  • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

    There's plenty of personality here for those who invest the time and effort looking around and participating in the site, and all that it has to offer. The people that call this place their home on the internet are very proud of what they've helped create and calling our home dull is a low blow and pretty rude. I wouldn't come into your home and tell you your furnishings were dull after a quick glance. That's something you'd tell a good friend after a spending a significant amount of time together and developing trust and good faith between the two. Your wording was poor and your research was incredibly limited before claiming to an audience (who has no idea how little time you've actually spent here) that you're capable or qualified to size us up as a group of people when you don't know any of us, how our site operates, or how great of a community we are. Your work (or lack thereof) was offensive, cheap, and insulting.

    • sobeyharker

      I don't think it's particularly conducive to argue over this, my language was flippant I'll admit, but the gist of what I was saying was clear and while you may feel personally attacked by this I can tell you as I've said before I'm just a man giving my thoughts on this site.

      The gamification elements don't appeal to me particularly because it then breeds a clique in older members that can prove to be exclusive to the larger community. I'm wary of anything that attempts to breed power users in such a forced fashion. The design is lovely, very functional, and I have no qualms there. Assigning a gender to someone though but not enforcing actual names to be used creates a problem where you have a disconnected individual to who you can apply assumptions about and dehumanise. Therefore new users could easily be subject to abuse or problems because of this. Avatars in general also come with their own fair share of problems but that's something else.

      As for the content being dull well behalf that's simply because everyone is far too focused on the Reddit drama and without want to focus on their specialist areas as they still have their subreddits to fall back to for that. Snapzu does well at broad conversation so it does replace /r/all wonderfully in a fashion but woefully as I said in those niche areas.

      I don't consider myself particularly suited to this - but point out any other user on /r/redditalternatives that put the time and effort to compile such a resource. The fact is you can't and if you don't like it I commend you to create and post your own. Instead of feeling hurt by this be proactive, don't grumble, and present your counterpoint.

      I even welcome you to try Campus Society. We're a fortnight old, and I've no doubt offended a lot of you here, but I can assure you my intention wasn't just to mudsling it's honestly just how I felt about the site.

      • aj0690 (edited 9 years ago)

        Actually, I think you come off as a bit of a shill advertising your own website and self admitted at that.

        Full disclosure I’m part of the team here but if you have any questions I’m happy to answer them! (If your university isn’t featured let me know and I can check that out)

        Of course you're biased, why would we expect anything else from your "review"? Creating a list of "reddit alternatives" only to list yourself at the top is an obvious agenda hiding under the guise of a legitimate reviewing of the available alternatives out there.

        ------- edit --------

        I did a little more digging and found this comment. Would you mind if I asked, isn't that your own open letter to Victoria? Did you write it and then post it up as if someone else mentioned it? quote below

        I agree with you 100% man. Victoria did so much and the fact they didn't see that meant they have no idea what's going on.
        The fact she's getting job offers immediately says a lot about her worth (link)

        Checking your post history, I notice nothing but shameless plugs of your own website into a "researched list of alternatives", that is so obviously biased its incredible how you are not being called out for it. I understand your need to grow your social network, but I feel your deceptive practices are shady and tasteless.

        • sobeyharker (edited 9 years ago)

          Sorry but if I was going to do so I'd be more tactful. Yes, I'm putting the one I work with at the top as I wrote the list. Why wouldn't I? Fact of the matter is no one else bothered to compile such a list and that's why it has gotten so much attention.

          I f you check my post history and not some /r/blackout 2015 "let's end redditor" who's spammed it you'll see I talked to a lot of other communities and put the effort in. If you think I'm here to shill for my site your mistaken.

          Also /u/sobeyharker is my user name.

      • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

        I commend your ability to stand up for your work. That said there is a vibrant community and a load of interesting and deep discussions spread fairly evenly through out the site and I urge you to seek them out, observe, and participate, before passing judgement on this (or any other community) in the future. There is much more to see here than the Reddit nonsense clogging the 'front pages' and I hope you can discover and appreciate those areas of the site to a fuller degree. Thank you for posting in this discussion, I appreciate your participation.

        • sobeyharker

          To be honest this has rather warmed me to Snapzu. This is what I'd like to see from a community. Not patting each other on the back because "fuck reddit" but divided but well thought out opinion.