Text Post: A look at the numbers posted by picklefingers
  • jarekb84 (edited 8 years ago)

    To quote drunkenninja post from yestereday.

    ...There is closer to about 14,000 member at this moment.

    ... about 15,000 invite requests awaiting since we cannot send them out at this point due to traffic constrains.

    So there are about as many people waiting in the invite queue as there are current members. That's insane and awesome!

    • KaliYugaz

      Hopefully the invites can get through and those people don't wander off! Snapzu needs plenty of people to build a diverse and stable community.

      • jarekb84

        I think they're slowly releasing the invite codes to prevent overloading the hosting infrastructure. This tribe has grown by a bit over 300 members today, which is as many users who joined per week previously.

    • picklefingers

      A bit of an update on that number. As of two hours ago, my last referral that went through was Member Id #000015482, so well over 15,000 members and on our way to 16000.