  • drunkenninja

    Sounds like that car took a lot of it :)

    • spaceghoti

      Meh. I've had so many cars that ended up not being worth the upkeep. By far the most surprising and enraging was the 1997 Toyota Corolla that I'd just spent a lot of money getting tuned up and ensured that it was properly maintained. The engine died a week later. I never went back to that shop again.

      • spacepopper

        I had a 98 Toyota Corolla, you just told my story.

        • spaceghoti

          I've had three Corollas. The first one died because I didn't maintain it, and I learned my lesson. My second went from 50k miles to 350k miles (I do a lot of driving; cheaper than flying) and so far as I know is still running. The third was the 97 that died right after I'd done my yearly maintenance. I can't prove the shop sabotaged the car for a "call back" but I'm certainly not going to trust them again.

          • drunkenninja

            I've always heard good stories about how reliable they were. I guess you happened on a lemon or the shop did sabotage your car for extra cash. Crooked mechanics are the worst.

          • Nelson

            Bought a Corolla at auction once for 500 bucks. Served me well for 3 years until the engine died. Was a good car for the cash.

          • 90boss
            @Nelson -

            Did you visit a mechanic often? If you haven't, you got some great value out of it.