Conversation 21 comments by 8 users
  • a7h13f

    IT Administrator here, which is just a fancy way of saying I browse Snapzu unless something breaks or catches on fire.

    • drunkenninja

      We need more IT Administrators on Snapzu then!

      • spaceghoti

        What are you paying?

        • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

          Right now... we don't have much, maybe leftover pizza :D

          • spaceghoti

            Pizza? I'm in!

            • drunkenninja

              Ok, you start tomorrow. Pack warm, we live in Igloos!

            • redalastor
              @drunkenninja -

              Bollocks, you live in Vancouver. Don't pretend you have winters! :-P

            • spacepopper
              @drunkenninja -

              They deliver pizza to igloo dwellings?

            • redalastor
              @spacepopper -

              He's a Vancouverite, they deliver marijuana (yes, seriously).

            • drunkenninja
              @spacepopper -

              Did I say pizza? I mean circular disks of seal blubber defrosted and served with wasabi.

      • oystein

        I wish you needed some science teachers as well :-D

        • spacepopper

          At this point we need everyone, we are like a web based version of lord of the rings journey. Any archers in the house? We need you to shoot invite codes at people!

          • a7h13f

            So we are getting second breakfast, then?

            • oystein

              On Snapzu even the elves are hobbits!

            • a7h13f
              @oystein -

              I feel like that should be the site's motto:

              "Snapzu: Even our elves are hobbits!"

            • thburningiraffe

              What about elevensies?

          • oystein

            I shot the invite codes I had! Now you need to give me more to shoot further and wider!

      • a7h13f

        We're wary creatures, but pretty easy to bribe. Food and beer both seem to work well.

    • VoyagerXyX

      IT Admin here too, that's EXACTLY what I do. I'm so glad someone else knows the struggle! Haha! My fiancé and brother hate me for my job because they can't spend nearly as much time, if any, on snapzu at work. I think it's hilarious!

      • a7h13f

        The struggle is real. Right now I'm battling with users who are complaining of phone problems, but aren't willing to write down the time and phone number of the problem calls. All I can really do is document what little cooperation they give me so that my ass is covered lol