
Followed by 49 users:
AdelleChattre 50

“I believe in optimism and lots of white paint.” — Summer Glau

50 99.5% 12,844 3,402 181,102 92
Appaloosa 50

"Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." - Mark Twain

50 99.5% 3,759 4,175 105,361 77
50 99.5% 5,604 2,942 66,324 91
50 99.5% 4,371 1,526 24,379 77
48 99.4% 2,952 1,386 112,978 85
Maternitus 46

Under the radar alchemyst.

46 99.3% 1,214 1,396 41,572 63
43 99.1% 1,710 624 32,409 60
42 99.5% 1,894 125 17,400 62
imokruok 41

inhale 2 puffs into lungs every 4 hours as needed for cough/wheezing

41 99.5% 1,395 452 11,852 69
40 98.3% 1,159 302 40,231 55
34 97.5% 794 321 19,601 50
31 93.9% 639 318 4,771 49
29 93.8% 448 345 3,278 51
Bastou 28

Father, polyglot, movie and history buff, computer scientist; in that order

28 87.6% 131 541 3,580 39
27 87.4% 361 258 2,221 47
wondaROY 24

My posts will blow your mind.

24 91.1% 276 35 12,559 38
DokterDuke 22

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real. No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

22 85.9% 175 45 2,460 35
oystein 21

Øystein Alsaker (oystein@snapzu)

21 78.6% 8 318 815 25
19 83.9% 209 39 9,305 32
19 83.5% 55 118 978 31
18 79.4% 22 300 1,316 22
18 79.9% 51 166 1,060 30
SevenTales 18

Amateur philosopher and tech enthusiast from Quebec, Canada

18 80.2% 33 362 1,044 23
willyb321 17

willyb321 - that one guy who you see around places

17 77.0% 30 142 363 28
double2 16

My dog has no nose / How does he smell? / I can't verify that he does

16 75.9% 25 278 744 20
15 75.0% 8 191 565 18
13 70.5% 27 36 295 20
13 71.3% 17 115 307 20
TheDreamingMonk 13


13 72.9% 0 0 299 18
10 69.2% 1 44 217 11