Text Post: A look at the numbers posted by picklefingers
  • newuser

    Things went exactly the same for me. The FPH thing didn't even register in my radar. The latest drama did, in a major way and everything that's happened has left a bad taste in my mouth whenever I browse reddit.

    To be honest, I still visit there. I have the reddit sync android app and it's almost muscle memory to open it up every now and then :). But it's getting to the point where it's harder and harder to ignore the constant fanboy service and the thinly-veiled marketing gimmicks.

    And, with AMA becoming commercialized, I expect posts there are going to be more 'Rampart'-esque. That's probably just the most obvious subreddit to fall. Others will start becoming more and more commercialized.

    • Firetail

      I started looking way before the FPH drama i just didn't know about Snapzu.

    • Mastersgt98

      Agreed, I couldn't care less about the FPH drama. This new AMAgeddon is just caustic for everyone and no one will come out of this looking good, unfortunately the reddit I enjoy is not the same reddit that there is now.