
What's the rarest thing you own?

9 years ago by 90boss with 41 comments

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Conversation 8 comments by 5 users
  • spaceghoti

    My sanity, what little is left of it.

    Previously I owned a limited edition M-Series Mazda 626 from 1996. Unfortunately the previous owner had beat on it and one of the pistons started to fail before I bought it. I put several thousand dollars into restoring the thing before we finally nailed down that problem, and by that point I couldn't afford the cost of fixing it. I finally sold it to an older gentleman who talked about replacing the engine with something from the junkyard. :'(

    • drunkenninja

      Sounds like that car took a lot of it :)

      • spaceghoti

        Meh. I've had so many cars that ended up not being worth the upkeep. By far the most surprising and enraging was the 1997 Toyota Corolla that I'd just spent a lot of money getting tuned up and ensured that it was properly maintained. The engine died a week later. I never went back to that shop again.

        • spacepopper

          I had a 98 Toyota Corolla, you just told my story.

          • spaceghoti

            I've had three Corollas. The first one died because I didn't maintain it, and I learned my lesson. My second went from 50k miles to 350k miles (I do a lot of driving; cheaper than flying) and so far as I know is still running. The third was the 97 that died right after I'd done my yearly maintenance. I can't prove the shop sabotaged the car for a "call back" but I'm certainly not going to trust them again.

            • drunkenninja

              I've always heard good stories about how reliable they were. I guess you happened on a lemon or the shop did sabotage your car for extra cash. Crooked mechanics are the worst.

            • Nelson

              Bought a Corolla at auction once for 500 bucks. Served me well for 3 years until the engine died. Was a good car for the cash.

            • 90boss
              @Nelson -

              Did you visit a mechanic often? If you haven't, you got some great value out of it.

  • spacepopper

    A full head of hair. My whole family tree is bald, brother, father, grandfather both on my mother and father's side.

    • drunkenninja

      Is the milkman just as blessed? :D

      • spacepopper

        Got me good, I will admit. Now shaddup!

  • idlethreat

    In the movie Antitrust, actor Tim Robbins had a scene where wore a t-shirt that had "Pussy" on the front.

    I own that t-shirt.

    The wife bought it for me in a movie auction once years ago. It's still in it's box today. Every once in a while I pull it out and giggle at what the fuck we were thinking whenever we bought it.

    I'll post some pics or something later.

    • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

      Definitely one of a kind, and with Tim Robbin's armpit sweat still unwashed I hope!

  • zyery

    My grandfather's WW2 military pack. It's in good shape, I take it with me wherever I go.

    • Splitfish


    • ColonBowel

      Really wherever you go? Like when you go to a port-o-potty or on a first date. You just lug that thing around? Please. GIVE.ME.A.BREAK!

    • Roundcat

      My Grandfather gave me his WW2 Medical bag, and I'm still debating whether I should use it, or save it as an heirloom.

  • Jupiter7

    Pretty much nothing. Only thing that may come even closeish is somewhere around here I have a 50-60 year old 22 rifle that hasnt been used before. I don't know much about it so it is probably worthless so who knows. Also my dad has a pretty cool sword that is supposed to be a replica of Excalibur. I keep meaning to pick it up from him, but I don't have anywhere to put it right now :(

  • sushmonster (edited 9 years ago)

    An original first edition battered copy of the 100th Archie comic that I just happened upon. Not the proudest rare thing to own, but that's all I got lol. Edit: Also, now I realize this is why people collect rare items. It makes for fun discussion topics. I always wondered what the fascination was about haha!

    • drunkenninja

      Hey, you got me beat! I own an almost mint condition Wayne Gretzky rookie card, it's probably worth like 200 bucks but I consider it the rarest thing I own. I don't really own rare things, never felt the need to "collect" out side of my hockey card binge back when I was a kid.

  • cheezoncrack

    While not sure but i have a snowboard that I think is limited. Its unit 160 out of not sure how many, assuming not a lot if numbered off like it is on the board.

  • Cobbydaler

    A set of bearings from the flight control linkage of the last flying Avro Vulcan, XH558.

    • drunkenninja

      For anyone wondering, it's this beast.

    • Harold (edited 9 years ago)

      Are you this twat? http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/hunt-on-to-find-doncaster-vulcan-bomber-thief-1-7235139

      If so please return what was stolen.

      Also it flew from Doncaster two weeks ago.

      • Cobbydaler

        No, they were spares I received for donating to keep it flying!

        • Harold

          Good on you! Were you at take off two weeks ago? Blood and ashes that plane is loud.

          • Cobbydaler

            No, I live in the US now. But I've seen her many times at displays around the country and in her hangar.

      • drunkenninja

        A control column has been taken from the last remaining flying Vulcan’s base at Robin Hood Airport - and the group which looks after the iconic aircraft are appealing for help in getting the joystick back - before calling in the police.

        Heh, he mentioned bearings and not a joystick :D

  • FRIK

    I have a piece of mummy embalming cloth. An ancestor was an archaeologist in Egypt. And he had cut off a piece of mummy cloth and sent to his wife, to show what he was working on and what he was finding.

    And no, it's not cursed. Well, who knows!?

  • tarellel

    Time, it's the most precious things in our lives to poses. Not many of us has enough of it to do what we want and/or need. It can't be traded or bought, but it can be taken from people before their they're done with it.

  • Ewok007 (edited 9 years ago)

    Probably one of my amiibos...

    • canuck

      I had to google what that was. How much is your collection worth?

  • Bunnyrabbit

    I assume this doesn't include things I've made myself as they are of course one of a kind, which leads me to the discovery that none of my things are that rare. I have an antique Danish clock, but there is nothing special about it to anyone but me, and the world does not lack antique clocks.

    I do have a print out of the comics Coolville and Intershadows by Kathleen Jacques which is the only complete copy in the world that I know of. The artist has expressed her wishes for it to disappear from the world completely so I can't appraise it. The comics and the small, close knit community of loveable weirdos that formed around it were a big part of my teenage years, so I cannot bring myself to destroy them. So in a stack of folder in the attic above my parents garage it languishes, the rarest thing I've ever owned.

  • nikuhiru

    My wife has a prop from the TV series of Stargate SG-1.

    Iv'e got a few beers that are pretty rare that I'm holding onto for ageing and drinking eventually.

    • 90boss

      Don't wait too long, beer doesn't age well.

  • LukeC

    I have a pair of shoes signed by an A's player who never got good...

    So, nothing really :(

  • ColonBowel

    When the July 26 Movement (Castro el. al) took over Cuba, Ernesto "Che" Guevara became the head of the national bank. He hated money so much, that he refused to sign the bank notes/currency with his real name Ernesto Guevara. Instead, he signed them Che, which would be similar to George W. Bush signing Dubya. The point being, I have a 10 Peso bill from 1960 that was signed by "Che".

    See the bottom left signature

  • CrazyDiamond

    Button Gwinnett's signature. The guy was pretty much a nobody, but for whatever reason, he was one of the people to sign the Declaration of Independence. Because he didn't need to sign his name much, and because collectors want to get all the signatures of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, his signature is one of the most valuable and rare signatures in human history.


    I have some Sick pepes! No but seriously I have a pretty extensive collection of rare currency.