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  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Is there a good free online source to learn African languages, similar to Duolingo?

    I'm wanting to learn Xhosa.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +43 44 1

    How do we encourage our spectator Snappers to become active posters?

    Ok I'm posting here partly because it is a question for Snapzu and partly because it is one of the most active tribes. There was a similar thread about this not too long ago and an interesting point was made about people who are waiting for content because they aren't on other content site, therefore they literally cannot post content themselves. I can see that but this is about tribes this doesn't apply to.

    There are tribes that I really want to see thrive which do not need access to other content to do so. That's because these tribes are based around original content of the tribe members. An example I'm going to use but is in no way the only situation I have experienced, is /t/writingprompts. This is a tribe where there are apparently (I can't see right now on my phone), if I remember correctly, about 30-50 members. With that number if each member posted even a prompt once every month and if even a couple members took a little time to respond, then it could be a fairly interesting tribe. This is a tribe that not only doesn't rely on getting content elsewhere but cannot. So I have to ask, if not to post prompts or respond to them, what did those members join for?

    I'm even more saddened to see how a tribe such as /t/needafriend has gone quiet. It's a tribe whose sole purpose is to just post and find someone to chat to. I joined because I was interested to watch how it might help others, as someone who used to struggle through depression. Maybe even chat to a couple people looking for a friend. (Maybe every member there is the same as me who knows)

    I feel that maybe, partially, as amazing as it is in other regards, these specialist tribes take a hit due to the way the system has set up multiple tribe posting, because people have less incentives to visit individual tribe pages or go post discussions or check the discussions posted.

    I guess I'm here just to hear your guys thoughts. Do you think I'm just over reacting to seeing tribes I had high hopes for go quiet? Have you experienced similar issues with other tribes? Are there tribes who found a way to encourage the spectators into participation?

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  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +3 4 1

    Titansgrave: Chapter 10 | Geek and Sundry


  • Expression
    9 years ago
    +21 21 0

    An interesting article, focusing mostly on women, on why more are choosing not to have children. What are your thoughts? Interested in either side.

    Even though it seems that this article focused specifically on why women of our generation don't want kids. A lot of these reasons resonate with my own. If you don't feel your tribe is where this belongs, I apologise, I wasn't sure w ...

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    [Discussion][Story] Today I played a new game system that was amazing.

    Today I played a game called the Singularity created by a guy here in Cape Town, South Africa. It wasn't like any mechanic I had experienced before. The premise is that the universe has become unstable and worm wholes are opening up all the time sucking up people and spitting them out in alternative realities.

    It is an extremely rules light game that is designed to allow for a lot of fun and laughter at the rediculous situaoyou find yourself. Today I found myself, a barbarian prince fighting along side a half monkey half man test subject, a group of gnomes in a trench coat acting as one human, a mathematician, a skeptic, a teddy bear and others. Because you get sucked between alternative realities, there were 4 tables, each with their own gm, each with 6 players and each set in a completely different world. When the bell is rung, a dice is rolled to decide who randomly swaps to one of the other tables. The complete madness and hilarity of it all was amazing.

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  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +15 15 0

    My favourite Holy Grail scenes

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0

    The Understanding Barman - A Bit of Fry and Laurie - BBC

    Can't go wrong with these two...

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +8 8 0

    Titansgrave: Chapter 9 | Geek and Sundryï

    I'm just swimming in emotion at the moment! That was the most intense, emotional and dark session of tabletop rpg I have ever seen and I have no idea the repercussions that follow from it. I am now need next week to come now!! :P Most of me ...

  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +14 14 0

    That's right, I LIVE HERE, let the jealousy rain down! [Cape Town, SA]

    "Be Jealous!" Is not something I usually expect to say to people outside my country about my home, but I feel this warrants it. :) A 300 metre-long water slide is due to be a hit in Cape Town this summer from the good people over at Slide ...

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    How do you feel about this?

    Three generations asked how they have fun. It's pretty clear the agenda of the article and the video but what are your thoughts, , do you feel its just a new norm or do you feel we are losing something as a people? Or more likely something in be ...

  • Question
    9 years ago
    +14 14 0

    Anyone else watching Titansgrave?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    [Adapted from asksnapzu] Lets play "Never have I ever!"

    A similar game was posted in asksnapzu but the rules were different.

    The idea is you state something tou haven't done then if someone has done that they post a paragraph telling us about it.

    Example: Post: Never have I ever, walked on coals bare foot.

    Response: Once when I was visiting Asia, there was this performer who was walking on coals. I was pretty drunk at the time and want to show its not that hard, so before the guy could stop me I was walking across it. Needless to say, I had lots of blisters the next day.

    That wasn't a real story, it was just to demonstrate :P

    Let's also try keep it clean but interesting. These things always seem to slide towards sexual things but let's try keep it sfw :)

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    [LFG][Dungeon Worlds] Hey guys, places are now open for the tribe's once-off Dungeon Worlds session.

    So as was mentioned on creating the tribe, we are planning on having a once off roll20 run in Dungeon World as a way of breaking the ice and getting to know each other here in the tribe.

    Our chief, /u/RoastedRareByte, will be DMing for us. If you are interested head throw to the stickied post, or the link I gave above. You can then book which class you'd like to play. All the info you need is in the meta stickied post, including access to the simple rules of the system. You need to indicate your interest to join by the end of Thursday 23rd July to gaurentee your spot so that planning for a time and day can be made.

    I hope you come and join us, I think It'll be awesome. :)

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  • Unspecified
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Another 2 of my own compositions. :)

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Gap Yah

    This clip just makes me laugh when I should just think it stupid.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    [Discussion] Hey Guys, lets get this tribe to be a little bit more active

    Hey guys,

    I feel like this tribe is really quiet, even though we have 25 members, possibly because very few people are actually certain what it’s purpose is for. I personally felt the idea of using it as a place to run groups from, was a great idea, setting up roll20 games. I also really enjoyed the idea of us having a tribe once-off session to get to know each other in. This could get this rolling with a bit of familiarity.

    So essentially I’m saying, let’s open up the discussion again. Lets get into the stickied posts and help get things running, I think this tribe has a lot of potential if we use it. :)

  • Unspecified
    9 years ago
    +8 8 0

    [Warning Lot's of Text](Pathfinders) - "Oath to a Calling"

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +11 13 2


    I am greatly saddened, for I have been doing my best to approach, one by one, the platforms upon which you all bravely stand to introduce yourselves to all the Snappers around you. However, it appears that the portal, through which I access this land, must have decided that I am far too verbose, for whenever I approach a platform to give my welcome speech, time itself appears to freeze. Only once I re-summon the portal am I able to gain access to this, the land of Snapzu.

    I have discovered an anomaly however, where it appears, at least for now, that the portal will still allow me to give my speech upon a platform of my own. So here I stand, forced to yell out my welcome, rather than do it in person.

    Let me introduce myself, I am Sir Wenjarich, the Pencil Knight. There a few tribes where my name may be starting to be recognized, however, for the most part, I am not yet a well-known name around these lands, but this is my new home and so I would like to do my part in making all feel welcome amongst our numbers.

    Please, if you would allow me, I would speak a bit about our land.

    Here in Snapzu, there are many great tribes to visit, some filled with many Snappers, old and young, and heaped in tradition, while others still are only a settler’s outpost, bursting with potential. You will find that these tribes will more than happily welcome you amongst their numbers. For now, before you bother yourself with working out where you think you belong, I would like to offer our welcome, and have you know that all of us Snappers who inhabit the land of Snapzu are pleased that you have arrived!

    It can be a tiresome journey filled with strife and conflict, as you battle through the lands of the angry red eyed aliens and hug the poor goats who bleet sadly under the weight of retired aliens who have mistaken goat for steed. Fret no longer, you can breathe easy young Snapper, for you are safe here.

    As I have already mentioned, there are many wonderful Tribes for you to explore and begin to forge your own space to call home, however, should you feel you have traditions and ideas that you wish to practice and share that are not yet met by the tribes available, we welcome the birth of new tribes as well. Then, you too shall be your own chief, which will aid you to build a group of Snappers who choose to follow you.

    We only ask one thing of you here in our land of Snapzu, and that is for you to show respect and consideration for your fellow Snappers. I too once danced the waltz of blades amongst those angry aliens, defending myself from the unforgiving terrain and yet even a Knight such as myself will tire eventually, and thus I chose to flee and find a new home. Let me suggest an example of the respect to which I refer. Should you meet a Snapper who's opinion you are less inclined to agree with, try to remember that here, we do not strike down, with our sword, a fellow Snapper without cause, that is a cruel and unnecessary punishment to deal out merely because another has a different opinion to your own. NAY! Here we focus on showing our approval by raising up those that please us.

    I look forward to seeing you among all the happenings around our land. Welcome again, and enjoy your stay in Snapzu.

    Raises sword in salute upon his mount, who rises upon hind legs with the sunrise in the background. Falls off horse, looks embarrassed, then awkwardly runs after horse, shouting profanities at it.

    Edit: It would seem proof reading is not amongst the skill set of this knight and that those who took the time to stop by and take heed of my ramblings upon this platform were too kind to say anything. Hopefully I have now rectified my errors. :)

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  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +15 15 0

    Suitable Poetry Sketch - A Bit of Fry and Laurie - BBC

  • Unspecified
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Two poems of my own composing.

    Hey, not sure, if people post their own stuff here but I thought I would give it a go. If you like these two I have others, that I might share at a later stage. These poems were both written a few years ago, in the midst of a depression I' ...