
Hi, I'm TRON1X, and I'm curious- What do YOU do for a living, Snapzites?

Been lurking for a few days. I work weird hours on the eastern coast of the U.S. as an entertainment lighting technician. I like video games, Terry Pratchett, and Sci-Fi. I'm writing a book but it isn't very long yet. Hi, I'm TRON1X, and I think I'm going to like it here. Who are you?

8 years ago by TRON1X with 95 comments

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Conversation 21 comments by 8 users
  • a7h13f

    IT Administrator here, which is just a fancy way of saying I browse Snapzu unless something breaks or catches on fire.

    • drunkenninja

      We need more IT Administrators on Snapzu then!

      • spaceghoti

        What are you paying?

        • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

          Right now... we don't have much, maybe leftover pizza :D

          • spaceghoti

            Pizza? I'm in!

            • drunkenninja

              Ok, you start tomorrow. Pack warm, we live in Igloos!

            • redalastor
              @drunkenninja -

              Bollocks, you live in Vancouver. Don't pretend you have winters! :-P

            • spacepopper
              @drunkenninja -

              They deliver pizza to igloo dwellings?

            • redalastor
              @spacepopper -

              He's a Vancouverite, they deliver marijuana (yes, seriously).

            • drunkenninja
              @spacepopper -

              Did I say pizza? I mean circular disks of seal blubber defrosted and served with wasabi.

      • oystein

        I wish you needed some science teachers as well :-D

        • spacepopper

          At this point we need everyone, we are like a web based version of lord of the rings journey. Any archers in the house? We need you to shoot invite codes at people!

          • a7h13f

            So we are getting second breakfast, then?

            • oystein

              On Snapzu even the elves are hobbits!

            • a7h13f
              @oystein -

              I feel like that should be the site's motto:

              "Snapzu: Even our elves are hobbits!"

            • thburningiraffe

              What about elevensies?

          • oystein

            I shot the invite codes I had! Now you need to give me more to shoot further and wider!

      • a7h13f

        We're wary creatures, but pretty easy to bribe. Food and beer both seem to work well.

    • VoyagerXyX

      IT Admin here too, that's EXACTLY what I do. I'm so glad someone else knows the struggle! Haha! My fiancé and brother hate me for my job because they can't spend nearly as much time, if any, on snapzu at work. I think it's hilarious!

      • a7h13f

        The struggle is real. Right now I'm battling with users who are complaining of phone problems, but aren't willing to write down the time and phone number of the problem calls. All I can really do is document what little cooperation they give me so that my ass is covered lol

  • massani

    I'm officially unemployed!

  • ClarkKent

    Hello, /u/Tron1x I work in a office building in a big city. It is a Monday-Friday job and I commute about 2 hours back and forth, I get paid good for what I do and I enjoy doing it.

    I think you will like it here as well! Check out some of the tribes /t/newtribes

    • TRON1X

      Would that city be called Metropolis by chance? ;) Also thanks for the point to /t/newtribes! I was wondering if there was a better way to discover tribes than just browsing. Thanks for the heads up!

    • thelastCastoff

      I'm assuming this is all in Metropolis?

  • joker


    Right now, I'm a Linux administrator/NetSec administrator.

    Starting today at 3:00 US Central time, I will be a contractor Linux admin for the same company, and site availability engineer for a wire frame/prototyping company.

    Welcome to the family!

    • TRON1X

      Thanks! That sounds like an interesting gig. I've been meaning to brush up on Linux. It's the basis for the GrandMA2 lighting console's OS, which is the company favorite where I work, and I have a raspberryPI rolling around in my trunk somewhere. Any resource suggestions for a beginner?

  • Qukatt

    Stay at home.mum, freelance writer, oddjob woman, and commission based hooker :)

    Ex chemical quality assurance tech in the oil industry. I miss the money and work but now the industry practises or the people

    • TRON1X

      That's quite an array of work! I have a friend who was Forestry/Geology major in school who signed on with a big oil company recently. I think she really likes the pay and the benefits, but I'm not sure how she feels about the industry, especially coming from her background haha.

      • Qukatt

        There's some highly questionable practices they expect and encourage which wasn't worth the money for me in the end.

        Unfortunately I left it too long and am struggling to get hired into a medical setting :( I have to start my education from scratch

  • sarcasimo

    Welcome aboard!

    I spend my days browsing Snapzu...errr, I'm an IT project manager for an energy company.

    I think you'll like it here, someone already mentioned /t/newtribes which is a great start, also use the search function, it's a nice way to find new tribes, or found your own tribe!


    • TRON1X

      Thanks for the warm welcome! Hope you have a good day browsing... erm, managing!

  • Boop

    I'm a web developer from Canada who loves to run, play video games and eat food.

  • thelastCastoff

    IT Recruiter!

    I love what I do loads of people scoff at me due to bad experiences with bad recuirters, I get that.

    The bright way to look at it is that I am paid to help people find jobs. Its rewarding and profitable.

  • Amulet

    I work as a software developer with a focus on UI/UX and graphics/visual type of things. So for a living I'm sitting in front of shiny Apple computers and putting together pixels in interesting combinations. :)

  • cunt

    I am a full time student who got his diploma cert through today YAY! and will be starting uni after the summer doing a course in Computer Networking and Design.

    In my spare time I'm a security guard and run an import/export business for expats

    I'm currently looking for some work experience in the IT industry if anyone knows of any. Voluntary or Paid, either looks good on a CV :D

  • mattythegreater (edited 8 years ago)

    I'm an unemployed student- ... well, can't even call myself a student yet (I start university in October) so I guess, unemployed?

    And I'm a fellow Sir Terry fan! I'm guessing you've read The Long Earth series if you're a fan of sci-fi too (and if you haven't, read them, they're fantastic!). Good luck on your book by the way- and welcome!

    • TRON1X

      Thanks for the recommendation and the welcome! They're on my list but I think I'll bump them up a few spaces. Currently trying to work through all of the Vimes-centric Discworld.

  • madjo

    Hi, /u/TRON1X.

    I like to do as little as possible, but if i must work, it's as a software tester in The Netherlands. From Tuesday in a different part of that country, much to my chagrin.

  • zowievicious

    I am a stay at home mom, but just got hired back in my old field of social services! I'm really looking forward to getting out of the house for something else besides grocery shopping and trips to the playground.

  • shannondoah

    I'm a medical student here. In India :).

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

    [This comment was removed]

  • indycorps

    Technical Analyst for a consulting company in the telecom industry.

  • hingeattack

    I am a student, but I'm off for the summer, so I actually do nothing. When I phrase it like that it sounds a little bleak, actually, but I'm enjoying summer vacation. Funnily enough, there was one week where I was not enrolled in any school at all. When I transferred schools at one point, I temporarily was a NEET.

  • redalastor

    In about two weeks, I transition from Dev to DevOps.

  • nicoscope (edited 8 years ago)

    Hi /u/TRON1X.

    I'm a 911 dispatcher, which appears to be a lot like IT administrators the way /u/a7h13f described it: I browse Snapzu until someone is about to die or something catches on fire.

    • ChelsG

      How do you like your job? I've contemplated becoming a 911 dispatcher but I change my mind when I start envisioning all the scenarios I could potentially end up handling. I'm not sure how comfortable I would be with hearing a person die over the phone or listening to someone discovering a dying person.

      • nicoscope

        I had the same apprehensions before I began. But it's all up to you in the end. What you realize that death is a daily occurrence, a part of life; and that there's only so much you can do to prevent it, you stop feeling responsible and shook up about it.

        Had someone hang himself on me after I had spent 15 minutes trying to talk him out of it. But in that 15 minutes, I had managed to convince him to give me his name, which we used to find his address, and we could get there in time before he died. So we saved him in the end. I did all I could, and it worked. Some other times, I'd do all I could, and it wouldn't work. What matters is that I do my tasks as best as I can. I can't control the result.

    • a7h13f

      What a wild coincidence! I used to be a PSAP administrator! I basically spent all my time hanging out with dispatchers haha! Until their computers broke, then shit hit the fan. I guess that says something about me that I always end up with work environments that are all our noting...

      • nicoscope

        Haha! Our shit breaks all the time. If the populace knew how their emergency services rely on 25-30 yrs old broke ass technology...

  • JoPro87

    Pharmacy Technician in Raleigh, NC here. Transplant from Akron, OH, home of the defunct rubber factories, The Black Keys, and Lebron James. Trying to get the pre-reqs out of the way to go to pharmacy school. Camping, hiking sports and hanging with the wife is what I do in my free time.

    • ChelsG

      Also home to my favourite female fitness model, Ashley Kaltwasser!

  • Invaderzim (edited 8 years ago)

    Hi! Nice to meet you! I work nights as a custodian at a college in the beautiful central coast in California... but I've written a children's book and I'm trying to finish the illustrations... Almost done after 3 years, yikes!

  • Dattix

    Pizza delivery guy at the moment. Though I'm moving to college soon so that will change most likely.

    • Invaderzim

      My first job was pizza driving... So now I always tip my pizza guy really really well... Everyone should!

  • wayneredwood

    This comment has been removed

  • hitthee (edited 8 years ago)

    Pffff look at all these useful people! what are you guys doing on the internet! you're useful! go be useful!

    What am I? chronically useless of course.

    Everything I've tired has ether imploded or ended in utter failure.

    I guess that's as good a descriptor as any unless professional failure or jinx is a thing? Is this a pitty party? fuck no.

    C'est la vie!

    If I couldn't laugh at myself I'd probably be long dead.

    What do I do? anything and everything because I am really nothing :P

    I run a wine making co-op which I corruptly skim off the top of ;) - naw I just manage the equipment and divvy up the common supplies when they're ordered. We're all just a bunch of winos and beeros and it cheaper to buy in bulk.

    I'm a dog pimp. hah my dogs a stud people pay for my beagle to impregnate their beagle bitches. His life is good. My beagle is an exceptional tracker so they want to keep his line going. He likes it and as a bonus he gets to keep his balls (wooohooo). I used to breed Shetland sheepdogs but when my former dogs passed well I didn't want that breed any longer.

    I am an utter failure.

    What? I thought you said this isn't a pity party! ;) it's just an acceptance of the facts. I'm the type of person just to lay it all out there :P well most of the time....

    hmmmm what have I failed at? well:

    I was a journalist! I sadly respected peoples privacy :O yeah not really good for a carrier in journalism That and crippling shyness I cover with bravado isn't the best way to get information out of people. =/ I wasn't really suited.

    I was an editor. That didn't work out either but hey they tried to keep me! so there's that....

    I was a writer: not the type of who tries and never gets publish to write but the much worse ghost variety who writes other peoples crap and gets blamed when it won't sell. Why? because no one is interested the crap concept that's why! It was rather stupid of me to take on the project. I knew it was crap but I needed money. I ended up destroying any chance I had >< for myself. Here's the lesson kids don't ghost write you'll wreck your reputation with publishers sigh it isn't worth it.

    Despite my sloppy informal style shown in this post I know grammar, syntax and spelling very well I just don't bother. Formal writing is less human to me, that and I come off as a conceited prick which I don't really like. Ekk a jerkoff or a moron what a choice..... formal writing was great for academics but not so much real life...

    If you listen to people speak most of the time we all sound like blithering morons, especially me, its an entirely different language.

    Embrace the blitherness EMBRACE IT!

    I ran a cheese shop.

    I was thrown out of teachers college ....... twice.... oh god long stories.... this was the closest I'd ever come to being broken hah.

    1st time Short version: School decided it's image was more important than admitting it had made an error. They contacted the partner board saying I was secretly recording kids during practicum. Ummm no I record myself talking to myself as I work things out at my desk as this is how I work. This little issue went all the way to the Primere of my provinces office which said in essence you're right, their argument is very stupid but since we don't regulate them you're shit out of luck. Thankfully the board listened ;) so a few years later after licking my bruised ego and assorted wounds I tried again.

    That leads us to the Second time... yeah was fucked up and I do...

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