  • hitthee (edited 8 years ago)

    Pffff look at all these useful people! what are you guys doing on the internet! you're useful! go be useful!

    What am I? chronically useless of course.

    Everything I've tired has ether imploded or ended in utter failure.

    I guess that's as good a descriptor as any unless professional failure or jinx is a thing? Is this a pitty party? fuck no.

    C'est la vie!

    If I couldn't laugh at myself I'd probably be long dead.

    What do I do? anything and everything because I am really nothing :P

    I run a wine making co-op which I corruptly skim off the top of ;) - naw I just manage the equipment and divvy up the common supplies when they're ordered. We're all just a bunch of winos and beeros and it cheaper to buy in bulk.

    I'm a dog pimp. hah my dogs a stud people pay for my beagle to impregnate their beagle bitches. His life is good. My beagle is an exceptional tracker so they want to keep his line going. He likes it and as a bonus he gets to keep his balls (wooohooo). I used to breed Shetland sheepdogs but when my former dogs passed well I didn't want that breed any longer.

    I am an utter failure.

    What? I thought you said this isn't a pity party! ;) it's just an acceptance of the facts. I'm the type of person just to lay it all out there :P well most of the time....

    hmmmm what have I failed at? well:

    I was a journalist! I sadly respected peoples privacy :O yeah not really good for a carrier in journalism That and crippling shyness I cover with bravado isn't the best way to get information out of people. =/ I wasn't really suited.

    I was an editor. That didn't work out either but hey they tried to keep me! so there's that....

    I was a writer: not the type of who tries and never gets publish to write but the much worse ghost variety who writes other peoples crap and gets blamed when it won't sell. Why? because no one is interested the crap concept that's why! It was rather stupid of me to take on the project. I knew it was crap but I needed money. I ended up destroying any chance I had >< for myself. Here's the lesson kids don't ghost write you'll wreck your reputation with publishers sigh it isn't worth it.

    Despite my sloppy informal style shown in this post I know grammar, syntax and spelling very well I just don't bother. Formal writing is less human to me, that and I come off as a conceited prick which I don't really like. Ekk a jerkoff or a moron what a choice..... formal writing was great for academics but not so much real life...

    If you listen to people speak most of the time we all sound like blithering morons, especially me, its an entirely different language.

    Embrace the blitherness EMBRACE IT!

    I ran a cheese shop.

    I was thrown out of teachers college ....... twice.... oh god long stories.... this was the closest I'd ever come to being broken hah.

    1st time Short version: School decided it's image was more important than admitting it had made an error. They contacted the partner board saying I was secretly recording kids during practicum. Ummm no I record myself talking to myself as I work things out at my desk as this is how I work. This little issue went all the way to the Primere of my provinces office which said in essence you're right, their argument is very stupid but since we don't regulate them you're shit out of luck. Thankfully the board listened ;) so a few years later after licking my bruised ego and assorted wounds I tried again.

    That leads us to the Second time... yeah was fucked up and I do...

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