  • Xeno

    Guild Wars 2.

    As a big Guild Wars fan and former addict... it just didn't have the same qualities.

    • racerxonclar

      I never played the first one. Did the change away from playing characters that were two classes really hurt the feel that much or is there more to it?

      • Xeno

        There's much more. It really just didn't have the same addictive qualities that Guild Wars had. I could ramble for awhile but... you know. lol

        • racerxonclar

          Fair enough. I enjoyed my time with the game, but the very lackluster global events kinda killed the long-term play for me. Plus I was stuck playing solo almost all the time :P

          Though I've had the urge to pick the game back up.

          • Xeno

            You mostly hit one of my points. The only reason I had people to play with was because I kept in touch with guildies from Guild Wars 1. The social quality and being able to find new people to play with just wasn't there.

    • Qukatt

      I dunno, I really enjoyed it like rather a lot (though I missed having henchmen) the PvP was really decent. then I got to the whole karka attack thing, which was great fun if only because i was very lucky and didn't crash out or have issues. And then after that I took a break like i do when i just played solid for a whole week and when i felt like coming back suddenly nothing was how i remembered it and i simply couldn't play it anymore.

      I really want to go back and give it another go but I fear it's moved on far too much I'd have to start again and relearn it all and the jewel/gold economy will be super crazy by now. Much like neverwinter online; if you take a break with these games you can never really catch up again.

      You're right though, i miss exploiting the 5hp monk stuff to solo bosses, I miss the birthday critters, I miss paying some guy too much money to run me through to the next hub cause i was too lazy to bother or just having too much trouble or kept getting distracted, I miss the focus being on skill and not levels. I don't fucking miss Gwen at all. I miss my Dervish. Big time.