TRON1X's feed
9 years agoLevel Up TRON1X
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9 years agoComment TRON1X
I would invite anyone who has concerns about the potential for a transhuman future to read "The Gentle Seduction" by Marc Stiegler. It's a bit of a pie-in-the-sky version of the future-human-narrative, but I think it addresses a number of potential problems and makes the whole idea seem less dystopian and more hopeful. I've added it as a related link :).
Posted in: Why I Advocate for Becoming a Machine
9 years ago
Well, I get my weekly schedule about two weeks in advance, and it's always a little different, but this past week I've been a tech on a summer concert series as a "lighting assist", basically, so I go and clock in at work around noon, the group running the event meets up at our storage warehouse, and we all go over to the venue together- audio, lighting, and sometimes video technicians. When I get there, the lighting crew chief will usually have some "to-do"s like fixing malfunctioning moving lights, (It's very hot and humid where I am which is hell on the moving parts!), or cleaning some of the inventory bit by bit. There are three concerts that start around 5 in the evening, so depending on the workload, if I'm done with backstage stuff I like to sit and watch the lighting programmer run the show, which is all done in a "busking" style (basically putting looks together on the fly, instead of using prerecorded "cues" that follow one another). In my downtime I'm trying to learn the lighting console that we use so we have a spare set up in the back that I work on when I can!
Crazy about all the IT people here! Although IT folk usually have good taste in websites so I think that's a good sign for Snapzu! :)
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9 years ago
Wilderness Advanced First Aid training always looks good to Park services I think. Also if there's any sort of volunteer rural search and rescue squad in your area? If you join up they will occasionally fund classes on things like tracking, survival skills, navigation, etc. focused on wilderness, and they would already likely be working with any large protected parks in your area from time to time when someone gets lost in the woods, etc. My buddy was a physics major who worked (I think) laser optical measurements in school so I think it was mostly his extra-curriclars that led him to the job anyway. He did a lot of hiking and climbing. Next time I talk to him I'll ask him how he found/got the job though!
9 years ago
Thanks for the recommendation and the welcome! They're on my list but I think I'll bump them up a few spaces. Currently trying to work through all of the Vimes-centric Discworld.
9 years ago
I was an after-care program kid growing up! You're good people! It's nice that yours is learning oriented. Mine was mostly playing yard-sale video game consoles. Sorta explains how I turned out, now that I think about it. Teachers make pretty good parents in my experience, and with a range from 5th grade to high school experience, you'll be pros at handling the raging hormone years long before your kids ever get there! So that's a plus. I have a buddy who just went out west to work as a National Forest (Park?) Enforcement ranger in Colorado. He really loves it there. That might be worth looking into! And with a masters in education, I'm sure there's plenty of nature preserves that could use help with programming, especially on conservation and eco-friendliness.
9 years ago
Thanks for the warm welcome! Hope you have a good day browsing... erm, managing!
9 years ago
That's quite an array of work! I have a friend who was Forestry/Geology major in school who signed on with a big oil company recently. I think she really likes the pay and the benefits, but I'm not sure how she feels about the industry, especially coming from her background haha.
9 years ago
Thanks! That sounds like an interesting gig. I've been meaning to brush up on Linux. It's the basis for the GrandMA2 lighting console's OS, which is the company favorite where I work, and I have a raspberryPI rolling around in my trunk somewhere. Any resource suggestions for a beginner?
9 years ago
Would that city be called Metropolis by chance? ;) Also thanks for the point to /t/newtribes! I was wondering if there was a better way to discover tribes than just browsing. Thanks for the heads up!
9 years agoLevel Up TRON1X
Level 2
TRON1X is now level 2 with 1,130 XP.
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- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 55.
9 years agoText Post TRON1X
Hi, I'm TRON1X, and I'm curious- What do YOU do for a living, Snapzites?
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