  • Autumnal (edited 8 years ago)

    Path of Exile is pretty garbage compared to what everyone extolls. Wildstar on release (Although it's incredible now, and I can't wait for the f2p shift). Both the Xbox One and the PS4. There's no reason to use either with a high end gaming rig, the two consoles are fucking terrible. Even the exclusives are garbage and barely run at 30 fps.

    I've never seen my wife more disappointed in anything than Destiny.

    Edit: I should probably mention so I don't just sound like a cantankerous masterracer, we have a PS4, XB1, 360, wii, wii u, vita, 3ds xl, nn3ds xl, psp go, psp 3000.

    • Qukatt

      i really enjoy path of exile but i play it as extreme casual and just so i can smash heaps of baddies at once (and to be honest Marvel heroes 2015 is SO MUCH MORE AWESOME!! for that kind of casual power trip

      Also I find not listening to other people hyping helps a lot xD

      Warframe's my other casual poison. love me the occasional space pirate/ninja slash up

    • Civil

      Came here to mention Wildstar. It was supposed to be the next HARDCORE MMO. It was advertised to hell and back at PAX Prime (and probably other events as well, I just went to PAX). It was an alright game that had a lot of bugs/problems at launch that had me quitting after the first month.

      I'm looking forward to hopping back on when it goes F2P. Hoping to see the issues that I had with it prior fixed/improved.