  • sobeyharker

    I spent a good week lurking on the larger sites and seeing how users interacted. There's a lot of talk about Reddit going on - I can't say I care for the drama so I was hoping these sites would do a better job of asserting their own sense of self.

    Snapzu isn't bad, it's a good site, but if you can't handle one person saying that he found it dull through passing as a community I fail to see what sets you apart from Reddit.

    • Amulet (edited 8 years ago)

      I think it's understandable that there's a lot of discussion about reddit right now: it is one of the biggest websites on the internet, the drama is currently a news topic all over the world, and thousands of reddit users have been joining the site with various axes to grind.

      A sense of self will certainly (re)assert itself over the coming months. Opinions formed during the past weeks' activity are likely not descriptive of the longer time frame.