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9 years agoLevel Up exegesispieces
Level 6
exegesispieces is now level 6 with 16,025 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement exegesispieces
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations exegesispieces on this achievement!
+1345 XP -
9 years agoAchievement exegesispieces
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations exegesispieces on this achievement!
+1345 XP -
9 years agoComment exegesispieces
I really like Video Game Dunkey. I can't stand stuff like Pewdiepie and things like that, but every video Video Game Dunkey puts out makes me crack up laughing. I especially like it when what's happening on the screen even makes him start laughing. You can tell he really enjoys putting out his videos.
9 years ago
I was adopted at birth. I know a lot of adopted people consider their parents to be the ones who gave birth to them and those who adopted them to not be their parents. Since I was adopted at birth those who brought me home from the hospital may not have given birth to me but they clothed me, fed me, bathed me, and loved me. To me they are my parents and the people who contributed to my birth are strangers.
I also know that I am not unique in that regard either. All well.
9 years agoAchievement exegesispieces
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 25/25 comments! Congratulations exegesispieces on this achievement!
+2670 XP -
9 years ago
Oh, I may have misread your post. My apologies. I though you said you are the only person in the world who wasn't born to the people you consider your parents. I now understand your joke. Woosh
9 years agoLevel Up exegesispieces
Level 5
exegesispieces is now level 5 with 10,045 XP.
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9 years ago
I take issue with the fact that God should intervene with our own free will when it comes to evil. Let's take the child rapist analogy. So some depraved human being wishes to rape a child. It's a horrible atrocity so why doesn't God step in and stop it? Well, should he revoke that individuals free will? Should he take control of that person and expunge the though from his mind? If that's the case then we have no free will. At that point humanity is simply reduced to puppets. We can't take anything as our own thoughts then, because God has the power to over ride our will with His own. At that point God is a tyrant since he has removed our free will. In the SMBC comic you linked that shortens the "Benevolence" leg of the table. So should God strike down this child molester before he commits this atrocity? Maybe a bolt of lightning sizzles the rapist into a crispy splotch on the side walk? Well that doesn't make God any better. What good is free will if we are free to use it, even to disobey God, but are then destroyed before we can even ask for forgiveness? This also compromises his benevolence.
Now about natural disasters. If we assume God is good then we also assume that he does not cause natural disasters to occur, but that does mean he permits them to occur. How is a benevolent God permit such things to occur? Let's take it this way. Say that the only evil in the world was that which is committed against one another. Natural disasters cease to exist, sickness ceases to exist, starvation ceases to exist, and so on and so forth. The world is perfect in form and function. Well then what need do we have of God? I believe that one of the best things about the gospel is that humans are invited to participate within it. Things such as hunger would be eliminated if it were for the efforts of mankind. I mean look at all the good we do already with so much evil in the world. I feel like these horrible evils in the world occur so that mankind may surmount them and in serving our fellow man share in the divinity of God, in a small way.
I would like to thank you for indulging me and for having this discussion. I don't want this to devolve into an argument (although feel free to message me if you would like). I don't feel like that was the purpose of your post so I won't be responding again. You brought forth some very good points. I'll certainly be thinking about them and considering them for a while. I hope maybe you enjoyed what I said as well. Thank you for not being belligerent to someone who holds different beliefs than yourself. In the end I realize that we are all trying to understand suffering in the world, and we all find some way to do that be it through religion or looking inward to ourselves.
show morePosted in: The Problem of Evil
9 years agoComment exegesispieces
Both settings are hot, but California offers greater interaction with water.
That's a bit ironic. Maybe this show won't slow down to a crawl. I might actually enjoy it since The Walking Dead lost me after they just wasted too much time doing nothing but looking scared and hiding episode after episode. To the show's credit though I haven't watched in a while, so maybe they picked the pace up a bit.
9 years ago
Oh, my apologies. It seems that I have gone on a tangent. To redeem myself I'll try and bring this back on topic. I'll say that I do feel that religious freedom arguments aren't founded in the Bible. I haven't seen one yet that seems to be supported by scripture. My religious rights end when they start taking away the freedoms that others enjoy.
9 years ago
I don't understand how you took that out of that quote. He is simply setting up his argument that God can indeed exist in a world filled with evil. He is stating that saying, "Well innocent people are killed by other people = this is murder = murder is evil = evil exists = God is not evil = so God doesn't exist." is not an appropriate way to disprove the existence of God. Just because evil does exist doesn't mean God cannot. Maybe I'm not taking your argument far enough, but I'm having a hard time seeing that.
Posted in: The Problem of Evil
9 years agoComment exegesispieces
How do you feel about William Lane Craig's response on this?
Posted in: The Problem of Evil
9 years ago
I was just making a comment on how things tend to be misrepresented. I actually feel like Christians have only ourselves to blame. We tend to do a fantastic job misrepresenting what we mean. I can do my part by offering up examples as to why scripture says some of the things odd things it says.
Also, I really enjoyed that article you linked to. I have never heard of same sex unions in church history before.
9 years ago
I was adopted at birth, so there's at least two of us!
9 years agoComment exegesispieces
I had a pretty rough week, but this too shall pass. No matter how bad it gets that's always good news to me.
Posted in: Snapzites, tell us what your Good News is...
9 years ago
The biggest issue is that many people on each side of this debate forget that the Bible was not written in a vacuum and is not meant to be literally applied in its entirety. It's filled with passages which talk about how the original audience should have behaved in their time, but the purpose of these passages was not to dictate how all Christians should live in all contexts. A great example is Romans 16:16 in which Paul says that the Roman Christians are to greet one another with a holy kiss. Obviously Paul does not expect that all Christians should kiss each other all the time throughout all of history in every culture. Kissing was a Roman greeting. Paul was simply implying that they should greet each other as friends. Many Christians feel the same way about the household codes found within Paul's writings. It was part of the culture of that day being reflected in scripture. Many believe that the purpose of the house hold codes was not to set forth a precedent that all Christians are to always follow, but to take something that was part of the culture of the audience and use it in a Biblical context.
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9 years agoRelated Link exegesispieces
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Food Waste
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9 years ago
I was under the impression that a system very similar to what you are describing was already in place. When you down vote you are asked for a reason why you down voted that is displayed to the poster so they knew why they were being down voted.
I thought I read that somewhere. I could be mistaken though.
9 years ago
This is exactly how I feel. I have a friend who keeps talking about how he and some of his Reddit buddies are moving to Voat. The problem, in my opinion, is that Voat isn't different enough to not have the same problems while Snapzu has some systems in place to help combat those issues.
9 years agoComment exegesispieces
When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship
While I know not everyone is religious I feel that this quote by Bonhoeffer does a good job explaining the problem with the church in America. The Bible makes it quite clear that if you want to be a disciple of Christ then you must stop thinking of yourself and start serving your fellow man, no matter who that may be.
Posted in: Snapzu.. what is your favorite quote?
9 years agoAchievement exegesispieces
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations exegesispieces on this achievement!
+1330 XP -
9 years agoComment exegesispieces
Religious right is the most pervasive and dangerous oxymoron in America.
Posted in: The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus
9 years agoComment exegesispieces
To leave the world better than you found it. Even if it's a very meager improvement.
9 years agoRelated Link exegesispieces
US Authors Guild Demands 50% of eBook Royalties
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