

I am greatly saddened, for I have been doing my best to approach, one by one, the platforms upon which you all bravely stand to introduce yourselves to all the Snappers around you. However, it appears that the portal, through which I access this land, must have decided that I am far too verbose, for whenever I approach a platform to give my welcome speech, time itself appears to freeze. Only once I re-summon the portal am I able to gain access to this, the land of Snapzu.

I have discovered an anomaly however, where it appears, at least for now, that the portal will still allow me to give my speech upon a platform of my own. So here I stand, forced to yell out my welcome, rather than do it in person.

Let me introduce myself, I am Sir Wenjarich, the Pencil Knight. There a few tribes where my name may be starting to be recognized, however, for the most part, I am not yet a well-known name around these lands, but this is my new home and so I would like to do my part in making all feel welcome amongst our numbers.

Please, if you would allow me, I would speak a bit about our land.

Here in Snapzu, there are many great tribes to visit, some filled with many Snappers, old and young, and heaped in tradition, while others still are only a settler’s outpost, bursting with potential. You will find that these tribes will more than happily welcome you amongst their numbers. For now, before you bother yourself with working out where you think you belong, I would like to offer our welcome, and have you know that all of us Snappers who inhabit the land of Snapzu are pleased that you have arrived!

It can be a tiresome journey filled with strife and conflict, as you battle through the lands of the angry red eyed aliens and hug the poor goats who bleet sadly under the weight of retired aliens who have mistaken goat for steed. Fret no longer, you can breathe easy young Snapper, for you are safe here.

As I have already mentioned, there are many wonderful Tribes for you to explore and begin to forge your own space to call home, however, should you feel you have traditions and ideas that you wish to practice and share that are not yet met by the tribes available, we welcome the birth of new tribes as well. Then, you too shall be your own chief, which will aid you to build a group of Snappers who choose to follow you.

We only ask one thing of you here in our land of Snapzu, and that is for you to show respect and consideration for your fellow Snappers. I too once danced the waltz of blades amongst those angry aliens, defending myself from the unforgiving terrain and yet even a Knight such as myself will tire eventually, and thus I chose to flee and find a new home. Let me suggest an example of the respect to which I refer. Should you meet a Snapper who's opinion you are less inclined to agree with, try to remember that here, we do not strike down, with our sword, a fellow Snapper without cause, that is a cruel and unnecessary punishment to deal out merely because another has a different opinion to your own. NAY! Here we focus on showing our approval by raising up those that please us.

I look forward to seeing you among all the happenings around our land. Welcome again, and enjoy your stay in Snapzu.

Raises sword in salute upon his mount, who rises upon hind legs with the sunrise in the background. Falls off horse, looks embarrassed, then awkwardly runs after horse, shouting profanities at it.

Edit: It would seem proof reading is not amongst the skill set of this knight and that those who took the time to stop by and take heed of my ramblings upon this platform were too kind to say anything. Hopefully I have now rectified my errors. :)

9 years ago by Wenjarich with 21 comments

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Conversation 9 comments by 5 users
  • xg549

    I read it all. The whole thing. I don't know why, but I read it.

    • Boudicca (edited 9 years ago)

      IRIA - I Read It All

      Snazu's countercultre TL:DR Just how it should be.

      • Wenjarich

        I too approve of the difference in mind set.

    • Chubros

      So did I and now I have a tear in my eye.

      • Wenjarich

        It humbling to me that my words induced such emotion in you that a tear might be produced. It's my hope that said tear was a product of joy rather than sadness.

        • xg549

          I think he meant tear, like torn paper. Like his retinas just ripped in half because they couldn't handle the sheer sexiness of your speech.

          • Wenjarich

            Your words, so forward in nature, bring a tinge of red to my cheeks. Tis rare that a knight such as myself received words of the like and I must confess I am at a loss as to how to respond. Regardless your kindness is much appreciated!

            I also now feel inclined to worry after the wellness of poor /u/Chubros and the condition of their retina. I would be heavily disheartened should it be found that my words resulted in permanent visual impairment.

    • Wunderflarg

      I ate the bones!

    • Wenjarich

      I'm please that you chose to take the time to read the ramblings of a humble Knight.

  • learnerkid


    Just kidding. I read the whole thing. Forgive me, I am a bit dense, I got that the alien was a reference to reddit but I didn't get what is the poor goat in reference to?

    • Wenjarich

      Voat's mascot is a goat :)

      • learnerkid

        Ohh. I see.. I feel so stupid, the Goat is the only thing I have seen since I tried to check out Voat and yet couldn't connect the dot. I am yet to access the site succesfully.

        • Wenjarich

          Nah, I realised afterwards that it probably wasn't as easy to translate as I'd hoped. My brother read it and told me that it's possible many people wouldn't understand. Haha I mean I'm really not sure how many people picked up I was saying in the beginning that my browser was freazing when I tried to comment on other people's posts but not when I wrote a post of my own. At least my brother told me no one would understand that haha It's one of those things that seems logical as long as you know the answer to before handit haha. :P it was fun to wrote though .

  • Pockets69

    This is awesome, seriously this post!!!! :)

    • Wenjarich

      I am gladdened that you, the one who set me on this noble quest, are pleased with my efforts.

  • double2

    We need valiant individuals and users of correct vocabulary like you over at /t/teamsnapper. Join! I'll make you a mod. You've got moxie, kid. We need moxie.

    • Wenjarich (edited 9 years ago)

      I have joined the ranks. Not sure how good I will be as a mod though. I have never been mod for anything.

      I see my roll as simply making good posts, while casually using the term as if it is the norm. Thus resulting in others taking on said assumtion.