
Someone Called Us Dull!? :( I don't think so!

I have to say though it’s not as…strongly opinionated as Reddit which is a good and a bad thing as it lends to very passive and dull comments.

I'm not here to entertain you, I'm here to interact with other people and share good content with people of similar interests. I'm sorry if we aren't screaming at each other and threatening one another. Is there not enough bullying for you? Do we not put our member's down enough for your liking? Apologies. I'll try harder to meet my daily beating quota. /s Assohole.

But personality is formed over time and I imagine that this will change as it grows.

You're basically saying you look forward to our community becoming shitty as time passes. Super. I hope you burn your popcorn because you're too busy jerking it waiting for someone to get in a fight in the comments section.


EDIT3: Previous additional comments were more trouble than they were worth. For the record the author and I talked this out in a calm and collected manner which you can view in the comments section and I'd like to thank /u/sobeyharker for their time.

9 years ago by VoyagerXyX with 132 comments

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Conversation 17 comments by 9 users
  • MrY

    Oh I also read the article...I guess snapzu is a surprise to many people after all that drama on reddit

    • VoyagerXyX

      It was supposed to be a good surprise /u/MrY! Not a bad one, not something to be perceived as negative.

      • madjo

        Some people just prefer scorched earth and mudflinging over good quality discussion and links.

        • VoyagerXyX

          It's true, it just saddens me that people look forward to the declination of a community I've put so much energy and caring into the past month. This place took me in and gave me somewhere to be social when I had no other outlet for doing so. It hurts to hear someone hoping that degrades.

          • Gozzin

            I feel the same way...Been here longer,so I've got more attached. I suspect there will be newbie people here who will work really hard to make this a Reddit clone. Let's not let them do that.

            • VoyagerXyX

              Thank you for sharing. I'm hoping to earn my spot here, like you.

            • SevenTales

              And then some newbies like me will be all about joining a new community and customs. Else, I would've stayed on Reddit.

          • sobeyharker

            I'm not hoping that it degrades - I'm genuinely excited to see where Snapzu goes from here.

          • madjo

            I wouldn't take it personally. Let's just keep making this community as awesome as it is today, and perhaps make it even better, and lets leave those haters out of this. Let them go to voat or whatever else floats their boat/goat.

            • VoyagerXyX

              or whatever floats their [goat].

              That made me laugh, thanks.

            • madjo (edited 9 years ago)
              @VoyagerXyX -

              You're welcome. Don't let that [insult deleted] get you down or interfere with your enjoyment of Snapzu.

              edit I apologize for insulting the author. I was wrong, and I regret doing so.

            • dh0271
              @VoyagerXyX -

              Yeah, I wouldn't take this seriously. If not being a constant circle-jerk and less community drama is "dull" then I would rather be "dull".

            • Gozzin
              @dh0271 -

              After being on Reddit for several years, I can't bring myself to even go there now. I see Reddit as a box of rabid raccoons and Snapzu as a peaceful meadow with a babbling brook, huge trees and nice people and I want it to stay that way. If people don't like it here,they know where the exit ramp is.

      • BlankWindow

        For the ones you want to keep here it is a good surprise. I knew how to get by while commenting or disagreeing on Reddit. There is kind of a set protocol for not attracting the hive hate. Unfortunately it makes for a cookie cutter atmosphere that is entirely predictable if you have been around to see it develop over the years.

        • VoyagerXyX

          I understand, it's just rather unfortunate.

      • MrY

        yea for sure!

      • Xendeth

        I am a fresh face and I have taken it as a GREAT surprise :) Just need to figure out something like RES for here...I miss all my cheeky shortcuts...

Conversation 22 comments by 9 users
  • Boop

    It sounds like a lot of people are offended by this article, but I don't see why. I think it's great that the author put together a list of Reddit alternatives. That is a lot of websites he went through - obviously he didn't spend a whole lot of time on some of these sites - but at least it is a general overview that will get people looking.

    As for the comment "passive and dull", I think dull was a poor choice of word and I'm hoping that's not what he actually meant. I'm thinking he means that users tend to have ideas/opinions that don't waver to extremes, in contrast to Reddit. I see it as a compliment; we're level-headed and not batshit crazy.

    • sobeyharker

      Sorry. It's poorly worded and this better conveys how I feel.

      • Boop

        Don't worry about it. Honestly, this whole thread has left a bad taste in my mouth. I can understand why people would initially get upset about some of your comments, but when people start belittling and calling you an "asshole", especially when the original intent of the article was to help others, it makes me feel uneasy.

        • [Deleted Profile] (edited 9 years ago)

          [This comment was removed]

        • Goronmon

          Honestly, this whole thread has left a bad taste in my mouth.

          Same here. It's a little distressing.

        • sobeyharker


          The whole reason I created the list is because I posted the original "Master list" on /r/redditalternatives and I was asked to by a LOT of people who are either part or represent other communities. I gave them all, even the smaller ones with only a few hundred users, a fair shot. A lot of them shared their Google Analytics with me and we talked about their plans for future growth.

          This is the list I was talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/c..._reddit_alternatives_that_i/?ref=search_posts

          People severely overestimate the use of such a list as a marketing tool, speaking as an ex-mod of /r/marketing and /r/ppc, and the main benefit here will be inbound in weeks/months to come. I did this not because my work wanted me to but because I thought I had an opportunity to create a decent resource for a large amount of communities. I'm speaking entirely on my own behalf here, not some hidden agenda, so I'd appreciate if people would talk to me as a person as opposed to some automated hired shill.

          I understand why this community is hurt by my comments and why they were taken outside of the context I meant - however I stand by what I said and that I look forward to the growth of Snapzu and things to come. This is a powerful community, with twice the amount of members of one that I represent, and I honestly see great things coming from it.

        • VoyagerXyX

          Tell it like it is. Let's talk about it.

      • [Deleted Profile]

        [This comment was removed]

      • double2


        Ah, I'm kidding pal. I still love you. I don't think you said anything but the objective truth.

        • sobeyharker

          Haha, cheers. I could have worded it better though.

    • picklefingers

      Yup, not everybody has to be in love with Snapzu. That's sort of the point of the exclusivity and community that we have been trying to grow. It just sounds like the site wasn't the site for him. No problem with that. There are many other alternatives and I don't want to try to force people to stay if they don't like it here.

      • Jackalope

        Yup. I quiet agree. Besides, I think dull is the wrong descriptor for this place. More like 'polite'... like Canada.

    • Xendeth

      I think you summed it up perfectly. Reddit grew to be too big. The loudest are the craziest and everyone will upvote some good drama. It's a shame - but it provides people with the excitement they want. I'll be happy to hang out with like-minded individuals here and if that's not the case at least level-headed.

    • Goronmon

      I'm thinking he means that users tend to have ideas/opinions that don't waver to extremes, in contrast to Reddit.

      Outside of /t/lounge, /t/asksnapzu, and /t/ideasforsnapzu it feels more like people don't bother expressing their ideas/opinions.

Conversation 13 comments by 9 users
  • ClarkKent

    Lol, they probably spent two minutes on each site and looked at the top post. They see us discussing things that are a little more dare I say higher class.. Which is a low bar lol than the others so we are dull and boring.

    OH well.

    • VoyagerXyX

      If Snapzu is dull and boring then I would prefer to be dull and boring.

      • ClarkKent

        I am not dull and boring, I am adventurous and exciting. Now I am going to stare out my office window watching birds fly.

    • sobeyharker

      I spent a good week lurking on the larger sites and seeing how users interacted. There's a lot of talk about Reddit going on - I can't say I care for the drama so I was hoping these sites would do a better job of asserting their own sense of self.

      Snapzu isn't bad, it's a good site, but if you can't handle one person saying that he found it dull through passing as a community I fail to see what sets you apart from Reddit.

      • Amulet (edited 9 years ago)

        I think it's understandable that there's a lot of discussion about reddit right now: it is one of the biggest websites on the internet, the drama is currently a news topic all over the world, and thousands of reddit users have been joining the site with various axes to grind.

        A sense of self will certainly (re)assert itself over the coming months. Opinions formed during the past weeks' activity are likely not descriptive of the longer time frame.

    • Goronmon

      They see us discussing things that are a little more dare I say higher class..

      People on Reddit used to say the same thing about Digg...

  • scp440

    Its pretty dull when half the people on here talk about reddit 24/7.

    • imnotgoats

      I'm looking forward to that part dying down.

    • the7egend

      Yea, kind of getting tired of seeing a Reddit post hit the frontpage everyday. There's tons of other/better stuff to be talked about.

    • Burt (edited 9 years ago)

      Every reddit clone, the tops stories with the most discussion are whats happening at Reddit.

      The reason I went to another site was to avoid Reddit. I'm sick of hearing about the drama. Let the ship sink.

    • picklefingers

      I mean, I've recently joined the group that is tired of the reddit drama (as of last nights drama) and want to avoid it, but its really not hard to avoid it as long as you stay out of /t/reddit and /t/lounge. Before, if I wanted to find reddit (besides introduction threads which is to be expected when people are actively jumping ship and will very likely die down soon sans the possibility of another site exodus) drama, I'd actually have to search it out.

      • spaceghoti

        as of last nights drama

        Oh dear. What did I miss?

    • VoyagerXyX

      I must be in a different corner of Snapzu because I almost never see posts about Reddit. I don't spend a bunch of time on the front page and in the lounge though so that might have something to do with it! Dig deeper into Snapzu! ^_^

      • sobeyharker

        Last week that's essentially most of what I saw.

        • [Deleted Profile]

          [This comment was removed]

  • idlethreat

    "Snapzu: What if Reddit grew up?"

    • Retzilience

      I can say from experience that the problems are always most likely to come or emerge with popularity. I've been on Reddit since, IDK, 2006? Prior to subreddits, AMAs and gimmicks. The discussion was way better simply because it was a niche culture, a smaller community. Those days the 9gag, buzzfeed and other tribes were all on Digg mostly, and Digg was basically what Reddit is today: "Dank Memes". It's actually weird that I created several of top subreddits when the tool came to beta, and yet, I didn't like the communities and how they evolved and let better people manage it from there.

      When Digg flooded itself the exodus to Reddit made things change irreparably. I've been for years looking for an alternative community. But it is not the same, you can't simply go to Voat and expect 'old-time-reddit' to be living there, The cultural mentality changed so much.

      But one thing Snapzu has that gives me hope is the similar structure but different organization and layout. The tribes a a lot less secretive and exclusive with the crossposting feature and the personal reputation and presentation options delivered trough a profile page, avatar and "XP" make people consider themselves a bit more like a personality than an anonymous voice, which seems to restrain a bit the impulse from trolling, that is cancerous at best.

      So, fingers crossed to this community.

      • exegesispieces

        This is exactly how I feel. I have a friend who keeps talking about how he and some of his Reddit buddies are moving to Voat. The problem, in my opinion, is that Voat isn't different enough to not have the same problems while Snapzu has some systems in place to help combat those issues.

    • cunt (edited 9 years ago)

      Reddits ball's dropped


      Reddit dropped the ball

      Pick one

      • Nate (edited 9 years ago)

        Snapzu: Reddit's balls dropped, Snapzu dropped the mic.

        Edit: spelling

    • oystein

      Reddit was grown up and then it became juvenile. Reddit IS Benjamin Button.

  • spaceghoti

    Civil conversations are boring. I mean, who wants to learn stuff? Total dullsville!

    (Do I need a /s tag here?)

  • Kalysta

    You know, I think calling this site dull is simply a symptom of what I see happening all the time in the US. Lets look at entertainment in general. Popular music seems to be turning toward sex and violence in order to sell singles, as opposed to deep lyrics or creative, inspired melodies. TV is all "reality show" (read gameshow meets soap opera) clones, where people work to be the nastiest, most violent dickhead to each other in order to garner an audience. The news is terrible. You go between MSNBC's extreme liberal talking heads to Fox's extreme conservative talking heads, with CNN's Hollywood style visual effects somewhere between the two (and ultimately completely ridiculous). Facebook posts are mostly eye catching clickbait or memes that works to insult a group someone doesn't understand.

    If this is what people consider "discussion" and "entertainment" now a days, a bunch of people in a room having a civilized discussion must be downright boring.

    • aj0690

      You make a good point. It's like this community has to resemble a cage match to not be dull.

    • VoyagerXyX

      Sadly accurate, thank you for commenting. Appreciate the input.

  • sobeyharker (edited 9 years ago)

    But personality is formed over time and I imagine that this will change as it grows.

    This is intended purely to say that while things didn't grab me initially I'm sure it'll improve. I gave my thoughts, candidly, and you're free to do the same. I spent a week lurking on various sites and that's the impression I came away with.

    I didn't say there's not enough drama, that there's not enough mudslinging, but that it was just a bit blasé because that's how I found it to be.

    I stand by what I said, and while I regret that I've hurt the community's feelings here, those were my impressions of the site. I'm not some bigshot website critique, God forbid any of those start to exist, but just someone like you. Giving my opinion.

    Edit: Ironically enough this thread has prompted some of the best and genuinely enthused discussion I've seen on here yet - away from the Reddit drama.

    • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

      There's plenty of personality here for those who invest the time and effort looking around and participating in the site, and all that it has to offer. The people that call this place their home on the internet are very proud of what they've helped create and calling our home dull is a low blow and pretty rude. I wouldn't come into your home and tell you your furnishings were dull after a quick glance. That's something you'd tell a good friend after a spending a significant amount of time together and developing trust and good faith between the two. Your wording was poor and your research was incredibly limited before claiming to an audience (who has no idea how little time you've actually spent here) that you're capable or qualified to size us up as a group of people when you don't know any of us, how our site operates, or how great of a community we are. Your work (or lack thereof) was offensive, cheap, and insulting.

      • sobeyharker

        I don't think it's particularly conducive to argue over this, my language was flippant I'll admit, but the gist of what I was saying was clear and while you may feel personally attacked by this I can tell you as I've said before I'm just a man giving my thoughts on this site.

        The gamification elements don't appeal to me particularly because it then breeds a clique in older members that can prove to be exclusive to the larger community. I'm wary of anything that attempts to breed power users in such a forced fashion. The design is lovely, very functional, and I have no qualms there. Assigning a gender to someone though but not enforcing actual names to be used creates a problem where you have a disconnected individual to who you can apply assumptions about and dehumanise. Therefore new users could easily be subject to abuse or problems because of this. Avatars in general also come with their own fair share of problems but that's something else.

        As for the content being dull well behalf that's simply because everyone is far too focused on the Reddit drama and without want to focus on their specialist areas as they still have their subreddits to fall back to for that. Snapzu does well at broad conversation so it does replace /r/all wonderfully in a fashion but woefully as I said in those niche areas.

        I don't consider myself particularly suited to this - but point out any other user on /r/redditalternatives that put the time and effort to compile such a resource. The fact is you can't and if you don't like it I commend you to create and post your own. Instead of feeling hurt by this be proactive, don't grumble, and present your counterpoint.

        I even welcome you to try Campus Society. We're a fortnight old, and I've no doubt offended a lot of you here, but I can assure you my intention wasn't just to mudsling it's honestly just how I felt about the site.

        • aj0690 (edited 9 years ago)

          Actually, I think you come off as a bit of a shill advertising your own website and self admitted at that.

          Full disclosure I’m part of the team here but if you have any questions I’m happy to answer them! (If your university isn’t featured let me know and I can check that out)

          Of course you're biased, why would we expect anything else from your "review"? Creating a list of "reddit alternatives" only to list yourself at the top is an obvious agenda hiding under the guise of a legitimate reviewing of the available alternatives out there.

          ------- edit --------

          I did a little more digging and found this comment. Would you mind if I asked, isn't that your own open letter to Victoria? Did you write it and then post it up as if someone else mentioned it? quote below

          I agree with you 100% man. Victoria did so much and the fact they didn't see that meant they have no idea what's going on.
          The fact she's getting job offers immediately says a lot about her worth (link)

          Checking your post history, I notice nothing but shameless plugs of your own website into a "researched list of alternatives", that is so obviously biased its incredible how you are not being called out for it. I understand your need to grow your social network, but I feel your deceptive practices are shady and tasteless.

          • sobeyharker (edited 9 years ago)

            Sorry but if I was going to do so I'd be more tactful. Yes, I'm putting the one I work with at the top as I wrote the list. Why wouldn't I? Fact of the matter is no one else bothered to compile such a list and that's why it has gotten so much attention.

            I f you check my post history and not some /r/blackout 2015 "let's end redditor" who's spammed it you'll see I talked to a lot of other communities and put the effort in. If you think I'm here to shill for my site your mistaken.

            Also /u/sobeyharker is my user name.

        • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

          I commend your ability to stand up for your work. That said there is a vibrant community and a load of interesting and deep discussions spread fairly evenly through out the site and I urge you to seek them out, observe, and participate, before passing judgement on this (or any other community) in the future. There is much more to see here than the Reddit nonsense clogging the 'front pages' and I hope you can discover and appreciate those areas of the site to a fuller degree. Thank you for posting in this discussion, I appreciate your participation.

          • sobeyharker

            To be honest this has rather warmed me to Snapzu. This is what I'd like to see from a community. Not patting each other on the back because "fuck reddit" but divided but well thought out opinion.

  • spaceghoti

    Be the change you wish to see in the world.

    I've never understood the point of criticizing a community or forum where you're not actively participating. Okay, so voat doesn't appeal to me, that's fine. It doesn't have to. Snapzu doesn't appeal to others. That's also fine. But to go and sling mud at them because they don't appeal to your preferences? Not cool.

    A frequent problem I see in certain forums is that someone will occasionally speak up and complain that people aren't talking about the right things, or not talking about them the right way. The only response I can ever give to that is "so what?" In that case you have two choices: you can post what you think is appropriate and lead by example or you can find another forum that better meets your expectations. Condemning people for the crime of not sharing your beliefs or preferences is perhaps the most egregious example of narcissism humans display. If you're an active member of that community and you wish to express your opinion on what you'd like to see that's one thing, but if you're just lurking and you feel the need to criticize tone then you're going to get all the respect you've earned.

    • Goronmon

      But to go and sling mud at them because they don't appeal to your preferences?

      People are allowed to have personal opinions that differ from your own. Outside opinions can reflect on issues that insular groups habitually ignore.

      • spaceghoti

        You're entitled to your personal opinions, and I'm entitled to mine. The fact that I have an opinion doesn't invalidate yours, and it doesn't give me the moral probity to sling mud at it. There are plenty of communities, opinions and interests that aren't a good fit for me but you don't see me going around and arguing that people shouldn't participate. If you want to see change, get involved. Trash-talking just provokes more trash talk.

        • Goronmon

          Trash-talking just provokes more trash talk.

          Pointing out potential flaws in a community isn't "trash talk". Nor is it "mid slinging".

          • spaceghoti

            Complaining that you don't like a community is not constructive. Being constructive requires getting involved and participating.

  • Goronmon (edited 9 years ago)

    I actually agree with that assessment.

    The problem I see right now is that the community on Snapzu is based around the site as whole, rather than around the topics being discussed or the tribes themselves. I'm starting to feel like the site is more like a general chatroom than a place to discuss and learn about specific topics.

    I'm mainly interested in gaming/programming/etc, but snaps and tribes on those topics generally get few (or more likely no) comments. The snaps that get the most comments are those about Snapzu (or indirectly about Snapzu, such as Reddit discussions) itself.

    So, effectively, right now Snapzu is a better version of Reddit's /r/all but a poor replacement for anyone looking to replace the separate subcommunities you get on Reddit.


    You people really need to learn what the downvote button is for. So disappointing.

    Hating on someone for not thinking something you like is perfect isn't exactly a great way to start a reasonable discussion. There were plenty of ways to bring up this topic without being antogonistic.

    • Amulet

      I think this is a direct result of Snapzu's current scale. Many people actively participate in /t/lounge, but there is only a handful in specific tribes — particularly the new ones. A tribe needs a certain critical mass before the discussion starts flowing.

      So, Snapzu needs to grow, and we need to have faith in that the system keeps self-regulating to keep the unavoidable asshat population in check.

      • Goronmon

        So, Snapzu needs to grow, and we need to have faith in that the system keeps self-regulating to keep the unavoidable asshat population in check.

        Judging by this entire thread, it doesn't sound like a lot of community agrees that Snapzu needs to grow and that they want it to stay small and insular.

        • VoyagerXyX

          I don't think that this post, thread, or any other aspect of the conversation has to do with growth at all. I've been here barely three weeks, the community is in a constant state of growth, and I always go out of my way to make users feel welcomed and positive about the new experience. Extrapolating some sense of resistance to growth from a set of opinionated comments seems uninformed.

    • Urmel

      You people really need to learn what the downvote button is for. So disappointing.

      Hating on someone for not thinking something you like is perfect isn't exactly a great way to start a reasonable discussion. There were plenty of ways to bring up this topic without being antogonistic.

      I don't think that this part of the comment was meant as hating on "someone for not thinking something you like" but more towards the culture and school of thought here on Snapzu. The downvote button is meant as a moderation tool to sort out comments or submissions that break Snapzu's etiquette and not as a "dislike" button as it has been used on reddit (even though it broke the rediquette there as well). It would have furthered the communication and discussion here if the six dowvoters would have

      a) commented here in the thread and contributed the discussion why they don't agree with or dislike OP's submission

      b) left a reason for why they downvoted OP (in case they left a reason, I apologize for this here, my browser did not show any reasons. My above point under a) stands though)

  • NerfYoda

    Guess it's time to start posting memes and pun threads to make this guy happy.

  • frohawk

    But this is the guy who posted TUMBLR as a REDDIT alternative.

    Nothing wrong with Tumblr, I love the shit outta of it, but it's way too different from reddit to consider it an alternative.

    • Endymion (edited 9 years ago)

      Yik Yak too. 24x7 horny posts

  • Xeno

    "This place isn't racist, sexist, homophobic, and threatening enough for me. I lurv dramz."

    I'm pretty sure that's what they meant to say.

    • VoyagerXyX

      Thanks for the translation, very helpful! ^_^

      • Gozzin

        it was indeed. After being on Reddit for longer than I want to contemplate,I've had a crop full of drama.

  • double2

    Real talk - it probably is a bit more dull here. If you say otherwise, you're deluded. But, the fact of the matter is that it's because - REALLY importantly - there's less ego shit going on here, including attentions seeking comments. Much and all as I love attention seeking comments, they're often the funniest, that's not what snapzu's about. We're sipping brandy and having gentle discussion whilst other competitors are chugging beer and playing dubstep. There's a time and a place for both, but what snapzu is currently offering is much more rare and the better for it.

  • babymeta1

    What was the point of this post again? Did you wanted to start drama, or just a discussion?

    • VoyagerXyX

      Is that a serious question or are you just trying to instigate?

  • caelreth

    I'll try harder to meet my daily beating quota. Asshole.

    See? You'll make this place exciting for us! :)

    • VoyagerXyX

      Sorry, I should have put /s

      • caelreth

        Nah, I understood. I was just trying to be funny.

        • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

          x.x Sorry, I'm irritated. It's not your joke, the joke was funny. I just didn't laugh cuz I'm grumpy cat right now.

          • caelreth

            No problem - it's understandable.

  • microfracture

    I'll take a 'dull' community that is extremely friendly to each other over those who seem incapable of having civilized conversations any day.

    Communities that are 'strongly opinionated' about everything do not always create the most hospitable environments. Especially if they have the mentality where everything is black and white and they can't fathom the fact that there are actually more than two sides to everything.

  • Burt

    But personality is formed over time and I imagine that this will change as it grows.

    You're basically saying you look forward to our community becoming shitty as time passes. Super. I hope you burn your popcorn because you're too busy jerking it waiting for someone to get in a fight in the comments section.

    What? Thats extremely opinionated of you. The guy said personality is formed over time and that we will change, nothing more. If anything, he's implying we will get better. Don't be so negative, thats probably why folks downvoted you. (also, please don't talk about downvotes like that. We don't need to be reddit 2.0 and talk about what we can and cannot downvote or upvote. Leave it to discussion only, please and thanks)

    • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

      Burt, please don't tell me what to include in my posts. It's a discussion and I can express whatever I'd like as I see fit, sharing opinions are quite literally what discussion posts are for. If you'd like to complain about my posting habits perhaps downvote me or PM me later on the subject. Spend a little more time participating on Snapzu and then we'll talk about what of my behavior is acceptable to you.

  • spacepopper

    Don't worry about the down votes. I wasn't going to up vote this but i'll give you one just because some ass gave you a down vote.

    • VoyagerXyX

      I don't have a need for upvotes. It's just beyond me how people can't seem to grasp the rules. It's a nice gesture though.

  • madjo (edited 9 years ago)


    Just kidding, I read that too in that article and it stuck out like a sore thumb. I hadn't seen bland discussions on here. Yes, there are likeminded people on here, but that doesn't necessarily make for passive and dull comments. Author actually admits to having half-assed most of the ones on the list, later on in the 'article'.

    btw, the author was really lazy, here's the exact same article on Medium.com: https://medium.com/@sobeyharker/52-alternatives-to-reddit-1a9dcf5e0658

    • sobeyharker

      Sorry but 52 websites is a lot. You're damn right I'm going to copy and paste that into Medium as it's nicer looking and I wanted a mirror in case it got killed.

      I half assed some of the various clones, and it was meant to be a list with a tentative amount of information, but I did spend a week here lurking and at the end of the day it's come from a regular person no different from any one of you here. If anyone else wants to put the effort into compiling that list, hell use mine as a base as it is a massive task, do so with their own opinions I encourage them to do so.

      • madjo

        I was quite harsh with what I said, I realize that and apologize for insulting you.

        You're right, 52 is a lot to check up on in that short amount of time.

        I misinterpreted your words and I was responding, much like how /u/VoyagerXyX was on my gut feeling.
        But that's not an excuse. I should've stepped back and look at the article with a clearer head. I'll do better next time.

        • sobeyharker

          Don't worry about it, we've all been there, and these responses if anything have actually made me like Snapzu more because while there's a divided opinion here it's well thought out and respectful.

    • VoyagerXyX

      I get it... but I don't think that's an excuse to take stabs at communities you've spent zero time and effort to be a part of. Like he got to know people, visited all our tribes and became an active participating member, than did it for 11 other sites, then reached a point in his involvement where he felt comfortable taking stabs at our community... Stretch.

      • madjo

        I know, and I didn't mean it to excuse the author, because this community is far from dull.

        • VoyagerXyX

          No, I totally get where you're coming from. I didn't take it as you defending the words. :P

  • Lyzern

    I don't understand why you care so much about someone's opinion if it doesn't affect you. You like being here, I like being here, so why get sad at people who don't?

    Also, why are you complaining about downvotes? It's such a trivial thing lol

    • VoyagerXyX

      I have a certain pride about being a Snapzu user that I think many other users, aggregators, and even perhaps lurkers share. When somebody takes shots at that community it is upsetting. Did it come off as whiny? Sure. Does it change anything? No. Am I entitled to share those thoughts with the community for validation amongst my peers? Absolutely. It's an opinion post, it isn't a snap, and no one is forced to participate in the follow up discussion.

      It's not just 'complaining about downvotes'. They have an affect on a users reputation which is based on a set of rules. If people don't follow those rules while the community is small this place will just be a messier and less friendly as the site grows. It's an important concern for rule abiding users and it needs to be mentioned, not just here, but anywhere abuse of the system is taking place.

      • Burt

        This comment has been removed

    • eilyra

      I don't understand why you care so much about someone's opinion if it doesn't affect you. You like being here, I like being here, so why get sad at people who don't?

      It can be frustrating when you feel a community you partake in is being misrepresented, especially if you feel it's a negative misrepresentation.

      Also, why are you complaining about downvotes? It's such a trivial thing lol

      Well, they aren't, yet at least. That's one of the things people have liked about this place so far, not being silenced through downvotes when posting things that potentially go against other's sensibilities. The culture around the downvote is a significant part of what makes the site what it is, so questioning potential misuse is valuable.

  • Qukatt

    hopefully that declaration will keep away the trolly types if they think we're not having crazy opinions or that one way or the other xD

    now I hate to bore you all with my party life style but I have laundry to do xD

  • UnicornCommando

    We ain't dull or boring. We just friendly snapping turtles helping each other

  • fewt

    Exactly right, interacting with other people and sharing good content was something sorely lacking at Reddit. I used to participate in a lot of subreddits but I always had problems whenever I had anything to say that wasn't strictly a contribution to group think. Hopefully that's not the case here, from my interactions so far it has been awesome. I've had a couple of interactions with other chiefs and users as I've started my new tribes here and so far it's been stellar. Hopefully that stays true.

    • VoyagerXyX

      I would expect your experience here to remain largely the same as time goes on, that's part of the reason why this guy thinks we're apparently boring. Don't worry. 95% of us are good friends who want to see each others tribes and accomplishments grow. Glad you came to Snapzu. Try, like I am, to have faith in Snapzu to iron out the shit heads and let us continue to thrive.

  • DrunkOldMan

    More kitty and cat picture will liven this place up?

    • VoyagerXyX

      We have enough cat pictures at /t/cats! And more are being added daily, so I don't want to hear it about the cats :P

      • Gozzin

        I'm in the same boat. No cat pictures for me.