  • drunkenninja

    We need more IT Administrators on Snapzu then!

    • spaceghoti

      What are you paying?

      • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

        Right now... we don't have much, maybe leftover pizza :D

        • spaceghoti

          Pizza? I'm in!

          • drunkenninja

            Ok, you start tomorrow. Pack warm, we live in Igloos!

          • redalastor
            @drunkenninja -

            Bollocks, you live in Vancouver. Don't pretend you have winters! :-P

          • spacepopper
            @drunkenninja -

            They deliver pizza to igloo dwellings?

          • redalastor
            @spacepopper -

            He's a Vancouverite, they deliver marijuana (yes, seriously).

          • drunkenninja
            @spacepopper -

            Did I say pizza? I mean circular disks of seal blubber defrosted and served with wasabi.

    • oystein

      I wish you needed some science teachers as well :-D

      • spacepopper

        At this point we need everyone, we are like a web based version of lord of the rings journey. Any archers in the house? We need you to shoot invite codes at people!

        • a7h13f

          So we are getting second breakfast, then?

          • oystein

            On Snapzu even the elves are hobbits!

          • a7h13f
            @oystein -

            I feel like that should be the site's motto:

            "Snapzu: Even our elves are hobbits!"

          • thburningiraffe

            What about elevensies?

        • oystein

          I shot the invite codes I had! Now you need to give me more to shoot further and wider!

    • a7h13f

      We're wary creatures, but pretty easy to bribe. Food and beer both seem to work well.