  • racerxonclar

    I never played the first one. Did the change away from playing characters that were two classes really hurt the feel that much or is there more to it?

    • Xeno

      There's much more. It really just didn't have the same addictive qualities that Guild Wars had. I could ramble for awhile but... you know. lol

      • racerxonclar

        Fair enough. I enjoyed my time with the game, but the very lackluster global events kinda killed the long-term play for me. Plus I was stuck playing solo almost all the time :P

        Though I've had the urge to pick the game back up.

        • Xeno

          You mostly hit one of my points. The only reason I had people to play with was because I kept in touch with guildies from Guild Wars 1. The social quality and being able to find new people to play with just wasn't there.