  • Bunnyrabbit

    I assume this doesn't include things I've made myself as they are of course one of a kind, which leads me to the discovery that none of my things are that rare. I have an antique Danish clock, but there is nothing special about it to anyone but me, and the world does not lack antique clocks.

    I do have a print out of the comics Coolville and Intershadows by Kathleen Jacques which is the only complete copy in the world that I know of. The artist has expressed her wishes for it to disappear from the world completely so I can't appraise it. The comics and the small, close knit community of loveable weirdos that formed around it were a big part of my teenage years, so I cannot bring myself to destroy them. So in a stack of folder in the attic above my parents garage it languishes, the rarest thing I've ever owned.