
A look at the numbers

I did this last influx of new members (FPH drama), but I want to do it again.

This is from this weeks "Snapzu Digest", a weekly email you should be getting (you can unsubscribe if you like).

"This week our community has welcomed 3414 new members, posted 2323 snaps, and took part in 8308 discussions."

3414 new members. Let's compare that to other weeks.

Last week - 386 new members Week before that - 309 new members FPH Drama - 662 new members Week before that - 57 new members Week before that - 84 new members

That is a 10x increase from last week. 5x larger than the FPH influx, and a 60x increase from the week prior to that drama.

8 years ago by picklefingers with 52 comments

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  • GeniusIComeAnon

    Glad to be one of the new members! I hope to contribute to the community as much as I can.

    • Spooky

      I really feel more active here than any other website, it's great

  • Triseult

    The way I see this: the FPH drama drove away the FPHers, who mostly went to Voat, who promised them safe haven. The AMAgeddon has pissed off regular users who were not directly involved in the FPH drama, and who just want a community to call their own.

    I'm definitely in the latter... Never considered leaving during the FPH drama, but the admins mismanaging their relationship with the community and the moderators is pissing me off enough to want to find a new place to call home. Not surprised the numbers have surged now.

    • newuser

      Things went exactly the same for me. The FPH thing didn't even register in my radar. The latest drama did, in a major way and everything that's happened has left a bad taste in my mouth whenever I browse reddit.

      To be honest, I still visit there. I have the reddit sync android app and it's almost muscle memory to open it up every now and then :). But it's getting to the point where it's harder and harder to ignore the constant fanboy service and the thinly-veiled marketing gimmicks.

      And, with AMA becoming commercialized, I expect posts there are going to be more 'Rampart'-esque. That's probably just the most obvious subreddit to fall. Others will start becoming more and more commercialized.

      • Firetail

        I started looking way before the FPH drama i just didn't know about Snapzu.

      • Mastersgt98

        Agreed, I couldn't care less about the FPH drama. This new AMAgeddon is just caustic for everyone and no one will come out of this looking good, unfortunately the reddit I enjoy is not the same reddit that there is now.

  • jarekb84

    I'm one of the new members as a result of the AMAGeddon and quite pleased at what I found here. Snapzu still needs more users to make for more active tribes, busiest place is /t/lounge.

    • baron778

      When reddit was first launched, the busiest place was also a single area of the site since thats all there was. Glad there is a way to organize and create communities here so we can grow into it.

      • jarekb84

        Yeah I remember when they shut down /r/Reddit to new submissions. On one hand it sucked cause it was where everyone was active. On the other hand it forced people to participate more in specific subreddits, thus growing them. I think eventually something similar will need to happen to /t/lounge, but for now it's a place where the small community can gather and have larger discussions.

        • baron778

          Yep, which is completely fine as long as the community here keeps growing.

  • Hukka

    That's insane. I came at the same time as all the others but I didn't expect the numbers to be that size! To think there must still be hundreds of people out there waiting on their confirmation/invitation as well.

    • jarekb84 (edited 8 years ago)

      To quote drunkenninja post from yestereday.

      ...There is closer to about 14,000 member at this moment.

      ... about 15,000 invite requests awaiting since we cannot send them out at this point due to traffic constrains.

      So there are about as many people waiting in the invite queue as there are current members. That's insane and awesome!

      • KaliYugaz

        Hopefully the invites can get through and those people don't wander off! Snapzu needs plenty of people to build a diverse and stable community.

        • jarekb84

          I think they're slowly releasing the invite codes to prevent overloading the hosting infrastructure. This tribe has grown by a bit over 300 members today, which is as many users who joined per week previously.

      • picklefingers

        A bit of an update on that number. As of two hours ago, my last referral that went through was Member Id #000015482, so well over 15,000 members and on our way to 16000.

    • MountainTurkey

      Just got my confirmation! glad to be a part of this community, it seems to be a lot more respectful and civil. But holy cow, that's a staggering amount of new members!

  • bogdan

    I like how even though the periods of drama wane off, more and more people just roll onto this snowball of loveliness that Snapzu is becoming.

    • UpAndRunning

      I'm just afraid that eventually, this snowball of loveliness picks up dirt.

      • batwithahat

        It already did pick up some dirt ):

        • hingeattack (edited 8 years ago)

          Is there a way we can keep the negative aspects of Reddit culture from leaking in? I'm new, and if there's anything I can do, then I'd love to do that.

          I guess worrying about it is probably something that I picked up from Reddit, now that I think about it. It might be best to just watch ourselves and not bring it in.

          • KaliYugaz (edited 8 years ago)

            Not allowing people in without an invite is already a way to keep the negative aspects of Reddit culture out.

            For instance, the reason Reddit got so racist over time is because it was continuously brigaded by Stormfront, and then over time the Stormfronters decided to stay. Snapzu cannot get brigaded in the same way by people from the rest of the internet because the barrier to entry is so high. We just have to make sure to only invite people in who are nice and interesting!

            • hingeattack

              You're definitely right, I hadn't thought about that. I think that could be an effective way to keep users like that out, but I'm not sure it is right now. There's a lot of codes that are being released publicly on /r/redditalternatives. While it helps get some good users in, It's also a dangerous thing to do, since the people giving out codes don't necessarily know the users they are inviting.

              I'm just going to be careful with who I invite, and hopefully others will do the same. If I remember, I'll post a discussion here on /t/lounge about it, and hopefully that will help remind others to be careful of who they invite.

            • shannondoah

              What if shitty people are invited?

            • picklefingers
              @shannondoah -

              You can't do anything about that. Those same people could just request an invite anyways. Shitty people will get through, just many shitty people will be filtered out. After that, its a matter of dealing with things as users and moderators of this site.

            • BarnyardOwl
              @picklefingers -

              I feel like Snapzu's invite system isn't supposed to keep all shitty people out, but it would do wonders against bridgading. It would be quite easy for one person to get invited to Snapzu, (heck, there's even a thread over on Reddit of invites) but it would be much harder for a whole community to hop over here.

          • batwithahat

            Well, that post I just linked was downvoted to the point it got hidden. Downvotes allow the users here to moderate on their own, in a way.

  • massani


    This is a great site. I can't wait to see it grow even more!

  • baron778

    Whoa! Thats a lot of new members.

  • BoogaBooga

    Happy to be here, can't believe I didn't move sooner! Just glad to be in a less combative and more positive community.

  • skeeva

    How does this compare to voat?

    • picklefingers

      Nowhere close as far as I've heard. I've heard numbers around 100,000-500,000 though I do not know of their sources.

      • hingeattack

        I'm glad. As interesting as it was to see the opinions of so many people, I think a smaller community might be better. It's more relaxed, and leaves a lot less worrying about how the community will receive your content and opinions.

        • kvn

          I'm okay with a huge community, but not with cancerous members like voat

          • [Deleted Profile]

            [This comment was removed]

          • hingeattack

            Yeah, I think that with a large community its more likely that users like that will go unnoticed by reasonable people and gain supporters.

            As for the users on voat, I definitely don't like what I've seen of them. There are probably quite a few reasonable people there, but they're being washed out by the others.

          • Urmel

            Hm, for me it's the opposite: I am glad, the communities here are still small and the influx, while huge, is smaller than at voat. This gives us newbies the opportunity to adapt to the culture of snapzu instead of turning it into reddit 2.0. Also, the smaller communities encourage more to participation instead of only lurking, I find.

            I have been under a different account name than this one a redditor for seven years and while I have never been that active, I noticed, my contribution (especially comments) declined drastically over the past years as the subreddits that I frequented became bigger and bigger and responses within the threads more hostile. This here reminds me more of the earlier times with more civilized conversations. I really hope, we are able to keep it up.,

  • Arbituz

    I think those numbers are a testament to the potential (and current) greatness people see in Snapzu. During the last migration I tried a few alternatives. I didn't see them as reliable or attractive enough to stick around and I'm sure others felt the same way. Luckily this time around I came across Snapzu and I don't really have an urge to go back to Reddit as much. The only thing keeping me going back to Reddit is the amount of content posted there. I have been trying to be as active as I can here in hopes it catches on and a large community continues to emerge. Go Snapzu!

  • Finland

    Like many others are saying, I'm glad to have found Snapzu. Already after one day here the difference in community is night and day. I have a good feeling about the future of Snapzu and look forward to watching it grow and the number of new members increase even more!

  • Teska

    So happy to have found Snapzu - I just wish I'd found it sooner. The community is kind and inviting. The site is sleek and fresh. It's just all around everything I'd wanted without knowing it's what I wanted. I hope the trend continues on the upswing and I wish well for Snapzu and all it's members!

  • TheDylantula

    And now I'm a statistic! A happy statistic! Loving the site :)

  • Firetail

    I much prefer to be part of a bunch of small yet decently sized communities like Snapzu were my presence and contribution can have a chance.to be seen and appreciated rather then the huge mess that is Reddit where power mods and ego trippers control the narrative.

  • the7egend

    I think it's pretty exciting to be on the front-end of this explosive growth and helping start new communities (tribes). Hopefully the steady influx of new users keeps growing or at least maintains a good pace.

  • kvn

    I think the perfect "small community" would be each tribe consisting of 1000 UNIQUE users. So to account for a person in multiple tribes...This would come out to be about 10000-15000 members. Still significantly smaller than reddit, but a healthy amount for constant content.

  • neg8ivezero

    There is no doubt in my mind that this influx due to the AMAgeddon on Reddit is a sign of Reddit's final decline. The numbers are staggering. If you check /r/blackout2015, you will see a post detailing the site visit counts and web page rankings. Reddit dropped 9 places this weekend in the rankings and shows a significant loss in traffic.

    I think this will get worse as more mods and content creators leave the site. The content creators are what fuel traffic on Reddit, without them the site becomes a tired, hollow, experience that serves to merely echo what has already been posted on other sites.

    After the initial shockwave (should be over soon), we should see the exodus slow down but keep trickling off until the company can no longer justify keeping the servers up. This will take a good while, probably a year or so, but will be the end of Reddit. The only thing I can see derailing this would be Ellen Pao getting fired. That one action could completely revive the site.

    For those questioning, I did not simply pull this out of my rear-end... but I kind of did. My analysis is based on traffic patterns, my own experience, and the great Digg fall. It is, by no means, a solid fact but I feel that there is enough evidence for it to be a valid prediction. Based on the information, this is where I see things headed.

  • Fooferhill

    And happy to be here. Looking forward to a long stay.

  • CuppaMatt

    The FPH thing didn't really bother me. I'm all for stopping harassment and while I do see the point that not ALL harassment subreddits have been dealt with I don't think that means that FPH * shouldn't * have been dealt with.

    The main reason I'm here is because the happenings of Friday basically made me aware of Snapzu for the first time and I've honestly found it to be a LOT more friendly and.... mature in the levels of conversation. As such I'm really enjoying it.

  • BarnyardOwl

    Wow. I'm amazed at how fast that other site collapsed. I would've expected it to be more gradual, but this and Voat being down this entire weekend is just evidence of how quickly things went south.

  • genuineparts

    I joined Snapzu in the AMAgeddon because I'm getting pretty fed up with all the drama. I understand the Mods and I support the desicion, but suddenly everything gets into a FPH, Pao hate, SJW cesspit and I really don't need that. So I look forward to meet a bunch of reasonable people here :)