  • gremlin

    Diablo 3.

    It was pretty much an unfinished game when it was released. Even though they fixed all the massive issues in later patches, I was so disappointed that I did not bother getting the expansion. It was simply not worth the money.

    • Autumnal (edited 8 years ago)

      I heartily disagree. The expansion is legit one of the best game experiences I have ever had. Let me tally up the hours I've put in since reaper dropped:

      Barb: 99 hours Sader: 30 hours Demon Hunter: 284 hours Monk: 79 Hours Wizard: 189 hours Witch Doctor: 812 hours

      That's 1,493 hours of pure looting joy. If you want to pin it on someone, blame Jay Wilson. He got kicked to the curb, and D3 has had more post-release support than Terraria.

      Edit for clarification: Talking about the expansion being worth the money. I started playing D3 maybe a few months before the AH was axed, so I never really had a bad time with vanilla.

      Second edit: If there's one thing D3 does that disappoints me, it's the constant nerfing of Jade Docs.

      Edit the third: I'm sorry, I downvoted you and I don't know why. I'm in the middle of tapering down off my current meds and it makes me snippy, I'm sorry. Let me take away that downvote.

    • FurtWigglepants (edited 8 years ago)

      The expansion changed the game entirely, it's so much better. I bought into vanilla played for a month and then quit because of the whole auction house thing. I had something like 12 hours max on vanilla but now I have over 500 hours on RoS. Next patch is bringing in a better version of the horadric cube, able to extract the passives from legendaries and apply up to three of them to you (a weapon, jewelry, and armor slot). Super stoked for it.