Text Post: A look at the numbers posted by picklefingers
  • skeeva

    How does this compare to voat?

    • picklefingers

      Nowhere close as far as I've heard. I've heard numbers around 100,000-500,000 though I do not know of their sources.

      • hingeattack

        I'm glad. As interesting as it was to see the opinions of so many people, I think a smaller community might be better. It's more relaxed, and leaves a lot less worrying about how the community will receive your content and opinions.

        • kvn

          I'm okay with a huge community, but not with cancerous members like voat

          • [Deleted Profile]

            [This comment was removed]

          • hingeattack

            Yeah, I think that with a large community its more likely that users like that will go unnoticed by reasonable people and gain supporters.

            As for the users on voat, I definitely don't like what I've seen of them. There are probably quite a few reasonable people there, but they're being washed out by the others.

          • Urmel

            Hm, for me it's the opposite: I am glad, the communities here are still small and the influx, while huge, is smaller than at voat. This gives us newbies the opportunity to adapt to the culture of snapzu instead of turning it into reddit 2.0. Also, the smaller communities encourage more to participation instead of only lurking, I find.

            I have been under a different account name than this one a redditor for seven years and while I have never been that active, I noticed, my contribution (especially comments) declined drastically over the past years as the subreddits that I frequented became bigger and bigger and responses within the threads more hostile. This here reminds me more of the earlier times with more civilized conversations. I really hope, we are able to keep it up.,