's just me! runs away

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement nauthas

    Chatter Box

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    Ah ok sorry I thought you were addressing me directly when you said "Y'all want to fight for that guy ?" and " Y'all want to fight for that guy ?" Personally, I'm starting to stop giving a crap about gamergate. At the end of the day it's a lot easier just to ignore gamergate at this point and look for ethics without the bagging.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    Welcome to Snapzu!

    Posted in: Hello Snapzu

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    I think there are variations of political correctness. Sure there are some which is simply treating people with respect, and I think people should adhere to that, I do take worry when some censor others in the name of "political correctness". Let's not conflate all types of PC into one. I for one, think that you should treat people how they want to be (is that really hard?), but let's not mix that type of, I suppose, Political correctness with the type of PC that fuels the black lives movement to attack Bernie Sanders.

    We get too caught up on words and forget about intentions sometimes that's an issue here too. What I'm trying to say Is I'm fine with people being politically correct, I'm not so fine with it when people attack others for not adhering to there own idea of political correctness, and censoring stuff that goes against that.

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  • 9 years ago
    Level Up nauthas

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    Right so I'll break it down.

    "it's a shitshow on both sides but it's been an entire year and ms Quinn still can't live a semi-normal life because they're still harassing her and publishing any new addresses that she is forced to move to. Just fucking give it up." I never started. This is my main issue with Gamergate. While I do think Quinn can engage in hyperbole, both sides are bad for this. Throughout SPJ Airplay almost everyone on the panel got doxxed, those who weren't even a part of Gamergate too like Koretzky. So this is an issue both sides need to address, I just don#t know how they'd do it

    "And most recently Donald Trump's using the internet shitshow brigade to harass a news anchor for asking a basic obvious question. Really? Y'all want to fight for that guy " No, I'm a Bernie supporter, even though I'm Canadian. In fact, there were only a few people that ever said they supported Donald trump in Gamergate, one got retweeted. Then a, for lack of a better term, shit-storm blew up. A whole lot of people in Gamergate got painted as trump supporters, when most of them aren't because trump hates violent video games. On whatever trump did with the "shitshow brigade", I don't know enough to comment but it sounds like him. He is a racist and sexist pig in my eyes.

    I just want to point out that a lot of GG is back and forth. As much as there is a fringe, whether 3rd party or otherwise, of people who has doxxed in the name of GG, there's also like ms Quinn who has been known to doxx in the past (hell dump) on the other side too. That's why I "switch" a lot. While I like Gamergates goals, the ends do not justify the means (Even though Bob Chipman disagrees saying "Here's something you should know about me: I "believe" that there is (almost) no such thing as a bad tactic - only bad TARGETS")

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    Hm I suppose so. I suppose it depends on the type of post.

  • 9 years ago
    Conversation nauthas
    This comment has gained traction and has turned into a conversation.

    My issue is whenever I post I feel it gets lost in the void. People upvote it, but no one comments on it. I really don't know how to fix that but it discourages me. It's wierd because comments get lots of responses but it's like no one wants to be the first one to comment on a post... I dunno might just be me.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    I flip. I support the movement but can't stand a lot of the people in it. If you haven't seen it yet this makes me interested again.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    I mean I'm well traversed in Gamergate, and I saw a clear attempt to connect the two for a time, but I just ignored it and it seemed to pass. Seems a bit silly to me. I think they are probably feeding off of these articles. They'll fall into obscurity if people just ignore them, it seems.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    Maybe, but generally you comment in the description of the post.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    So they exploited an issue with the voting system, so where does the sexism come into this? Because it doesn't sound like anyone "broke" anything, it sounds like someone gamed a broken system.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    HOW DARE YOU ARGUE WITH ME. Just joking. Although I would say anti Gamergates style is far worse, but I'm biased.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    I... Didn't think about that... If I was them I'd raise them in my own light and teach them to be better then the men who did what they did. I hope that's what they do... But I deep down know it probably isn't

  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    I suppose your correct, I'm not saying the women who started it had bad intentions, I'd do the same. It's just the next generation on and the one after and the one after may eventually become radicalized. More so it shows that we need action now. I said I don't like the idea of that, but I don't think the issue is necessarily the community. As I see it, it's a shocking and terrible sign when people feel that creating a single gendered community is the only way to stop this horror from happening. I suppose I used poor wording in my first post, forgive me I'm tired.

    To reword what I meant- I really don't like the idea of [feeling the only option is to create a] single sex village. It sounds counter-intuitive, I'd much prefer to make a world in which all genders can get along in harmony, this sounds like the opposite of that. Which is why we need to take action to stop these terrible things from happening, because when we are pushed so far to where someone feels they have to do something like that, it's a shocking sign.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment nauthas

    Possibly so, but banning all because of the few, will only make the rift stronger don't you think?