Roundcat's feed

  • 7 years ago
    Level Up Roundcat

    Level 15

    Roundcat is now level 15 with 186,935 XP.

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  • 7 years ago
    Achievement Roundcat

    Busy Bee

    Maintained a 7 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations Roundcat on this achievement!

    +8320 XP
  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    Implanting dictators is kinda their thing. They don't like it when it happens on their turf.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    I'm still shocked by the details of how this came to be. Just reading the fact she was more or less under the control of a family of cultists still seems unreal.

    On a separate note: God Fucking Dammit! Why do sites insist of having auto-playing videos? When I'm reading the news, I'm often on my phone and in public. The the article loads first, and right when I have scrolled down the page, bam, video begins playing, and everyone stares toward my direction. If I wanted to watch a video, I would've pressed play myself. Hell, why have the video and the written article on the same page if they more or less give the same details. I'm either going to ignore the video and read the article, or vise versa. It's redundant and annoying, and I usually exit out of the page when unexpected audio starts playing, because I'm trying desperately to get it to shut up, and its quicker to just click the X or touch the back or home key than it is to find the stupid video, hit stop, and hope it actually stops. Then again, I'm too pissed to continue at that point.

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  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    Just a heads up, this page has an auto play video. I found out the hard way trying to read the article, then the volume started blasting out of my speakers in public.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    It should be noted that they intend to copy their archive and locate it in Canada, rather than uproot and move the current archive in San Fransisco. I do wonder though where will they go if Canada ends up locking down their internet. Web censorship isn't just an idea floated by right wing politicians, but rather it's a bipartisan attempt usually backed by corporate interest.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    When I first started using reddit, I was content with just browsing the front page, and getting whatever news and chuckles from there. As the content there became stale, I started using r/all a bit more as a way of seeking out new subreddits, and curating my front page to my specific interests. I stopped browsing r/all as most of the content there became more hateful and charged. And now I can't even avoid the negativity in much of my subreddits anymore. I used be able to enjoy reddit, but now it has become more of a painful addiction, one that I've been trying to kick. I've been 5 days clean so far, and I already feel better.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    Wow. 800,000 plus people is larger than the population of some cities.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    Kinda gives some perspective to the situation in Iraq. To many of us, Iraq is nothing but one giant warzone, but the reality is there are still people there that cling to hope, and want to change their country for the better.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    The biggest takeaway from this article for me was we haven't set foot on the Moon's surface in almost half a century. The last moon mission was around the time the Vietnam war was coming to a close for the US, and even if we wanted to return, we would almost have to start over from scratch.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    President Park was a puppet for a former cult leader's daughter.

  • 8 years ago
    Achievement Roundcat

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 15/15 times! Congratulations Roundcat on this achievement!

    +12380 XP
  • 8 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    I miss springpad... Oh well, at least Google keep works well enough.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    Scooter Quidditch. This happened around the time the first movie was being made. Our teacher put out these balls of different sizes, set up three hula hoops, and expected us to play it like they did in the book. In the end, most of us just goofed around the scooters. That ended when some idiot tried to ride one like a skateboard.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment Roundcat

    What this argument fails to mention is that even though our education system has more room for mistakes and creative thought than South Korea, our education system, much like South Korea's fails to prepare students for adult life and how to accomplish things in the work force.

    Also, and I don't know how true this is in Korea, The quality of your education in the united states is largely based on your location and monetary means. A poor inner city child going to an underfunded public school in Florida is not going to get the same opportunities or quality of education as a well off suburban kid going to an expensive charter or private school, and even then, the inner city kid will likely end up with more debt if he even makes it to college.

    I'd argue that its not that are schools allow for innovation and creativity, as much as only the creative survive.

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  • 9 years ago
    Level Up Roundcat

    Level 14

    Roundcat is now level 14 with 145,255 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Roundcat


    Everyone's favorite non copyright infringing cat is back with idiot dog and virgin guy, as they travel to Paris. Hilarity ensues. Starring Bill Murry,