  • idlethreat

    "Snapzu: What if Reddit grew up?"

    • Retzilience

      I can say from experience that the problems are always most likely to come or emerge with popularity. I've been on Reddit since, IDK, 2006? Prior to subreddits, AMAs and gimmicks. The discussion was way better simply because it was a niche culture, a smaller community. Those days the 9gag, buzzfeed and other tribes were all on Digg mostly, and Digg was basically what Reddit is today: "Dank Memes". It's actually weird that I created several of top subreddits when the tool came to beta, and yet, I didn't like the communities and how they evolved and let better people manage it from there.

      When Digg flooded itself the exodus to Reddit made things change irreparably. I've been for years looking for an alternative community. But it is not the same, you can't simply go to Voat and expect 'old-time-reddit' to be living there, The cultural mentality changed so much.

      But one thing Snapzu has that gives me hope is the similar structure but different organization and layout. The tribes a a lot less secretive and exclusive with the crossposting feature and the personal reputation and presentation options delivered trough a profile page, avatar and "XP" make people consider themselves a bit more like a personality than an anonymous voice, which seems to restrain a bit the impulse from trolling, that is cancerous at best.

      So, fingers crossed to this community.

      • exegesispieces

        This is exactly how I feel. I have a friend who keeps talking about how he and some of his Reddit buddies are moving to Voat. The problem, in my opinion, is that Voat isn't different enough to not have the same problems while Snapzu has some systems in place to help combat those issues.

    • cunt (edited 8 years ago)

      Reddits ball's dropped


      Reddit dropped the ball

      Pick one

      • Nate (edited 8 years ago)

        Snapzu: Reddit's balls dropped, Snapzu dropped the mic.

        Edit: spelling

    • oystein

      Reddit was grown up and then it became juvenile. Reddit IS Benjamin Button.