Text Post: A look at the numbers posted by picklefingers
  • shannondoah

    What if shitty people are invited?

  • picklefingers
    @shannondoah -

    You can't do anything about that. Those same people could just request an invite anyways. Shitty people will get through, just many shitty people will be filtered out. After that, its a matter of dealing with things as users and moderators of this site.

    • BarnyardOwl
      @picklefingers -

      I feel like Snapzu's invite system isn't supposed to keep all shitty people out, but it would do wonders against bridgading. It would be quite easy for one person to get invited to Snapzu, (heck, there's even a thread over on Reddit of invites) but it would be much harder for a whole community to hop over here.