MrsBean's feed

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Whelp, there goes my back-up retirement plan.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Thank you /u/drunkenninja. It's funny to me that after trying so many times and having such difficulty with quitting, that final time was so easy. Even with my husband still smoking I was never tempted, and I never even think about smoking, don't miss it in the least. I too applaud those that are trying to stop and have already quit. It's quite the task to give up such an integral part of ones life. So to all you got this! When the time is right you will be able to just walk away. One thing I did different that final time was buy a pack of cigarettes and stash it in the freezer. Every other time I would frantically smoke down to the last one then spend all my time thinking about how desperately I craved a cigarette. But with the pack stashed away just sitting there waiting for me if I needed it, it wasn't about never having one again, it became about simply not opening the pack. That comforting knowledge took the pressure off and was the just the trick I needed to finally quit smoking for good.

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  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    When we married 25 years ago, both my husband and myself smoked. Every year or two we'd be "This time we quit for real". He would always be the first to cave. He was also always the first to angrily state that we must quit no matter what!. We tried everything from patches to hypnosis. After 18 years of this, one day I found myself crammed in a small space for 11 hours with a heavy smoker and man oh man did he ever reek to high heaven. I was so grossed out by the retched stench I quit there and then. After 22 years and numerous tries I finally did it. Cold turkey. My husband? Nope, here we are 8 years later and he still smokes a pack a day insisting he'll quit tomorrow. Now he's saying he'll quit by the time he's 50 (next year) so his body can 'regenerate'. I don't have high hopes. We discuss it pretty much every day and he always says "I know I have to quit, it's too expensive and it's killing me. Soon."

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  • 10 years ago
    Image MrsBean

    The Shelf Life of Food

    This chart lets you know how long common foods like produce, meats and leftovers will last on the counter, in the refrigerator, and in the freezer.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    When I take a moment to take in the vast differences between the life forms of mammals and jelly fish, those little creatures blow my mind. Most aquatic life for that matter. Evolution in the various environments is simply amazing.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    I don't know about you all, but I for one am super excited to hear this most excellent news!

  • 10 years ago
    Achievement MrsBean

    A Class Above

    Has had their post saved 25/25 times by other members. Congratulations MrsBean on this achievement!

    +14500 XP
  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    That's very true. I sometimes forget people each have different life experiences from myself.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Darn it, it's good luck in USSR. Should have been a mirror breaking on him.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Yeah, 'good luck' avoiding the incoming shit storm Putin ;). But now you have me curious, I will look up how Russians feel about bird poop.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    I'm surprised the number who self identify as atheist in the USA is only 2%. On Reddit it's like 100%. Personally I could care less who/what people choose to pray to, or not. It's no ones business. We should remember that religion is a personal choice, therefore it's private and needs to stay out of publicly funded institutions and government. Nothing as polarizing as religion and politics, two topics worth avoiding at parties!

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Just a little tap on the shoulder from karma. Perhaps a taste of what's to come?

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    You know who else is a narcissist? Your friendly neighbourhood psychopath that's who.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    The other day I was making a left hand turn off one very busy road onto another. Dude in full spandex is on the left hand sidewalk blasting through the pedestrian cross walk. He came from behind and appeared out of no where right in front of me as I was completing my turn. I was ----thisclose---- to creaming him. In a rare display of extreme road rage, I laid on the horn 'cause frankly he scared the living crap out of me, and he rewarded me saving his life by giving me the finger! What? Duuuuuude you did everything wrong and behaved unpredictably and unsafely!

    Posted in: GoPro: Fixie Bike Fail

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Ha! Yup, from everything I have ever read, Alberta has a huge hate-on for the Canucks. Always standing out from the crowd that Alberta. ;)

  • 10 years ago
    Analysis MrsBean

    Waiting for a new face: The transplants giving people back their lives

    As face transplants become more common, hospitals may soon be asking: Will you donate your face?

  • 10 years ago
    Analysis MrsBean

    This Is How Much The World Hates The Boston Bruins

    It appears that the world hates the Boston Bruins almost as much as many fans in the Great White North. That's according to a series of

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Are the fast food line-ups at an all time --ahem-- high?

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    "Smart dog. Who's a good boy?"

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    If you keep posting these scrumptious recipes, you're going to turn me into a chunky monkey!

    Posted in: Picadillo Tostadas

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    (first recipe) Never having ever eaten guacamole in my life, my now vegan daughter has turned me on to avocado. Oh my, del-i-cious. I use it in so many recipes now, not just sandwiches but even in sauces to add to the creaminess.

    So many great recipe ideas here, will be trying most of these. (Hello cauliflower tots, welcome to my belly)

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Good points. Remember, don't do like some companies and barrage your customer with emails. I'm looking at you Old Navy. And when a customer asks a question, answer it. One thing I am tired of is canned responses. Some companies in their Facebook page give the same answers to every. single. post. Cut it out. Also with the vernacular. Target: guests and Teavanna: cheers. Sheesh, sounds so belittling and condescending. (Obviously others feel differently but it's my take and I do not frequent either of those companies for those reasons)

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Business as usual.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Awesome! Thanks /u/Gozzin :)

  • 10 years ago
    Comment MrsBean

    Right? Riding between cars, blowing through crosswalks, weaving, and behaving in such unpredictable manners. Definitely asshole behaviour. And the exact reason there is a subset of drivers who despise cyclists. Thanks dude for justifying their opinion.

    Posted in: GoPro: Fixie Bike Fail