Text Post: A look at the numbers posted by picklefingers
  • Triseult

    The way I see this: the FPH drama drove away the FPHers, who mostly went to Voat, who promised them safe haven. The AMAgeddon has pissed off regular users who were not directly involved in the FPH drama, and who just want a community to call their own.

    I'm definitely in the latter... Never considered leaving during the FPH drama, but the admins mismanaging their relationship with the community and the moderators is pissing me off enough to want to find a new place to call home. Not surprised the numbers have surged now.

    • newuser

      Things went exactly the same for me. The FPH thing didn't even register in my radar. The latest drama did, in a major way and everything that's happened has left a bad taste in my mouth whenever I browse reddit.

      To be honest, I still visit there. I have the reddit sync android app and it's almost muscle memory to open it up every now and then :). But it's getting to the point where it's harder and harder to ignore the constant fanboy service and the thinly-veiled marketing gimmicks.

      And, with AMA becoming commercialized, I expect posts there are going to be more 'Rampart'-esque. That's probably just the most obvious subreddit to fall. Others will start becoming more and more commercialized.

      • Firetail

        I started looking way before the FPH drama i just didn't know about Snapzu.

      • Mastersgt98

        Agreed, I couldn't care less about the FPH drama. This new AMAgeddon is just caustic for everyone and no one will come out of this looking good, unfortunately the reddit I enjoy is not the same reddit that there is now.